Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning, lovely foodies! According to my email and texts, many of you have already dug in to this week's food - some eating chili for breakfast, others didn't make it home without shoving that whole brookie in their mouth ;-) I am currently indulging in some green pea hummus and pita for breakfast today (with a side of soup, of course!)

Speaking of that brookie - you could totally wrap that puppy up in some foil for a quick reheat and throw a heaping scoop of ice cream on top - making it a double brookie sundae for two (or one if you have an appetite like I do). Looking for a good brand of dairy-free ice cream? Try Van Leeuwan or Coconut Bliss. Both offer amazing, delicious, and "healthy-ish" options! Salted Caramel Coconut Bliss and Peanut Butter Fudge VL, are my two obsessions. But this email is supposed to be about the food I cooked YOU, so....

It's Chili Outside - Breakfast, dinner, or lunch - this one is bound to fill you up! I'm big into crunchy so create your own "crackers" with crushed up tortilla chips once you've heated this soup up.

Tossed & Creamy - I dug into this one for dinner last night and was TOTALLY digging this sesame dressing, which I will give my darily, Pearl (Carla) the credit for as she really knew how to whip it up right for us. I mentioned my big appetite above, but I honestly couldn't finish this one myself in one sitting. So could be a nice one to share? If you're into that sorta thing, of course. Again, that crunchy texture is really doing it for me!

It Feels Rice When We Mix It Up - Fried rice is one of my favorite meals!! You wanna know the secret? 1. Day old rice and 2. Don't cook it in bulk. Just kidding - BUT my favorite part of fried rice is the FRIED aspect and that is hard to get in a really large quantity SO go ahead and reheat this baby yourself but getting a pan nice and hot with a little high heat cooking oil (sesame would be perfect for this dish) and toss that rice around until it gets toasty enough for you. This meal has all the plants, protein, and carbs you could ask for! This week was the first time I offered Tofu - would love to hear your feedback for those or ordered it!

You are the Hummus to my Falafel - it wasn't late in the week when I realized the typo on my email - there was no description for this meal! Didn't seem to stop any of you, though. Baked falafel is a super nutritious winter meal with fresh herbs, cumin, and coriander so you can feel good while stuffing this one down. I decided to offer green pea hummus instead of regular. This way you had even more plant variety by mixing up your legumes! I would heat the falafel up in the oven (covered to keep moisture in) or fry it up in a pan! Either way, could be great alone, over a salad, in a pita. Doesn't matter as long as it ends up in your mouth - that's what she said! Try the hummus with some chips or pita. It was delicious as I wrote this email.

I Love It When You Leek My Tate - I got a good chuckle over the name of this side dish, but there is nothing funny about my love for leeks. SUCH AN AMAZING veggie that I totally recommend getting your hands on for some experimentation if ya know what I'm saying. Little tip - mix leeks and white whine and just about anything else and OMG - SO EFFING GOOD! Also, wanted to remind you that potatoes are so. good. for. you. They have gotten a bad name, but remember, they are plants!! So eat these without the guilt and instead the knowledge that you are fueling your body.

Alright, my lovelies - got to run and get started on next week's menu. As always, much love for ordering and please send your thoughts on the meals this week. Or if you had any ideas of your own.


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Hello you fly foodies! Hope your week is off to a delicious (and warm) start.

My thoughts on this week's food:

All of the ingredients for this week's salads were carefully chosen to give you a plentiful variety of nutrients, textures, detoxing agents, and of course - flavor! I know we think of the various food groups as meat, vegetables, fruits, dairy, etc. Personally? I see multiple food groups just within plants! You've got grains, nuts/nut butters, seeds, leaves, roots, colors, etc. Each category provides its own unique set up health benefits - so the more variety you have, the more benefits you receive!

I usually wouldn't offer so many cold, raw options in such a chilly time - but I will be back to warmer, cooked foods next week. This week try pairing your salad with a little soup or tea to help keep your body warm. I don't know about you, but I am super sensitive to cold temps and when I eat something cold I feel cold to the bone for the next few hours. I like to think of that as my body's way of telling me to eat warmer foods.

