Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Thank you so much for ordering this week. I apologize for your delay in this week's "Pillow Talk", but I had the honor of visiting the new Tulsi Square Naturopathic center in feather hill! If you haven't been, go check it out. They have a great little shop as well as amazing health services. But for now, I hope you enjoy everything you've ordered and continue to feel nourished and happy after all of my meals. Remember, I am away next week. See you on August 15th!

This week's "food for thought":

  • The black bean soup this week has some kick and is bound to give you a little pep in your step on these hot summer days! Some other ways to try it: How about serving it cold as a dip for tortilla chips or veggies? Or you could use it as an enchilada sauce, perhaps? This is the fun part about food! The sky's the limit with experimentation ;-)

  • This week's pesto pasta is my favorite dish, I think. I have been on a pesto kick lately and it is worth every bite! Have some greens going bad in the fridge? Too many herbs in the garden? Condense it down into a delicious pesto/green goddess dip and use it for anything! Pasta sauce, dip, spread, condiment, etc. 

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that beans (and other legumes) are plants that have a huge fiber (And protein) content? They get a bad rep for causing gastric-upset. However, the beans in fact are not actually the cause of the upset! Most often, we have other underlying issues (like chronic constipation for example) that is the actual cause of discomfort, and eating beans (and other high-fiber foods) is like throwing gasoline on the fire, when in fact though, they didn't start the fire! Why am I telling you this? Well, there are so many amazing foods we avoid because we think they are the culprits, but if we are able to get the underlying conditions under control, we can happily and healthily eat those foods again. There is hope!

  • Did you know that bean soup has been on the U.S. Senate menu every single day since the early 1900s?

  • Ever heard of Pythoagorus of the Pythagorean Theorem? Well, I am not about to give you a math lesson but he is one of the earliest recorded Vegetarians and swore by the power of plants but swore off beans! Some say he believed that souls passed through beans on their way to the underworld and he would even go as far as not walk through beanfields!

Try this:

  • Try steaming some carrots and broccoli and throw your chicken artichoke meal on top. Try making meat-ful meals more plantiful - get it?

  • Want to stretch your pesto pasta meal? Add a bunch of green veggies to it and put it on top (broccoli, asparagus, spinach, kale, etc.) Think of all the plants you can make to make this a family meal!!

Thank you all again for your orders and continued love for delicious and nutritious meals! Have a great two weeks and see you on the 15th!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning, love muffins! Speaking of muffins..have you tried this month's lemon chia muffins? OMG - so good and a great way to start up your day with a quick, healthy, grab-and-go-fiber-filled breaky! Hope your week is off to a fantastic start and that you're enjoying your food if you've received it already.

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's soup - I kept this one lighter, instead of the usual richness of winter. Summer is still a great time for soup and a great way to start your day. Warm your soul from the inside out to start your day. Soup for breakfast, baby!

  • Back this week with the #1 fan fave - chicken & broccoli! My take on sesame chicken. You could totally eat this one cold, toss it into a skillet and heat it or warm it up in the oven. Either way, you can enjoy this one guilt-free, nothing but whole food ingredients for you! Need a little more bulk? Toss it over some fresh spinach for some more plant love.

  • Another fan fave is in the bag this week - nacho chick nachos! I admit this may not sound like the most appealing, but damn I think this one takes the cake on flavor and originality (and nutrition). Enjoy this one cold and eat it as a dip with chips at the beach, perhaps? Otherwise, heat it up and throw it over some chips or just eat it right out of the box, skip the chips. Could also make for some great lettuce wraps (especially if you are part of the Sang Lee CSA and have more lettuce than you can handle ;-) )

  • Remember that just because something is labelled "vegan" does NOT make it healthy. Labels can be tricky and very misleading. My homemade queso is made with raw organic cashews, lemon juice, some seasoning, and nutritional yeast. Simple ingredients, tons of nutrition and flavor! A lot of bang, if you know what I'm sayin'...

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • I love the "look" and "feel" of using sesame seeds in meals, but did you know they are packed with tons of fiber and are an amazing source of vitamins and nutrients?

  • The Egyptians called sesame "Sesemt" and is included as a medicinal drugs in the scrolls of the Ebers Papyrus over 3600 years ago? Remember, food was our original form of medicine and can still be used as such today!

