Olá from Vila Nova de Milfontes! We spent the day here in this beautiful little coastal town, and I am feeling levels of energy I haven't felt in a long time. We spent the day shopping, eating, and surfing!
We spent a few days in Lisbon, and then headed south for a yoga retreat hosted by Ruah Bhay at the incredible Craveiral Farmhouse. The pristine grounds there are vibrant and packed with endless rows of herbs and vegetables and orchards grown without any pesticides, harvested daily for all of our meals. We wake with the sun and start the day by sipping the most delicious, rich espresso, followed by a walk to the chickens, where we can grab our own eggs and cook them ourselves. Next, we open (and close!) our day with a 90-minute yoga practice and a 20-minute meditation. But my favorite part of each day is by far the breakfast bar!!!! Homemade grain-free granola with the most decadent yogurt and seeds/nut bar. Eggs with fresh veggies from the garden, cooked to order, 3 types of homemade bread, prosciutto, chorizo, cheeses, fresh fruit, detox beet tea, and more. They even make their own chamomile and mint tea!
One of my best days so far was when we accompanied our chef, Pablo, to the local 'fish market,' which consisted of a bunch of chefs at the dock silently choosing the fish as it was hauled off the boat and weighed. Pablo chose a skate fish for us, and when we headed back for lunch, he brought it to the table raw. He then returned about 15 minutes later to present the most decadent fish dish I have ever tasted. He had a garlic and seaweed sauce that made me weak in the knees and served it over a fresh tomato herb salad from the garden. THIS is as farm-to-table as I've ever eaten! It reminded me of my own home and kitchen to see how much love he put into cooking the food. There is something so beautiful in being in the presence of someone who shares your passion.
I have eaten more in the last week than I usually do in two weeks at home, not to mention desserts at every meal, lots of dairy, bread ALWAYS, and coffee all day. If I ate like this back in the states, I would've been sick by the end of day one. I feel amazing! While I am definitely full after every meal, I feel more inspired than ever to get back there and bring as many fresh-from-the-earth and straight-to-your-belly meals, cooked with as much love as I can muster up. Cooking for someone is such a beautiful and intimate honor to have, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you for being the clients that you are, supporting my love for cooking, and trusting me with what you all put in your mouths. (TWSS) But truly, I am honored to feed you and can't wait to return home and share all of the knowledge I've learned in your next food order .