That said - these salads are begging for you to add some warmer, cooked foods to them! Try doing a rainbow of roasted veggies on one sheet pan and tossing various ones into your salads! My favorites - butternut, acorn, or delicata squash with some sesame oil (not toasted) paprika, cinnamon, cumin, salt and pepper. Carrots, beets, sweet potatoes, turnips, parsnips, green beans - there are so many! But honestly, it is so easy. Just roughly chop a few, toss them with some oil, salt and pepper, throw them on a baking sheet and heat them up. Done! Think of all the lovely combinations you could make with these salads and just a few more veggies!

You know what's cool about the Thai salad this week? You get your protein source from plants! Cashews and peanuts in the dressing!

The bean and escarole soup is my favorite item this week - just feels super nourishing as it goes down ;-) plus how often do you eat escarole?! Escarole is actually a member of the chicory family, and is often confused with lettuce. It is actually considered a flat-leafed version of endive, but offers a more mild and tender experience ;-) Super high in A, K, folate, and fiber - this is one veg to add to your list more often.

Try tossing that cauliflower soup over some pasta if you want to mix things up a bit this week. Could take a meal for one and turn it into a hit for the whole fam!

I've got a sweet tooth, so for me the chai chia pudding could use a bit of maple syrup in it to sweeten the deal - however, I was trying to keep it clean the last few weeks with less sugar so if you want to sweeten it up without adding a condensed version of sugar - try bananas or berries. Remember - in this diet-obsessed and food fearful world, fruit has gotten a bad name. FRUIT IS GOOD FOR YOU! Eat it. Especially berries. Curious what you all think of this one as the texture of chia pudding isn't always everyone's fave.

Alright, my lovelies. Wishing you a fabulous week and look out for today's menu! Sliding into your box real soon.

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Happy Tuesday, loves!

Such a fun day back in the kitchen yesterday. For those of you who have already dug in, hope you are enjoying your food! Would love any and all feedback, including requests for next week's menu which I am working on as we speak. I am always up for recommendations.

Okay, so here's my pillow talk for this week's menu:

The whole concept behind this week's menu was to fill you with as much plant variety as possible. Remember - plants include grains, nuts, nut butters, fruits, vegetables, seeds, etc. The more variety you eat, the more diverse your gut micro-biome is and ideally, the healthier your gut - which means a healthier, happier YOU! I eat meat and I love it. But from time to time, I feel like I need a little "cleanse" and I try to limit meat and dairy, and add in more plants. I ALWAYS feel better when I do and especially after periods of indulgent eating ;-) So I figured you all may be in a similar sushi boat.

JUST BEET IT: As some of you already may know, lentils are one of my favorite foods. Packed with protein, good carbs, tons of fiber, plus loaded with iron and other vital nutrients - add some of these to any meal and you don't be missing out! Beets are another favorite being anti-inflammatory and a great source of folate. Add in some walnuts for good healthy fat (plus more protein), and quinoa for your grain (more protein too!), over my all-time faves, arugula. This meal is probably my favorite salad this week. We made the dressing with fresh ginger root - ginger is great for your immune system and I highly recommend keeping it in the kitchen as a staple for a variety for a variety of foods and medicinal aids. Might be yummy for breakfast with an egg on top too...

BIG FAT GREEK SALAD: I threw this one in because greek salads are my favorite salads, but also because this is just a super light but fulfilling meal. Need to beef it up a bit? Add some grilled chicken OR chickpeas for some protein? Also, this dressing is packed with great "cleansing and detox" herbs, plus lemon juice which is not only a great source of Vitamin C, but also. an expectorant! Personally, I'm a big fan of throwing some cocojune yogurt over this salad and using the dressing for a dip for pita bread (I have a really great gluten-free option if anyone wants to know!).

LETS SQUASH 2021: While I love a good salad, I still believe that cooked seasonal veggies are key to supporting our bodies during "the big sleep" a.k.a. Winter. A little easier to digest for most of us too. Apples are another nutritional powerhouse that are often overlooked. Another way to get more plant variety into your diet is to switch up the "usual". So for most the usual is probably white or brown rice - how about wild rice? Or black rice? Try the "weird" food and see what happens. Often, your taste buds will be pleasantly surprised.

I CARROT LIVE WITHOUT YOU: Carrots, ginger, coconut milk, warming spices, Probably one of the best things you could put into your belly during this time of year.Try it for breakfast! But also, what if you did something crazy and threw it over some pasta or used it for some dip with sourdough bread?

