Another Monday has come and gone, and another wonderful day in the kitchen cooking for all of you amazing humans! Thank you as always for another opportunity to cook thanks to your orders and your commitment to your health.
Yesterday while cooking, I listened to a new book "This Is Your Brain On Food", by Dr. Uma Naidoo. I felt (And still today too) super inspired and really spent a lot of time thinking about how crazy important it is to eat well. But I know all of the information can be super overwhelming to some of you, so guess what? You can just sit back and eat, knowing that you are eating good, clean, whole, and nourishing foods! No secret ingredients, not cutting corners, this is not a diet, this is you choosing to live your best life as your best self!
This week's "food for thought":
If you're wondering what to eat first I'd say start with the campfire cookies!! If you have managed to drive home without diving into that box first, I highly suggest baking them for a couple of minutes so they get a little melty. OMG - so. effing. good.
Once you've checked that box, I would say go ahead and make "that chicks a big dill" salad the first meal you eat. While myself and many clients have eaten man of my meals a week later, chopped lettuce doesn't fair as well as some of the other meals, so go ahead and make that your lunch on this beautiful sunny day! I was feeling a little creative and decided to make the olives into a dip/dressing instead of chopped. You could just use that and some olive oil, and lemon juice for dressing and save that delicious dill tahini for a veggie dip with carrot sticks later this afternoon for a snack or use it as the condiment for the delicious sweet potato burgers you are gonna make this week (recipe in Thursday's email!)
If you can avoid the microwave, I would throw both the sausage and lentil pot pie right in the oven, toaster oven, or stovetop to re-heat.
The serving size of the pot pie may not look big but let me tell you, that pie is FILLING! Usually a meat lover? Curious what your experience is with this recipe as I feel it holds a very meaty flavor and fill, but the recipe is entirely vegan!
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Where do I even start? I have learned so much from this book! Let's start with cinnamon. I love cinnamon, and use it very often in almost all of my recipes!
Did you know Cinnamon is high in polyphenols which support healthy brain tissue for improved cognition? This spice is high in manganese and can reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar which decreases likelihood of energy crashes.
How about apples? You've heard of the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." - well, apples have high levels of quercetin which is both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and has so much healthy, nutritious, good gut promoting fiber!
Try this:
The word "healthy" is so overused and confusing that we don't even know what it means anymore! The actual definition is "not diseased". When you break down "disease" we get dis-ease. So instead of asking "is this healthy?", ask yourself "does this provide ease?" If you walk away from a meal and feel a lack of ease, well then in my book it probably wasn't healthy.
Craving apple cinnamon pie now? Make an healthy, easy dessert! Chop up an apple and toss with a little lemon juice, a few drips of maple syrup & vanilla, and cinnamon. Place in an oven proof dish and sprinkle some crunched up nuts, almond flour, coconut, hemp seeds (honestly whatever you want!), cover and toss in the oven until apples are fork-able.
If you were smart enough to order the Sweet potato side this week, then I think you will be pleasantly surprised as this was my favorite dish for the week! Why don't you try throwing a little pork, chopped apples, and onions, in the crock pot with a bit of seasoning or bbq sauce then toss that on top of this tate to make a meal for two! And guess what? Apples and cinnamon, baby!
Don't want that meat in your mouth? Do it with lentils! Same recipe, just no meat!
Thank you again!