We all need a little help from our friends from time to time, and when it comes to our lifestyle, accountability can be the key to success. I’ve talked about this before but when it comes to lifestyle there are different categories of “health” that we need to balance: nutrition, social connections & community, movement, nature, sleep & rest, and our toxic load (this one sounds a little intense, I know). Let’s break this down a little more…
Nutrition: This can be related to food (but not just what you are eating - how and why too!!), supplements, hydration, and more. But without proper (individualized) nutrition we can’t thrive!
Social Connections & Community: Sounds pretty self-explanatory, but there are so many different ways to support yourself in this category and it looks different for each of us. Doesn’t matter whether you are an introvert or extrovert, we all need social connection and we all need a sense of community.
Movement: This likely isn’t the first time you’ve heard me (or seen me) discuss movement, but it is a pillar of living a long, healthy life. But what I do for movement may not work for you, and what I did Monday, may not work on Wednesday. And what works in the summer or 2021 may not work now. Schedules, injuries, preferences, health conditions, religious beliefs, monthly cycles, etc. etc. It all plays a part in figuring this part out! But movement is simply required in some way or another to help keep us alive!
Nature: There are countless ways to connect to nature and they all produce different effects in the body and mind. From sunlight in your eyes to keeping a plant next to your bed, or maybe even just understanding the importance of regenerative agriculture and the connection between our soil and your body. Connecting to nature is vital to our well-being.
Sleep and Rest: We need to re-charge. Plain and simple. If we don’t give ourselves the sleep and rest we need, our bodies will find a way to get it. But it’s so much more than just getting in and out of bed at a certain time each day. It’s listening to what your body needs on a regular basis and honoring those needs while balancing life obligations. It’s about finding rest in movement, nature, connection, and more. It’s about understanding our bodies in each season. But when you can re-charge you’d be surprised at how many aspects of your life can improve!
Toxic Load: This one isn’t as gross as it sounds but this area of health may be the most overwhelming! Yes, the truth is we do live in constant exposure to toxins (from alcohol to air pollution) and some of that is out of our control, but educating yourself, understanding, and finding balance is possible just like with anything else - knowledge is power!! Ignorance can be bliss, but it will catch up with us eventually.
Curious to explore together? Let’s get after it!