MISO HUNGRY: Miso paste is a fabulous source of fermented food, then add in lemon and ginger and this broth is a one-stop-shop for immune supporting foods. Sip it first thing in the morning or anytime throughout the day. Add in ramen noodles, or other veggies. Maybe some rice or quinoa? Or pass it on as a gift to a loved one who isn't feeling their best at the moment.

CHAI THESE MORNING OATS: Oats, quinoa, and my very favorite winter blend of warming spices. A great meal for any time of the day. Add in some nuts or seeds or even some almond or cashew butter for added flavor and protein/fat boost. Can totally be eaten cold, but if you want to heat it up just add some plant based milk or water to help thin it out. Maybe throw in a little ghee too, why the heck not? In keeping with the idea of a "cleanse", I did not use any sweetener but mix in a little honey, honeycomb, or maple syrup and it might sweeten the deal just the perfect amount. No guilt in a little natural sweetener - in fact, some really great health benefits, especially with honey. I threw in some goji berries for good measure too.

CHICKPEA SALAD: Another great detox salad - can eat it as is, heat it up, throw in a tortilla, eat with tortilla chips (been loving the siete dip chips BTW), or toss it over some greens. Any way you want it, this one is light and refreshing!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Bean Wanting to Spice Things Up soup: Hard to say which is my favorite meal this week, but this one might be it. The mix of warmth and crunch (use those tortilla chips like little crunchy croutin-like treats!) really touches me in all the right places. While I have been suggesting soup for breakfast lately, this one calls for me midday - but you can do it anytime of day you want ;-) Also, one fun idea would be to use this soup as an enchilada sauce and make a meal for the whole fam - what??!?!

Tossin' That Chick(pea) Salad: Curious what you think of this one? This is my take on "vegetarian chicken of the sea". Reminiscent of tuna salad but made with chickpeas! A filling but refreshing meal in my opinion, and with just the right amount of color so you can be sure you are eating your rainbow!

Sweet On You Lentil Bowl: OMG - I LOVED THIS ONE! Not something we usually do, right? BBQ lentils? Is that even a thing? Well, I have been in love with Backyard Brine's Blonde sauce and been putting it pretty much any and everywhere, if you know what I'm sayin'. I hope you love this combination. I feel like it is a healthy, and gut supportive way of bringing a summer meal into winter. The lentils are SO nutritious, and the cabbage acts as a great detoxing agent. Plus, throw in the broccoli and peppers for added nutrition and flabor. This meal is packed with everything you need in a meal (or maybe 2!). Could be could served with rice and perhaps some sauteed greens. Maybe even some avo?! Did you know that lentils and rice make a complete protein? Anyho, hope you enjoy!

Are you Caul-ing me Cassy?: Never would've thought to put all of these ingredients into one dish, but all slathered together - DAMN, so good. I really didn't love the look of this dish (which is important because we eat with our eyes first!), but dig in and I think you will walk away more than satisfied. Leeks are one of my favorite flavor punches - I think they really made the dish. Try switching out leeks for onions in some of your regular recipes and see how they sweeten the deal.

Christmas Quinoa Salad: Just threw this one in for a healthy, refreshing, and LIGHT meal. Plus raw brussels aren't that common, but again packed with nutrition!

Berry Merry Muffins: Sooooo...we had some confusion in the kitchen and the cranberries never made it into these muffins. Oh and also, we switched the lemon to orange. Carla and I agreed that we prefer the lemon but we wanted to try it out to see what you thought. Doesn't really matter though because that vegan cream cheese frosting will make anything you put in your mouth just that much more enjoyable. Try this at home ;-)

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Just wanted to share my thoughts on this week's menu!

Food can be so HEAVY this time of year, and this week's Green Chicken-less Lemon Soup is meant to be refreshing and light, and super nutritious. Very simple, so easy on the digestive tract and the perfect broth to sip if you're feeling under the weather! But you don't have to be under the weather to enjoy this meal. Add some shredded chicken or chickpeas for a dose of protein, and as always I recommend starting your day out with this soup as your first meal.

