
Happy Spring! Did you know yesterday was the first day of Spring? Woohoo! 

Hope you are all enjoying your food! Thank you as always for ordering.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I can't pick a favorite this week - so many delicious meals! You can eat most of them hot or cold - if you reheat a meal I suggest, if possible, to do so stovetop or in the oven as the Microwave kills some of the nutrition in the food, but do what you can!

  • Feeling chilly? Try heating up your salad stovetop! - you could even throw two fried eggs on top for a choline and protein boost!

  • Wild rice is a great one because you are getting 3-4 different plant varieties in one bit of wild rice. Remember to mix up your grains to add in more plants each week.

  • The peanut butter muffins this week are made from chickpeas, peanut butter, and eggs so they are a great boost for protein and a great snack for the littles! I will post the recipe on Thursday.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know sesame seeds (tahini!) contain a special kind of fiber that helps your body regulate cholesterol, protects your liver, and reduces your blood pressure? Go buy a bag of sesame seeds (black and white ones for more plant varieties!) and start adding them to meals for a flavor, nutrient, and gut health boost!

  • These little seeds are also great for anxiety, depression, your hair, and skin. Did you need more reasons? I could go on all day!

Try this:

  • Ready for spring and sick of soup? Try using your soup as a pasta sauce instead! Meal for the whole fam!

  • I actually had a little white basmati rice in the fridge, threw it in the cast iron with the chopped up meatballs and heated it up until I had some crunchy, crispy rice. Added a little crunchy romaine, tomatoes, cukes, and the tzatziki and WOW, what a meal! 

  • Try eating your meatballs with your quinoa salad and save your sauce for a veggie dip for a late day snack before dinner!

  • You know I love to take my mexican bowls and turn them into taco night! Add them to a pile of tortilla chips or put the fillings in the tacos for a family taco night!

Hope you enjoy!!




