Good morning! Another Monday has come and gone, and I wouldn't have had much reason to be cookin' up that deliciousness if it wasn't for all of you so THANK YOU for ordering!
Things to remember:
I love you!
If you want to share the love, refer your friends to me! Shoot me an email at promotions.twsf@gmail.com with any friends (and their email). When they order I will slide into your box with a $10 off code! No limits!
Share pictures and feedback! Not just for instagram (although I love to share on there if you're cool with it, but also because your feedback guides how I cook!)
This week's "food for thought":
Take a moment this week and notice how you feel during and after each meal. Take your time, mindfully eat, and notice. Just a little something I am always trying to work on! It's not always what we eat, but how we eat can also determine how we feel after. Some experts say to chew your food to liquid! Remember, our teeth are there as the first step in digestion so let them do what they are meant to!
Trick or treat! - I know some people who have said they don't like beans. This week's soup has pureed beans. Just might be a good way to "trick" someone into eating something and beans are quite the "treat"! Packed with fiber, protein, and tons of vitamins and minerals, legumes should always be included as part of our diets, and there are just about a million ways to eat them!
You Bake Me Feel All Hot is this week's comfort food, for sure. The menu called for a bed of spinach underneath, but to my dismay when I opened my spinach it was pretty nasty, not in the good way. So feel free to throw this meal over some greens for an added bang.
You can definitely use your soup in other ways this week too. Grab a loaf of sourdough and use it as a yummy dip (another way to get the little's on board) or pour it over pasta and make a meal for the whole fam!
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Speaking of legumes - chickpeas or garbanzo beans are another amazing plant that is nutrient-dense and protein-packed!
Chickpeas are loaded with Choline which is converted into a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that is imperative for cognitive functioning!
Other Choline-rich sources: Eggs, Liver, Fish, Caviar, Shitakes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels and Almonds!
Chickpeas are also loaded with Folate. Taking a multi-vitamin? You may have noticed Folic Acid listed in the ingredients. Folic Acid is the synthetic version of Folate and as far as I am concerned Synthetic just means fake. When choosing a vitamin you want to look for whole food vitamin and mineral sources.
Did you know that there was a law passed in 1998 that required all processed grain products to be fortified with synthetic folic acid? We want our vitamins to come from food, not be packed into it synthetically. Just another reason to read your ingredients lists.
Try this:
heat a little grass-fed ghee or butter, or coconut oil up in a cast iron pan and fry that cornbread up to perfection.
Make a little more rice and add some chicken to spread your teriyaki bowl across a few more people.
Try adding one more legume to a meal this week. Maybe replace a meat meal with lentils!
Thank you again!