Good morning, love muffins! Speaking of muffins..have you tried this month's lemon chia muffins? OMG - so good and a great way to start up your day with a quick, healthy, grab-and-go-fiber-filled breaky! Hope your week is off to a fantastic start and that you're enjoying your food if you've received it already.
This week's "food for thought":
This week's soup - I kept this one lighter, instead of the usual richness of winter. Summer is still a great time for soup and a great way to start your day. Warm your soul from the inside out to start your day. Soup for breakfast, baby!
Back this week with the #1 fan fave - chicken & broccoli! My take on sesame chicken. You could totally eat this one cold, toss it into a skillet and heat it or warm it up in the oven. Either way, you can enjoy this one guilt-free, nothing but whole food ingredients for you! Need a little more bulk? Toss it over some fresh spinach for some more plant love.
Another fan fave is in the bag this week - nacho chick nachos! I admit this may not sound like the most appealing, but damn I think this one takes the cake on flavor and originality (and nutrition). Enjoy this one cold and eat it as a dip with chips at the beach, perhaps? Otherwise, heat it up and throw it over some chips or just eat it right out of the box, skip the chips. Could also make for some great lettuce wraps (especially if you are part of the Sang Lee CSA and have more lettuce than you can handle ;-) )
Remember that just because something is labelled "vegan" does NOT make it healthy. Labels can be tricky and very misleading. My homemade queso is made with raw organic cashews, lemon juice, some seasoning, and nutritional yeast. Simple ingredients, tons of nutrition and flavor! A lot of bang, if you know what I'm sayin'...
Weekly Fun Food Fact
I love the "look" and "feel" of using sesame seeds in meals, but did you know they are packed with tons of fiber and are an amazing source of vitamins and nutrients?
The Egyptians called sesame "Sesemt" and is included as a medicinal drugs in the scrolls of the Ebers Papyrus over 3600 years ago? Remember, food was our original form of medicine and can still be used as such today!
Try this:
Make the lentil nachos a family meal! Need a little bulk to feed more people? Add some more beans (maybe white, or chickpeas!), and some rice to make a complete protein a meal to feed a few more.
Grab a package of organic sesame seeds from the store this week and try adding them to: stir fry dishes, steamed veggies, cookies, granola, pancakes, oatmeal, yogurt, salad dressings, hummus, and more! The possibilities are endless. Not only are they good for you but they can really add a great texture. Try rolling your cookie dough in sesame seeds. Pro tip: Peanut butter and sesame are one of my all-time favorite combos.
Don't forget next week's menu goes up shortly! Have a great rest of your week and thanks again for ordering this week.