
Good morning on this snowy Tuesday! For those who have already picked up, I hope you are enjoying. Anyone who is getting today, I hope you are excited for what's to come! 


This week's "food for thought":

  • My favorite meal this week was by far the white chicken chili. I would highly suggest chopping a little avo and throw it in, plus I always love a dollop of CocoJune yogurt (I always have this on hand and you can purchase at Fit Foods or King Kullen, locally) as a sour cream sub. Oh and don't forget to add some crunch with a sprinkle of tortilla chip "croutons"!

  • This week's salad is a great grab and go meal, so you don't need to worry about heating it up; however, you totally can! In fact, one way to change this meal up and maybe make it a meal for two would be to add a base of quinoa or rice and heat it up on the stovetop with the rest of the ingredients. Honestly, once you heat it all up and the flavors start to dance, you can save your dressing for another meal you whip up for yourself at home.

  • I would recommend re-heating the pesto pasta by stovetop or oven in a closed pot or baking dish and be sure to add a couple drops of water in to keep it moist! 

  • Lentil nachos were back this week as a fan favorite. You can totally eat these cold or hot, your choice! It is Taco Tuesday so why don't you try making this the taco fillings for you and your fam? I might add some rice, lettuce, and cocojune yogurt, plus some jalapeno kraut if you have it. Oh and avo! Always!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • You've heard the phrase, ''eat your greens``, but honestly ask yourself how many greens do you consume in your diet? Most of us think just of various types of lettuces but when I think of greens, the sky's the limit! Think spinach, kale, romaine, arugula, parsley, basil, mint, cilantro, collards, chives, chard, and more! There are so many it would be impossible to list. As we try to get our 30 plant varieties in each week, greens are a great way to do it and pesto is in my opinion, one of the best ways to get your greens in (and you can sneak it in for the kiddos too!).

  • This week's pesto contains over 7 different green varieties (spinach, kale, chard, basil, parsely, cilantro, and some beet greens!). 

  • Greens contain countless valuable nutrients including fiber, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron!

  • Did you know that if you want to boost your iron intake when eating greens you should add a splash of vitamin c? Helps with absorption! So next time you eat your greens try. making your own dressing with a little EVOO, lemon juice, and a dash of honey.

Try this:

  • Take whatever greens you've got in your fridge, toss them in a blender with some EVOO, handful of soaked walnuts or cashews, a little lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic (fresh and granulated) (nutritional yeast too if you like that cheesy flavor!). Blend it all up and you've got yourself some pesto dip, pasta sauce, chicken marinade, and more!

  • Grab a pack of chicken thighs, chop up any veg you have in your fridge or pantry  (I love onions, cherry tomatoes, artichokes, peppers, etc.), toss them all in on a sheet pan and toss with that pesto. Bake at 375 for about 35 minutes and voila, the best meal!!

See you next week! Thanks again for ordering!




