
Can't believe this was my last Monday in November! Where has the time gone? I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and were able to find some moments of peace and gratitude with loved ones.



This week's "food for thought":

  • I don' t know about you, but a few days of indulging and I am ready to get back into the swing of my regularly scheduled food!

  • I would go ahead and eat your Caesar salad first this week if you ordered, probably the best freshness-wise. The vegan dressing is made from cashews (a great versatile food, that also makes a great artichoke dip - stick around for the recipe later this week!)

  • Soup for breakfast! Try it, I dare you. This week's soup is my favorite meal for the week! It's a little thicker ;-), you could even make some rice or pasta and put it over that to stretch it out for another person.

  • I recommend eating my balls as soon as you can manage to get them in your mouth...jk. You could eat them cold of course, but I think they would be best reheated. Either fried in half on a pan or covered in the oven until heated through. I wouldn't recommend heating the slaw.

  • Nacho lentils are back and they are always a fan fave! This is a great one to share with the whole family and super easy to bulk up. You could make it into a taco salad with tortilla croutons, add rice, cheese, meat, another grain, more veg or whatever you want and make more nachos to share with the whole fam. Simple toss this one on the stovetop or put it right on a baking sheet in the oven, you can even eat it cold!

  • The muffins this week are another fan fave and I've got a little trick to share about how I frost my muffins... Mix a little kite hill almond milk cream cheese, some maple syrup and you've got the most delicious, vegan frosting. Spread it anywhere and lick it up, this will not disappoint.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • You know I love a good, heaping serving of meat but if I can get what I need from plants, I do it where I can and lentils are one of my favorite go-to plant based proteins!

  • Not only are lentils inexpensive, and store well (not the only reason I use them often) but they are cholesterol and sodium-free and loaded with potassium, folate, iron, and fiber. They have more than half as much protein as a serving of pork and twice as much as a quinoa serving.

  • They are considered a vegetable AND a protein! Woohoo!

  • There are so many different types of lentils, each of them carrying their own benefits. For example red lentils have very high levels of folate and French lentils are excellent for regulating blood sugar.

  • Most people think lentils are for soups, but boy-oh-boy are you wrong! From flour to meatless meatballs these babies are the most versatile food I think there is.

  • Did you know that all US grown lentils are grown NON-GMO? GTK.

  • I know there are so many foods labelled "superfood" but I gotta say, lentils really live up to the title. Besides their nutritional benefits, lentil crops require little water and no chemical fertilizers or burning between seasons. Little carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels make these a food to get behind!

Try this:

  • Ever make a soup and have mostly just broth left? It's the soup butt. Butt it can be great when eaten as random fridge trash soup! Take whatever roasted veg or prepared grains you have in the fridge and toss them in the soup butt! Nothing butt goodness right there!

  • Need some ideas on how to play with my balls? These would be great with a little white rice OR make a buffalo ball quinoa salad - try making some quinoa, adding chopped up spicy balls, some jalepeno, bell pepper, chopped celery, avocado, tomatoes, and red onion! Toss it with a little crack ranch and you've got a meal for more than one for sure!

  • You don't need my balls to make the above, try it with some grilled chicken leftover in the fridge and just add a little Frank's Red Hot.

Happy Thanksgiving!



