
When I tell most people I use homeopathic medicine they assume I’m referring to “at home remedies” or “natural” remedies (the latter is true but not the whole picture).

Homeopathic medicine or Homeopathy, while it can used at home (or anywhere for that matter) and is indeed “natural” (I don’t even know what this means anymore TBH), is so much more than just at home remedies!

Homeopathy was developed in the 1700s in Germany, by Samuel Hahnemann (The father of homeopathy or Homie Daddy as I like to call him). He discovered (and stick with me on this one), that if a person was experiencing severe nausea, for example, if given a medicine that would cause mild nausea in an otherwise healthy individual, then that medicine would actually help the individual with the severe nausea. Confused? Right. I get it. It’s confusing and totally counterintuitive!

Homeopathic medicine does not actually mean “Home medicine” . It’s actual translation is “like cures like”.  When exposed to a cut onion, the onion (or allium cepa) would cause watery, red, and/or itchy eyes, runny nose, etc. You’ve all been there before. But if diluted down into very very tiny amounts and administered to someone who is actually experiencing allergic symptoms like watery, red, itchy eyes and a runny nose (hello seasonal allergies!), onion actually cures these symptoms instead of causing them. Stay with me.

Another example here - if you were to be exposed to Belladonna, you would likely get very sick and possibly die. These delicious looking, but highly toxic berries, if ingested would cause vomiting, dilated pupils, high fever, flushed skin, rapid pulse and breath rate, etc.  However, if diluted down (and this is through a very specific process known as succussion) Belladonna becomes a highly potent medicine to cure symptoms often associated with flu or infection like high fever, flushed skin, rapid pulse, etc. So cool, I know! I could literally go on for days as there are over 8000 homeopathic remedies.

These medicines are highly effective for almost any ailment (the only thing I can’t figure out how to use homeopathy for is birth control, no kidding), have no contraindications or side effects. You just need to know how to use them! I was introduced to homeopathy years ago when breastfeeding when my then lactation consultant prescribed Phytolacca (pokeberry, which grows right here on the North Fork), for clogged ducts. Then after studying with my gal, Aviva Romm, I learned about this incredible book, which has since become my bible.  I used this book to tip my toes into this fascinating world and a few years later I started diving in more deeply, taking many classes with my teacher, Joette. I couldn’t believe how empowered I felt, able to treat so many ailments from home! Listen here as I share my experience.

You may already be familiar with some combination remedies like Coldcalm , Occilococcinum, or those mysterious tubes of white pellets. They are safe for newborns, children, and adults, but are best used when you know how to safely and appropriately administer them.

I could go on for hours about this incredible practice, and have been considering offering classes again like I have in the past to many women and men across the country (I used to teach an online course through my teacher pre-COVID). If you are interested in learning more with me, let me know. If there is interest, I will definitely run a course again. But if you are dying to start now, go ahead and get the book I mentioned above. 