Try this:

  • Make the lentil nachos a family meal! Need a little bulk to feed more people? Add some more beans (maybe white, or chickpeas!), and some rice to make a complete protein a meal to feed a few more.

  • Grab a package of organic sesame seeds from the store this week and try adding them to: stir fry dishes, steamed veggies, cookies, granola, pancakes, oatmeal, yogurt, salad dressings, hummus, and more! The possibilities are endless. Not only are they good for you but they can really add a great texture. Try rolling your cookie dough in sesame seeds. Pro tip: Peanut butter and sesame are one of my all-time favorite combos.

Don't forget next week's menu goes up shortly! Have a great rest of your week and thanks again for ordering this week.


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning my favorite foodies! Thank you so much for ordering this week. I took just one Monday off and it feels like an eternity since we have cooked for you! As per usual we had a blast in the kitchen and made sure to put all the love into the food we bagged up for you. Hope you enjoy every last morsel!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I am starting with dessert. This week's Paleo Key Lime Bars are by far my favorite on the menu. Not just because I have a sweet tooth, but because this treat is truly nutritious! You could even eat it for breakfast! The filling is just coconut milk, raw cashews, maple syrup (and not a lot), some vanilla extract, and lime. The base is made from pecans, dates, and coconut oil. You can't lose with this one. Who said you can't have your cake and eat it too?

  • If you got the BTW kale salad be sure to massage your bush with that dressing a little before you eat it. Kale really takes time to absorb the dressing, but if you plan ahead it is so worth the wait!

  • I know it is summer and many of you aren't that into soup, but if you ordered the lentil bisque this week, it did not disappoint. Good move.

  • Both the bowl and the ramen this week can be eaten cold or hot. Have a little time to eat it up, why not? On the go, headed to the beach or work? Toss it in the cooler for lunch.

  • I added mung bean, red clover, and broccolini sprouts to the ramen this week for a little nutrition boost and added texture. I try to add at least one "less common" food in, to get you trying new plants each week. Curious what you think!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Who said good things don't come in small packages? Sprouts are PACKED with nutrition! Think of all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need all packed into a handful of sprouts.

  • Sprouts are the germinated seed of young vegetables. Baby plants!

  • I used mung bean sprouts which are a staple in Asian cuisine and have become more popular here in the US. Mung Beans are packed with nutrition, but are the "queen bean" in Ayurvedic medicine as they have a calming effect on the body and are the easiest to digest in the Legume family.

Try this:

  • Haven't tried mung beans before? Head over to Barrow and check out their Bean and Mushroom Burger. Pro Tip: Order it on Sourdough. You won't regret it. I promise.

  • Try throwing your Buffalo Chicken Bowl over crispy romaine for a more salad-like meal OR serve it as an app for the fam over tortilla chips for a fun take on nachos!

  • Save the crack ranch from your chicken bowl and use it for a veggie dip or in a wrap this week for a little kick on another meal.

  • Try recreating one of these meals yourself. I love to cook for you but I also love to inspire you to get creative in the kitchen yourself! Send me a pic of your version!

Don't forget to put in your order later today! Have a fabulous week and thank you again for ordering!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Thank you so much for your order this week! 

This week's "food for thought":

  • You know that I am a huge advocate of eating (mostly) plants, but did you know I am not a vegetarian? I believe that when we eat meat we should eat well-sourced meats (organic, grass-fed/finished, etc.) and that we should eat meat like a "condi-meat", where your plate is mostly plants and the meat is just a small side (a suggestion from one of my favorite books - "Food. What the heck should I eat?" by Dr. Mark Hyman. This is why I try to offer some meat options, but mostly stick to plants on my menu.

  •  In this week's "Bacon Me Nut" soup I used Mecox Farm bacon, and I used just enough to get that yummy, smoky, bacon flavor we all crave!

  • Did you order lentils from me this week? Lentils are such an amazing, power-packed plant-based protein source. I recommend ordering if you don't and replacing meat in one of your meals next week. This week's "Sunburst Salad" provides all the carbs, fat, and protein you need from the tahini & lentils to the fresh herbs for added flavor and nutritional boosts.

