Happy Tuesday! I had a blast in the kitchen yesterday cookin' up a storm for all of you and another full day of gratitude for you all providing me with the honor of cooking each week.
This week's "food for thought":
It's been cloudy and rainy for a few days on and off and if you're feeling like you want to see that rainbow, maybe eat the rainbow instead! Kick off your week this week with your Give It To Me Raw-men salad - all the colors, all the nutrients and a nice plant-based meal to start you off.
The noods might be my favorite dish this week! Cashew ricotta has become one of my favorite ingredients to include in a dish that needs a little cream, but without the dairy. I suggest heating this up in a closed container in the oven or stovetop. You can add a little water to the bottom of the pan to keep some moisture in and don't forget to stir it a couple of times!
Feeling sinusy? This week's soup will be perfect for clearing you right up. I have heard about a lot of respiratory illnesses popping up, and this recipe is super immune supportive and the perfect way to soothe yourself to health.
Make Me Screamy bowl can be eaten cold or hot and honestly you may not even need the tahini dressing - save that for something else if you wish. You've got legumes and grains, making for a complete protein, plus yummy healthy fats and the right fats to keep you full for hours. Want to share this meal? Add a lean protein and some more greens and you can surely share with a friend.
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Did you know that a clove of raw garlic can knock a cold out in minutes? Garlic is a very powerful antiviral and antibacterial food and can be used medicinally to achieve crazy results!
Garlic lemonade - steep 1-2 minced garlic cloves in hot water in a 32 oz mason jar (covered) for about 20 minutes. Strain and add lemon and raw honey to taste. This amazing elixir is great when you feel something coming on or if you have any lingering symptoms of a cold or cough.
In a rush? Mince a clove of garlic in a spoonful of honey and toss it back with a few oz of lemon water for a faster, but just as powerful medicine.
Have an infant or a vampire child who can't get behind that garlic lemonade? Mince up garlic and let it soak in a few tablespoons of EVOO for a few hours. then rub the oil into the arches of your babe's feet a few times per day. I did this once to my son when he was six months old and he was burping garlic after (and his cough went away!).
Ginger root is another must have in the kitchen this time of year. Not a fan of garlic? Make a ginger tea just like the garlic lemonade but with ginger instead! Ginger is also amazing for belly troubles so if you're down and out and your belly and head not feelin' so great, go for some fresh ginger root!
Adding lemon to your water is a great dose of vitamin C and an expectorant!!
Raw honey can soothe a sore throat.
There you go: 4 foods to keep in your medicine cabinet!
Try this:
Try incorporating more garlic and ginger in your cooking for ongoing immune support and delicious flavor!
Things to add ginger to: soups, teas, salad dressings, smoothies, stir fries - just to name a few.
Pesto is one of my favorite ways to use up excess greens in the fridge before they spoil (and you can easily freeze it after). Such an easy recipe (I actually don't even use a recipe!). Throw the greens in the blender with a little olive oil, lemon juice, and a GARLIC clove. Once blended (and much smaller!) add nuts of your choice (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, brazil nuts - you don't even have to soak them!) and some salt and pepper (and nutritional yeast for that cheese flavor we all love so much.). You get so much bang for your buck eating all those leafy greens in a small amount. Go ahead and freeze any remaining pesto in ice cube trays to later throw into a recipe. You can use pesto for dips, pasta sauce, spreads, potato sauce, salad dressing - whatever you want.
Thank you again!