These last year has been a game-changer for me. I have made more changes, and taken more action for myself in the last year, then ever before.. And while life continues to present its challenges, I feel these changes have helped me to keep a solid sense of well being, so when I need to rise to the occasion, I am able.
I STARTED DRINKING COFFEE! Ha, most people are trying to quit and here I am adopting this beautiful habit at age 40! The real reason coffee is one of the best changes I have made, and I am just gonna come out and say it….POOP! I know not everyone is into this kinda thing, but for me, nothing gets my day going like a glorious, complete, easy bowel movement first thing in the morning. So I used organic, freshly ground coffee, 1 t grass-fed ghee, 1 t organic MCT oil, 1-2 scoops Bulletproof Prebiotic Powder,and 1.5 scoops collagen, plus a little salt and cinnamon to taste. BUTT, if I had to take only one of these things on vacation to keep me regular I would bring the prebiotic powder. This mixed with coffee is the magic bullet for that perfect morning poop.
I STARTED AND STOPPED FASTING! It’s all trial and error, so I can’t say I regret fasting as I learned a lot about what my body does and doesn’t need. But overall, eating when I am hungry, or at the times I need the most fuel because I am the most active is so important. My body has different needs every single day, so listening to and honoring those needs has been crucial for so many aspects of my well-being.
CARVING OUT ME TIME. No excuses, I get up every day at 4:30 am. I jot a couple of things down in my gratitude journal, get dressed for the gym and meditate for at least 20 minutes. Then I head to the gym for a 5:30 am workout. After I get home it is go time! I certainly do not want to get up at 4:30 am every single day, but I make sure to get to bed at a decent hour so I get enough zzz’s so I can have this time. If I don’t do these things then, I find I won’t do them at all and each thing has it’s own benefits that I feel huge effects from!
IF IT’S NOT A FUCK YES, IT IS A HARD NO. You’ve all heard it before, but saying no to things that don’t serve you is probably one of the most valuable skills you can learn. Whether it’s no to spending a time with a person who brings you down, an event you don’t care or need to attend, or doing something you think you SHOULD be doing (when in fact you don’t need to). It is so important to tune in and listen to what you are saying fuck yes to, otherwise you won’t be fully present, and resentment starts to creep in!
MEDITATION EVERY SINGLE DAY. This one is a tough one for pretty much all of us. No one is good at meditation. They call it a practice for a reason! And it is one of those things that most of the time, while I am doing it, I feel challenged and unclear of the benefits. But whenever I stop meditating is when I see the difference. Even though in the moment, I can’t seem to feel it, I find that when I am meditating I am even just the slightest bit more present, calm, and less reactive.