Thank you so much for ordering this week. I apologize for your delay in this week's "Pillow Talk", but I had the honor of visiting the new Tulsi Square Naturopathic center in feather hill! If you haven't been, go check it out. They have a great little shop as well as amazing health services. But for now, I hope you enjoy everything you've ordered and continue to feel nourished and happy after all of my meals. Remember, I am away next week. See you on August 15th!
This week's "food for thought":
The black bean soup this week has some kick and is bound to give you a little pep in your step on these hot summer days! Some other ways to try it: How about serving it cold as a dip for tortilla chips or veggies? Or you could use it as an enchilada sauce, perhaps? This is the fun part about food! The sky's the limit with experimentation ;-)
This week's pesto pasta is my favorite dish, I think. I have been on a pesto kick lately and it is worth every bite! Have some greens going bad in the fridge? Too many herbs in the garden? Condense it down into a delicious pesto/green goddess dip and use it for anything! Pasta sauce, dip, spread, condiment, etc.
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Did you know that beans (and other legumes) are plants that have a huge fiber (And protein) content? They get a bad rep for causing gastric-upset. However, the beans in fact are not actually the cause of the upset! Most often, we have other underlying issues (like chronic constipation for example) that is the actual cause of discomfort, and eating beans (and other high-fiber foods) is like throwing gasoline on the fire, when in fact though, they didn't start the fire! Why am I telling you this? Well, there are so many amazing foods we avoid because we think they are the culprits, but if we are able to get the underlying conditions under control, we can happily and healthily eat those foods again. There is hope!
Did you know that bean soup has been on the U.S. Senate menu every single day since the early 1900s?
Ever heard of Pythoagorus of the Pythagorean Theorem? Well, I am not about to give you a math lesson but he is one of the earliest recorded Vegetarians and swore by the power of plants but swore off beans! Some say he believed that souls passed through beans on their way to the underworld and he would even go as far as not walk through beanfields!
Try this:
Try steaming some carrots and broccoli and throw your chicken artichoke meal on top. Try making meat-ful meals more plantiful - get it?
Want to stretch your pesto pasta meal? Add a bunch of green veggies to it and put it on top (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, etc.) Think of all the plants you can make to make this a family meal!!
Thank you all again for your orders and continued love for delicious and nutritious meals! Have a great two weeks and see you on the 15th!