  • Another option for a meatless meal this week is the "Eat My Sweet Tate" sweet potato and lentil burger.  Another fully packed meal, I suggest heating this one up either in the oven for a few or on the cast iron, stovetop and whether it's over a bed of lettuce or stuffed between two buns treat this patty like you would any other hunk of meat and pack on all of the toppings - pickled veggies, avo, sauteed onions, mushies, etc. Slather on some beet crack ranch too! 

  • Bonus of this week's meals? It is summer and although some of us think of this season as the slow-down season often we are on-the-go and in need of some delicious, nutritious meals. While I would prefer to heat the soup and burger, the grain bowl, salad, shortcake, and sesame noodles can all be eaten cold!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Studies about meat are often skewed, not taking into account the people who eat well-sourced meats sparingly with a wide variety of plants. One study shows that if you eat well sourced bacon every day your chance of colon cancer only increases by 1%? I am not suggesting you eat bacon every single day, but I am suggesting you watch where your meat comes from and be sure to supplement with lots of plants! 

  • Did you know that the green leaves on strawberries are high in Vitamin C and Iron (most beneficial when consumed together)? So don't waste those nutritious leaves and stuff them in too!

Try This:

  • Use the beet crack ranch from the burger and save it for an afternoon snack dip for your veggies or pita.

Chop up two different types of fresh herbs (my favorites are mint, cilantro, parsley, and basil) and add them to various foods throughout the week. Throw them on top of a salad, in your meatballs or hamburger mix, in pancakes!, as smoothie, freeze into ice cubes, or flavor your water. Just another way to get more plants in!

Did you enjoy this week's food? One less thing to think about? Don't forget to order this afternoon for next week. Placing your order is SO much easier than cooking and cleaning ;-)


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good day, foodies! I don't know what other chefs think about when they cook, but I spend so much of my time thinking about ways I can get you to enjoy your food to the max. Whether it's ways to change things up, try a new food, add more plants, or get creative with your meals, I hope you guys enjoy this little food for thought!

This week's "food for thought":

  • Did you know that mushrooms are in the top 5 foods that people dislike on my menus? Sometimes, we have an experience with a certain food that conditions us to think we don't like that food when in fact we just need to try it a new way!! I hope you enjoy the "meaty-ness" of this week's marinated Bella mushroom salad!

  • Hummus has become another one of my favorite foods to make at home. It's such an easy way to pack lots of nutrition and flavor in an easy recipe that can keep you going all week long. Use this hummus as a dip, sandwich spread, salad dressing, etc.

  • The Toss Masal Bowl this week is probably my favorite in terms of health benefits and flavor combined. Garam Masala is a spice blend most commonly used in Indian cuisine and comprised of cinnamon, mase, peppercorn, coriander, and cumin. These spices are known as "warming spices" which are used to warm the body and boost metabolism. When it comes to metabolism, we often think of burning fat but I invite you to think of metabolism as your body burning fuel so you can feel your best!! This meal is a great metabolic booster across the board, packed with boatloads of nutrition that is bound to keep you feeling on top of the world!

Weekly Fun Food Fact:

  • Did you know that mushrooms are genetically closer to humans than plants?

  • Mushrooms and other fungi allow trees to communicate with one another?

  • Mushrooms contain high amounts of Ergothioneine & Glutathione, and when present together these two work hard to prevent visible signs of aging like wrinkles!

Try this:

  • The Green Goddess Pasta this week is packed with leafy greens, herbs, and flavor and I invite you to try and spread this meal out by getting a little creative. Make this meal for one, a meal for two! Add the pasta to a sauce pan and then bulk it up with some grilled chicken or tofu, extra tomatoes, zucchini, broccoli, or if you just wanna be easy, sautee a bunch of greens (I used arugula) into it! You can also add nuts, feta, or goat cheese.

  • I love meat, but plants are where it's at in terms of short and long-term gut support. Try subbing out one meal a day with a plant-based protein such as nuts or seeds. Remember peanut butter counts!

