Bean Wanting to Spice Things Up soup: Hard to say which is my favorite meal this week, but this one might be it. The mix of warmth and crunch (use those tortilla chips like little crunchy croutin-like treats!) really touches me in all the right places. While I have been suggesting soup for breakfast lately, this one calls for me midday - but you can do it anytime of day you want ;-) Also, one fun idea would be to use this soup as an enchilada sauce and make a meal for the whole fam - what??!?!
Tossin' That Chick(pea) Salad: Curious what you think of this one? This is my take on "vegetarian chicken of the sea". Reminiscent of tuna salad but made with chickpeas! A filling but refreshing meal in my opinion, and with just the right amount of color so you can be sure you are eating your rainbow!
Sweet On You Lentil Bowl: OMG - I LOVED THIS ONE! Not something we usually do, right? BBQ lentils? Is that even a thing? Well, I have been in love with Backyard Brine's Blonde sauce and been putting it pretty much any and everywhere, if you know what I'm sayin'. I hope you love this combination. I feel like it is a healthy, and gut supportive way of bringing a summer meal into winter. The lentils are SO nutritious, and the cabbage acts as a great detoxing agent. Plus, throw in the broccoli and peppers for added nutrition and flabor. This meal is packed with everything you need in a meal (or maybe 2!). Could be could served with rice and perhaps some sauteed greens. Maybe even some avo?! Did you know that lentils and rice make a complete protein? Anyho, hope you enjoy!
Are you Caul-ing me Cassy?: Never would've thought to put all of these ingredients into one dish, but all slathered together - DAMN, so good. I really didn't love the look of this dish (which is important because we eat with our eyes first!), but dig in and I think you will walk away more than satisfied. Leeks are one of my favorite flavor punches - I think they really made the dish. Try switching out leeks for onions in some of your regular recipes and see how they sweeten the deal.
Christmas Quinoa Salad: Just threw this one in for a healthy, refreshing, and LIGHT meal. Plus raw brussels aren't that common, but again packed with nutrition!
Berry Merry Muffins: Sooooo...we had some confusion in the kitchen and the cranberries never made it into these muffins. Oh and also, we switched the lemon to orange. Carla and I agreed that we prefer the lemon but we wanted to try it out to see what you thought. Doesn't really matter though because that vegan cream cheese frosting will make anything you put in your mouth just that much more enjoyable. Try this at home ;-)