Happy Leap Year! In the spirit of this totally bizarre calendar day, I figured I’d chat about how we handle changes in our lives.
You’ve heard it before - Change is hard. Change is good.
Which is it? Can it be both?
I’m a big believer in change as a good thing. While I adore and adhere to a pretty routine schedule and daily habits, I do find that I need change, and I need it pretty regularly. For me, it keeps things fresh, keeps me out of my head, helps me stay present, and challenges me mentally (and maybe physically, depending on the change!). As I mentioned last week, I’ve recently joined the crew with Fyr & Salt over at 8 Hands farm, two days per week. And woah, while this has been one of the best changes to come my way (I am learning so much my head is exploding - this crew is dope and brilliant), it is truly a challenge to rearrange my life as I’m now committing two full days of my week. I usually spend these days working on TWSF biz, catching up on appointments, taking care of things at home - all the things. Now I’ve got to rearrange my whole life to figure out when I can fit all of those other things in! I am grateful to run my own business and as a result, make my own schedule, but sometimes it leaves a little too much space for me to run wild with whatever thoughts took over my brain that day. Now, I am challenging my brain in this new kitchen, plus my new schedule, forcing me to stay very present, and thus out of my head (in the right ways at least).
But the truth is, we don’t need a major schedule change to find change. We are naturally changing all of the time. And according to one of my faves, James Clear (I’ll throw him into tomorrow’s Fan Girl Friday fix), “the primary job of the brain is to adjust your behavior based on your environment.” Change your environment, change your brain, change your behavior!! Simple as that.
But simple doesn't make it easy. Change can feel hard, even when it is good. Here are my thoughts on ways to cope with change in your own life:
Acknowledge and allow for the change. The more we resist, the more of a struggle we will face. Try a mantra like “change is headed my way, and I am okay.”
Keep engaging in familiar habits if you can. Keeping familiar parts of your routine will help you progress through any new changes with more grace and ease.
Allow for stress. We all have stress, it’s how we perceive the stress that affects us. This goes back to allowing change, and avoiding resistance. Knowing and accepting that stress is a natural part of change can help tremendously when you are feeling out of sorts.
Know your triggers! Are you a stress eater? Drinker? Over-exerciser? Social Media? Whatever your vice, when we experience stress cortisol rises, and serotonin (our feel good hormone) drops so we find ourselves with bigger cravings for quick serotonin bursts (like eating the pint of ice cream). Try to set yourself up for success here by avoiding situations that allow you to be easily triggered and spiral.
Exercise. You know it. I said it again. Move that hot bod of yours. Exercise is a healthy way to boost endorphins!
Vent or journal. Recognize the pros and cons of change. Acknowledge that even when change is hard, change can be great!!