Good morning! I hope you're off to a great start this week. Actually, I know you are! You've ordered good, clean, healthy meals to keep you fueled up and ready for whatever comes your way. Now let's kick this week's butt together, shall we?
In case you're interested, here's what I've got on my mind after gettin' after it yesterday...This week's "food for thought":
Legumes have gotten a bad name (what food hasn't these days?!), but they are such an incredible part of our diets and if you can tolerate them, eat lots of them!! They are jam-packed with fiber making them superb for gut health and pair them with whole grains? You've got the two bestest of friends!
This makes "You're gonna wanna lick this bowl clean?" an ideal meal to keep you full and fueled all day! While you can eat this any time of day, why not try eating it as one of your first meals?!
I challenge you to try non-traditional breakfast meals this week! A.k.a., soup for breakfast or this power bowl!!
Weekly Fun Food Fact
Did you know that the average American eats 6.3 lbs of beans per year? To get a little perspective - the average American also eats approximately 222 lbs of red meat per year!! No wonder, we've got gut issues! Bring on that fiber!!
Why do I go on and on about dietary fiber? Not just because it makes you poop, although that's a damn good reason! No, fiber contains PREbiotics which is the food that feeds our healthy gut bacteria (when we take PRObiotics we are adding healthy gut bacteria) and helps to improve our health from preventing Depression to fighting Cancer!
Did you also know that in most cases when someone believes legumes to be the cause of their digestive upset, in fact this is usually not the case. Usually, there is some underlying condition (let's say constipation) that is causing a "fire" in our gut. Adding fiber is just adding fuel to the fire. The good news is that this means foods that you thought you could never eat, you may be able to eat again after treating the underlying condition!
Try this:
Yum, this week's salad is so delicious! Trying to keep those summer feels as long as I can. You know what's cool about this one? If you're feeling that chill, you could heat this salad up for a little switch-a-roo on things!!
Use this week's soup as a pasta sauce. Add some fresh local tomatoes and heat up over some of your favorite noods!
Take your Hawwaiian chicken meal and stretch it out. Add some more rice, and whatever random fridge trash veggies you've got. Sautee the trash veg on high heat in a pan with some sesame oil, then toss in this meal...add some soy sauce and ginger and you've got fried rice for more than one! Save the crack ranch for something more creative...
Thanks again for ordering this week! Look out for the menu later today, and don't forget to share with your friends!