Good morning! I am sad to say that we have officially said goodbye to summer, but on the flip side I love this time of year. For me personally, this is my time to reevaluate my habits and really dive into a state of organization, both emotionally and physically. And food is often a great place to start. So good for you for starting off with the best way to fuel and energize - through healthy, whole foods!
This week's "food for thought":
This week's soup turned out to be a favorite of mine. I took my favorite beef stew recipe and just replaced the meat with lentils and woah!! It is delicious and really gives you that full, meaty feel you are craving.
Try this week's balls on a pita with some hummus, romaine, and one of those delicious, juicy, local tomatoes you snagged on your way home from work.
Save the chickpea salad for another meal. Throw it over a big bowl of greens (crunchy romaine is my current craving), toss it in some hummus (yes! use hummus as a salad dressing!) or with a little of that tzatziki I made, and now you have a filling salad for yourself!
Always wanting to get the best bang for your buck? This pesto pasta is where it's at. Over ten plant varieties, plus all the protein, fat, and carbs you need to keep you powered up all day. And I didn't even get to mention the loads of gut-fueling fiber and omg, the vitamins and minerals? I could just keep going, and going and going...
You can eat this pasta cold or hot, but sometimes with lentil pasta it can get kinda hard if you don't reheat and while I usually like my noodles hard, there's a time and a place.
Try. heating your balls in a covered container in the oven. You could add a drop of water or oil into the dish to keep/add some moisture as you re-heat. Don't have as much time. Cut those balls in half and fry right on the stovetop in a pan.
Same for the roasted root veggies - reheat these covered with a drop of water or in a pan with a little oil or water. Keep it moist and all lubed up for best flavor!
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Did you know that leeks are great for healing your gut? Sure, just like all the other amazing plants out there, they fight cancer, support a healthy heart and provide high levels of vitamins like K, C, A, and D, but leeks are an incredible source of PREbiotics. Prebiotics are the food that our good gut bacteria (probiotics) feed on.
Leeks are members of the allium family making them close siblings to scallions, onions, garlic, chives, and shallots. All are powerful and potent medicinal foods. Keep packing these babies into your diet!
Did you know that allium cepa, or onions, in their homeopathic form are an amazing and incredible allergy medicine?? Crazy to think that if you have gross exposure to an onion it creates symptoms like burning, red, teary eyes and a runny nose, but if you dilute it down into a homeopathic remedy it cures the very same symptoms it causes! What?!!
Try this:
Want to try and swap out some meaty meals for veg? Try using more legumes, specifically lentils. The recipe possibilities are endless and I promise you won't be disappointed!
Try this recipe out: https://plantifulbakery.com/easy-vegan-lentil-bolognese/ and remember you can totally experiment and make it fun! Omit the sugar if you aren't doing that sugar thang right now. Don't love to put nuts in your mouth? Omit the nuts! This is your canvas to paint! Have fun with it.
Try using leeks instead of onions next time you grab some veg at the grocery store. Remember plant variety is where it's at!
Thank you so much for ordering this week. Store is open for next week at noon today. If you signed up for the month, unless you want something specific changed or added you don't need to remember anything except to pick up you food next Monday (unless you paid for delivery.). Have a great week and I hope you feel loved, nourished, and full in the best and every way!