Hope you enjoy this week's food and remember to let me know if you love, hate, are missing something, or just want to tell me you love me ;-)


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Hello! Happy Tuesday! So happy to be back in the kitchen cooking for all of you. Thank you so much for ordering this week, I truly hope you enjoy everything you received. As always, all feedback is welcome! When we hear nothing (especially on new add-on items) we don't know if you loved, hated, or tolerated it, so if it feels right to slide a little message into my box and let us know, we would appreciate it. But remember, this is a no-pressure business. I am really here just to keep you nourished and happy, so no need to respond unless you're really feeling the urge ;-)

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's Asian Salad (which I forgot to give some pervy name!) was a favorite with its flavor, rainbow of colors, and textures. One of my favorite aspects was that we sprinkled fresh herbs on top for a flavor and nutritional boost.

  • I don't mean to get Jalepeno Business, but if you want to get the most from this one, I would recommend heating this in the oven (375/425). Add some avo if you've got it too. 

  • Boost your immune system and your day by having this soup for breakfast! 

  • Eat that cashew cookie guilt-free. It's low in sugar, and packed with protein! No flour too in case that was your thing...

Weekly Fun Food Fact:

  • Did you know that fresh ginger root is medicinal? This magical herb can cure many conditions , but specifically can soothe an upset tummy or stop a cold dead in its tracks!

  • Ginger can be used to relieve PMS symptoms.

  • Ginger is a rhizome (an underground stem) not a root and you can actually grow your own by planting some from the grocery store right in your own home!

  • Ginger can be white, red, or yellow in color and grown year round.

  • Random fact: Did you know that most store-bought health food products are far from healthy? Vegan cheese, for example, is often packed with unneeded junk. Try making my vegan cheese recipe: 1 cup raw cashews (soaked in hot water for 5 minutes), 1 cup hot water, 1-2 cloves garlic, 2-3 T Nooch, 1 t cumin, 1 t chili powder, salt and pepper to taste, optional sriracha for some kick. Blend and serve!

Try this:

  • Trying to pack in more plants? Chop up some fresh herbs (takes less than two minutes!) and keep them in your fridge to sprinkle on salads, sandwiches, soups, etc.

  • Make a giant batch of pesto with fresh herbs and freeze them in ice cube trays for future grab-n-go options!

  • Grate about a teaspoon of ginger into hot water. Cover and let steep for 10-15 minutes. Strain out through a mesh strainer, add lemon and honey and enjoy! Start your day like this every day for a week and see how you feel...

  • Another tip? Use this week's carrot ginger soup as a pasta sauce and stretch the meal for the whole family! 

Hope you enjoy the rest of your week and the rest of your food! Don't forget next week's menu is available today at noon! Get your order in fast. Summertime fills up fast!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Hello and thank you for ordering another week of TWSF treats from me! We had a great time in the kitchen today and look forward to you getting a chance to dig into what we cooked up for you!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I am really excited about this week's soup. This recipe was a little "heavier" than my usual as my pesto added some depth to the broth, but sometimes when you go deep, it just tastes so good! I recommend this one for dinner on a cooler evening this week. Jam-packed with all sorts of vegetables (and chickpeas for some protein pop!), you really get a lot of bang out of this one.

  • For this week's fried rice, I recommend heating on the stovetop with a little sesame oil (or avo if you don't have) and really letting the rice get crispy. This could be a great breakfast dish too! In a rush? This one is great cold too.

  • For the chicken tenders and cabbage, I suggest re-heating on a higher heat in the oven. The chicken is quite flavorful on its own so maybe save that meth mustard with another dish, either as a condiment or salad dressing.

Weekly Fun Food Fact:

  • Did you know that cold cabbage leaves can be used to relieve clogged milk ducts and engorged breasts, while nursing?

  • Babe Ruth allegedly used to wear a cabbage leaf under his hat during baseball games and would change it out for a new leaf halfway through.

  • Cabbage is high in fiber and iron which assist in keeping the digestive tract in a healthy condition.

  • Drinking cabbage juice can help cure stomach and intestinal ulcers.

Try this:

  • Use shredded, unsweetened coconut, hemp seeds, and almond flour (plus whatever seasonings) and make coconut, hemp shrimp or flounder in the oven!

  • Want to stretch salad dressing a little? Add some water and blend. You could use this week's meth mustard, add a dash of water and make it enough dressing for an additional person or two.

