Woah, THAT was fast (that's what she said). This was our last week of March cooking and I don't know about you but Spring is definitely in the air. Looking forward to some spring-inspired menu items in the coming months! Thank you all again for a great month.
This week's "food for thought":
This week's soup is a hearty one and I think it is a fantastic way to start your day. Packed with all the goodness you need to start your day - soup for breakfast, baby!
Try eating your salad hot this week!! You can grab this one and eat it on the go, but if you are home within a couple of minutes, toss it on the stove and stir fry it up! You likely won't even need the dressing - save that for the salad you whip up for yourself later!
Gluten-free pasta can easily dry out on the second round so...try and heat this covered with a few drops of water for added moisture. I like to break up my balls a bit so the heat gets in a little quicker.
Your bowl can be eaten cold or hot this week and if your co-worker has been over your shoulder trying to get in on the action, go get aHEAD of romaine (see what I did there?), chop it up and throw your greek bowl over it. Booyah! Enough two hungry mothers.
From all my geek-out gut research, I can say that legumes are where it's at. And personally, they are not my favorite plants to eat! But there are a million and one ways to incorporate them into our diets, so this week I tried to pack in as many as I could. Hope you enjoy the quinoa salad as much as I did?!
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Did you know that peas, green beans, chickpeas, and peanuts are all in the legume family? yup. They are. And like I mentioned above, legumes are a key ingredient to health and longevity when it comes to diet. They pack a mean punch when it comes to fiber, carbs, and protein and can leave you more satisfied than you thought possible - how many things make you feel like that ;-)
Eat more artichokes! They are packed with Inulin - which is a unique form of prebiotic fiber (aka food for your good gut germs!) that helps to not only improve gut health but also repair damaged gut lining. Plus it helps you poop...
Try this:
Have any yummy cultured yogurt at home? Try using that for dressing and you get the added fermented food bang to your meal! Save your hummus for some crackers and veggie sticks later while you are on the road between activities and need something to hold you over for dinner. Remember - hunger is asign that your metabolism is in great working order!!
Got meat lovers in the family? Try giving them the meatballs this week - I packed a ton of broccoli and spinach into those babies, plus sauce and pasta - they may think they are getting just pasta and meatballs, but they get over 7 plants in this one meal!
Thanks again, loves! Remember to sign up for April if you want the subscription THIS WEEK ONLY!