Natural Allergy Treatments
Homeopathic Remedies - these remedies are my ultimate go-to for all things, except birth control. They work on your body on a cellular level and kick start your body to work in the way it needs to conquer whatever it needs to to kcik your symptoms in the butt. There are no side effects, no drug interactions, and can be safe for pregnant women and even infants! Below are my favorite homeopathic allergy remedies.
Supplements & Herbs
Quercitin - a polyphenol antioxidant found in plants like broccoli or cauliflower, it’s a great supplement to include in your regime to control allergy symptoms.
D-Hist is a great supplement, but I recommend taking it in the months prior to your prime allergy season to build up your tolerance. Doesn’t help as much for immediate symptom relief. They also have a kid’s version!
Stinging Nettle - named for its ability to sting your fingers when you are foraging for it (and can be found somewhat locally!), you can take this in pill or tea form and is another great herbal remedy for allergies.
Home Medicine Cabinet - some of our best medicines are often already in your home pantry!
Honey - try raw, local honey. There are so many medicinal properties in good quality, raw, local honey from soothing your throat to preventing future allergy symptoms you can lose with this spoonful of sugar everyday! (I have a great local source, reach out if you want!)
Apple Cider Vinegar - drink a glass of water with some ACV to help break up mucus and promote lymph drainage. You can also add a teaspoon to your neti pot solution for a great sinus flush!
Lemon - packed with vitamin C, acting as an expectorant, just one squeeze of this one will give you just what you need. (Add it to your ACV water!)
Garlic - a powerful, natural antibacterial and immune boosting herb, try eating two cloves of garlic daily, minced in a spoonful of honey to fight off allergies by boosting your immune system. If you’re worried about fighting off the vampires, you could try a supplement, but in my experience nothing works as well as the real thing here!
A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods is best to keep your allergy symptoms at minimum. Think ginger, broccoli, blueberries, dark chocolate, bone broth, walnuts, and celery (amongst one million others!).
Keep dairy to a minimum or none at all. Dairy is a mucous producing food (especially if you’re not getting raw, unprocessed cheese and milk) so keeping this culprit out is a good idea.
Foods high in processed sugars should also be reduced as this builds inflammation in the body only exacerbating your allergic response.