  • Want to to get the most from your bush? Add a little lemon juice to your kale or spinach salad. Pairing Vitamin C with high-iron veggies will help you absorb the nutrients more efficiently.

Enjoy your week, everyone!  I thrive on good communication, so never hesitate to reach out with any questions, concerns, or feedback you may have


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Morning my lovely foodies!!

Hope your weeks are off to a great start and you are feeling' this beautiful sunshine like I am. Loving the spring weather and what's better is all the food that is popping up at the farms! Such an exciting time of year here on the North Fork.

I realize you are all hustling and bustling and probably don't have time to read my novels each week, so I tried to shorten it up a bit. The truth is though, I hate quickies and really like to take my time so I organized things a little differently for you this week! Hope you enjoy it.

This week's "food for thought":

  • "I like it slow, don't curry" Burgers: Try pan frying this one and either throwing it on a toasted pita or sourdough slice if you're in the move for a sammy, but this burger is filling in and of itself, so I say heat it up, chop it up, and mix a little chutney with the cucumber salad for one easy, filling on-the-go dish. This burger is packed with lentils and potatoes, you may even be able to share this with a pal!

  • This week's chutney is definitely a "a little goes a long way" so if you have some extra ground beef and rice in the fridge mix a little chutney  and toss in a cast iron for a yummy and oh-so-easy random-fridge-trash meal!

  • Try the soup for breakfast on one of these cooler, windier mornings to start your day off warm and full!

  • Have you tried the chicken, tuna, or egg salad yet? These have been a hit and a staple in my fridge for a quick, delicious, and filling snack. Love that crunch, like me? Try eating it with celery and carrot wedges!

  • In a rush? Grab the "Crazy Israeli CooCoo" for a full protein, carb, & fat packed meal! This one is great right out of the fridge!

  • Not so hungry but need to pack a meal in? This week's "Speak of the fennel" salad is light and vibrant, and sure to  give you just the right amount of push you need to make it through the rest of the day!

Weekly Fun Food Fact:

  • Did you know?? Fennel is a member of the carrot family and its seeds and oils are used to flavor not only foods like candy, medicine, pastries, fish, and sweet pickles but also perfumes, soaps, and candles!

  • Fennel has been used as an herb to help with weight reduction and in Chinese medicine fennel has been used to eliminate poisons from the body, specifically from snakebites!

  • In the middle ages, fennel was considered a magic herb that protects from evil and was hung over doorways to protect homes and families!

Try this:

  • Try adding fennel to your next chicken soup. You can saute carrots, onions, celery, and fennel and add the rest of your fixin's. Just a little twist on a class recipe. Thank Jojo for this one ;-)

Hope you all enjoy your food this week and remember to share your feedback with us this week, especially if it's something you've never ordered before! When we don't hear from you, we assume you are happy but when we assume we make an ass out of u and me, so please share your experience with us so we can give it to you good (or better) next week!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning, loves! Happy Tuesday!

Thank you for ordering this week. Actually, I really had a difficult time picking a favorite this week - there were so many meals I loved!

Food for thought:

Veg-in' Out & Chili-n: The trick with chili is to really let it heat up a while before you get into it. I let this one stew or a while yesterday, and it thickened up quite well. So much so I was thinking it could make a great topping for nachos, filling for quesadillas, a warm salsa snack, or a taco filling! I would love to use avocado more in my recipes, but unfortunately, they are temperamental fruit but you should totally add some fresh avo to this recipe for a little boost.

I love veggie dishes that provide a "meaty" feel leaving you feeling super full. This is definitely one of those meals. Don't forget to throw your tortilla crumbles on top! Speaking of those crumbles, I use them for breading on chicken too. Just the tip!

You're Kale-in It: Honestly, you're lucky you are even getting to taste the pistachios in this salad because I almost at them all myself they were so yummy. But the mix of wasabi chickpeas, sweet & spicy pistachios, and the sweets really had me. I am usually a sweet salad girl, loving blueberries and apples the most, but this salad had the perfect touch of sweet and savory in my opinion. Hope you enjoy. Want to beef it up a bit? Throw it over some quinoa! You could eat this one cold or heat it up if you are really feeling that chill in the air!