This week I included Radicchio in the salad. I know this isn't the most common veg to show up in your house, so figured I'd throw it in there for kicks and color to see how it went over. Radicchio is actually a type of Chickory and is in the same family as artichokes! Packed with vitamin K this is a fabulous veg to include in winter meals. But overall this salad is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins and perfect to help keep your immune system in high gear. Another light meal to "lighten the load" on your digestion when your faced with holiday cookies and apps galore.

Nacho Chick Lentils are back this week - hope you enjoy them as much as I do! I throw it all in the oven over the chips and then dig in. Such a delicious treat! Lentils are a powerhouse of nutrition a super versatile legume that can be used in place of meat in so many different dishes. Hope you enjoy!

Just your weekly food for thought!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Thanks for letting me fill your holes on this delightful Monday! Just wanted to share my thoughts on some of the items on today's menu...

Lemon Ginger Miso Soup - This broth is super nourishing - and delicious! Sip it on the go from a thermos if you're in a rush - or if you have some time you could add some rice ramen noodles for a little added fun. Who doesn't love a wet noodle?

Sweet Potato Black Bean Quinoa Burger - While this one is great on it's own, I totally recommend really gettin' saucy with it. If you haven't already swallowed that sweet creamy beet garlic mayo, I'd recommend heating that burger up in the oven (wrapped in aluminum foil, or covered in some way to keep it moist). Once it's all hot, lube it up with that mayo and drop some deliciousness on top - maybe some bread and butter pickles, pickled jalapenos, and some avo? Honestly, the sky is the limit but that is my favorite way to eat these burgers. The burger might be filling enough with all that goodness on top, so why not save the fries for breakfast tomorrow and eat them with some greens and eggs!?

Breakfast Grits - These were my favorite item on the menu this week. Maybe it was just nostalgia for my trip down south or maybe it's just that perfect mix of warm cinnamon, maple syrup and nuts. Whatever it is, these are great but they get thick real fast. Usually, that's a good thing, but if it's too thick getting it in your mouth and swallowing can be a challenge. When you heat this baby up, try adding some milk or water to thin it out a bit.

Would love to hear your feedback on this week's food. Please let me know what you liked and what you didn't. Also, I am taking requests for upcoming menus!!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


You know that magical moment after the magical moment where you just lay there, all satisfied, relaxed, filled up, and talk about all your hopes and dreams?

Well, I've been going at it for quite some time now and it occurred to me that I have not been making the effort to really check in with you after you get to enjoy what I am putting out. So I thought no better time than right now?!

Let's call this "pillow talk". My chance to sit back and relax after all the work is done, and share my thoughts on what (or who) just went down. Things I would do differently, enjoy more of, etc. etc.

Here we go!

That Smokin' Hot Chickpea soup was probably my favorite this week. I think about it like a "fall detox" meal. Nutritionally packed, and delicious and actually I invite you to do something wild and EAT IT FOR BREAKFAST! Maybe include a piece of sourdough toast or add some cayenne to kick up the flavor. The ingredients are actually the perfect way to get your day started.

I love hearing about how my clients like to toss their salads all sorts of crazy ways. Maybe share it with your friend, or use it as a side piece (at dinner)? You don't have to think of this meal only as an afternoon delight!

The taco bowl is also a fun one to spice up a little. I would definitely add avocado because well..avocados are just the best! And maybe some delicious tortilla chips. If that's corn overload try a grain-free tortilla chip like the Siete brand chips. Love them! You can heat it up or eat it cold OR use this as your Taco Tuesday night and stuff all of the fixings inside your little taco! If you really want to get crazy you could switch up the ranch dressing from the chicken and use that with this meal and the Avo dressing with the buffalo chicken.

The buffalo chicken sweet potato is a fun one to get creative with. Totally delicious as is, but feel free to mix things up. Avo is a great add, or throw the chicken over some crispy romaine salad and eat the sweet potato on the side or use the sweet potato mixed with ranch as a dressing - what??!? I would add scallions too for a little burst of flavor. Can break out those tortilla chips again and use the chicken and sweet potato as a dip too! If you really want to get crazy, lube up some curly kale and make kale chips to throw on top of this delicious meal. If you need that recipe (or any other one) please reach out!

Just some food for thought to get those creative juices flowing.

Hope you guys have a great week and enJOY all of the yummy eats. Please feel free to write me back with any and all feedback!

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