Good morning and happy Tuesday! Hope your week is going off without a hitch.
FIRST THINGS FIRST - if you did not receive something, PLEASE TELL ME! I always keep extras in case, and I want to make sure you are EXTREMELY satisfied with what you are putting in your mouth!!
Second, ONLINE ORDERING WILL START TODAY. It will be optional this week, and mandatory next week (assuming no major hiccups). But I think you will be happy with the ease and organization the ordering process will now have to offer!
As per usual, Jojo and I had a great time cooking up a storm for you folks and I personally I had a hard time picking a favorite this week BUT I think the award goes to the Pecan Tom Pecan Bars - oh man...if you didn't get your hands on these this week, you are missing out! I think these might be the best dessert yet and that's a lot coming from me, the chocolate lover!
THIS WEEK'S PRO TIP: mix it up and get saucy! Eat your salad with the burger sauce, or put your crack ranch on your burger. Save one of the sauces/dressings for veggie sticks, etc. There are so many ways to mix up the meals I give, I would love to see how you get your creative juices flowing!
Beefless, Beef Stew: I ate this one yesterday for lunch and just the littlest bit filled me up for hours. Packed with the healthiest picks for carbs, plant-based proteins, and fats - as always this one is an amazing way to start the day! But anytime of day will work just fine. Lentils are often forgotten and that's why I include them in the menu almost every week. These nutritional powerhouses are a must in your regular diet.
Orange You Glad you Beet the Blues?: Spring certainly feels like it's here and this salad is the perfect transition with the cooked beets, and refreshing fruits. I threw in the sesame seeds for texture of course, but did you know that sesame seeds are a great source of plant based fiber and protein? Not to mention packed with B-vitamins, iron, anti-oxidants, and more!
Sweet Heat: You know I love a good burger and that I'm a huge fan of a good hunk of meat however....veg burgers can hit the spot and leave you smiling and satisfied as long as you do it right ;-) I personally would reheat this burger covered, or wrapped in foil until heated through and then throw it under the broiler (careful to watch it!) for a little crisping action OR cast iron (lightly) fry it! Then feel free to stick it between your own buns with all the fixins. My favorite add ons for this one would be avo and pickled veggies (oooh maybe some sauteed shitake!), but honestly this is filling (think more plant-based protein, carbs, and fat!) so you really don't need the added bread. Eat it plain and don't forget to dip each bite in that jalapeno, yogurt sauce.
Hot Chick's Muffins: These are one of my faves and Jojo pointed out that we should've named them "And We Meat Again" - get it? This combo of chicken in the frittata is not one that would've grabbed my attention in the past, but let me tell you these do not disappoint! I love them as a grab and go snack, cold or hot!! This one would be a great one to just pop in your mouth while you are on the go (unless you can make the time to sit and really enjoy putting my muffins in your mouth.)
Okay, I know I can be chatty and you've got things to do (like eat), so until next week...