Hot Greek Thighs: This was my take on my new favorite recipe. I don't often follow a recipe, but the first time I made this I almost did (added leeks and used Backyard Brine dill mustard). So easy to make at home, especially if you are having quite a few people over. Another tip for ya! I would heat these covered in the oven or toaster oven.

Some Say I'm Lentil-ly Ill: Some may say that, but let them talk because these balls are delish!! I think I will vote this one as my favorite. You could easily eat this one cold, just mixing up the lentils into the salad or heat your balls up in the oven. I might even cut them in half and fry them in the cast iron. The crispy outside and moist inside is really what's turning me on with this meal. Packed with fresh herbs, red lentils, and potatoes, these were super easy to make and so easy to eat. You know I am huge fan of lentils and the best part is that different lentils offer different experiences. Red lentils tend to be softer and if you "over" cook them and mash them up they can created a nice texture for soups, sauces, casserole, or "meatless" balls! Another great way to enjoy these would be to throw this whole meal inside a pita and share with a friend.

Hummus a Tune: Another benefit of ordering the full meal package is the mix and match feature. This hummus is great alone, as a condiment, with crackers or veggie sticks, as a salad dressing, or use it on the above lentil balls in that pita sandwich you just made. But honestly, these are so packed with protein, carbs, and the good fat that really all you need is some carrot sticks and you might find yourself feeling full for hours.

One Sweet Nutty Date: One would definitely not be enough, so I am happy I was able to give you four instead. These are highly addicting, I warn you though! And I am considering this a super food: dark chocolate, coconut oil, peanut butter, and medjool dates. All healthy foods. Winning!


Have a lovely rest of the week and I look forward to cooking for you again soon!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Hello loves! Another Monday has come and gone, and as always, I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to whip some yummies up for all of you. Thank you for ordering.

Here is my food for thought on this week's food:

Rice & Shine:

  • The name of this one says it all. This broth is an AMAZING way to start your day. The light lemony herb broth is cleansing and packed with vitamin C and other nutrients. Between allergies and all of the illnesses going around right now, this meal is an excellent way to boost the immune system. In Ayurvedic medicine, white basmati rice is a staple with it's qualities being mostly sweet/cooling/light. This is an interesting combo because most foods that are usually sweet and cooling are heavy. White rice has gotten a bad name over brown rice, but actually it can be very beneficial for the gut, most specifically because it is easily digested. Try this soup in the morning for a calming, grounding effect. Who wouldn't want to start their day that way?

Workin' That Street Corn:

  • Mexican street corn happens to be one of my favorite Mexican treats, but I will admit the part that I love the most is the cheese! In this vegan street corn salad option, I used cashews, a little mayo, and a touch of nutritional yeast to give that cheesy, creamy feel. Throw it over some plentiful romaine and kale, and you really don't even need the dressing! If you do use the dressing (or even if you don't) let the corn or the dressing soak up in the kale first for max flavor benefits! Massage it, if you have the time.

  • Tip: Save the dressing from this salad and use it on a salad later in the week or as a veggie or pita dip!

The Pesto Yet to Come:

  • This meal is packed with greens - spinach, basil, arugula, and lots of it! I would warm these balls up in a covered pyrex (or wrapped in foil) in the oven or cut in half and lightly fry up in the cast iron. You can eat them plan, or maybe with that white basmati rice you just fell in love with. Over the arugula salad wouldn't be a bad idea either! Tons of nutrients in this meal - serious bang for your buck if you know what I'm sayin'!

You're Adora-bowl:

  • This meal didn't have the color I had desired, but sure has the flavor and the nutrients! Packed with all plant-based proteins, and fat - you may even be able to share this with a friend!

  • Need more protein? Try adding some wild-caught salmon to this dish.

Let's Hit the Springs:

  • This salad screams spring in my opinion! Light and filling and packed with so much plant-based goodness. Eat this one cold or hot, whatever you're feelin today. Peas are packed with Vitamin C, E, and Zinc, plus protein! These are a veg that are super easy to find frozen and inexpensive, add them to just about any dish for an added pop of flavor and nutrition.

Hot Blondies:

  • It's true what they say blondes have more fun Especially blondes that indulge a little from time to time. Restrictive diets are all the rage, and while sometimes very necessary to get your health in line, it is important to treat yo self! All of the baked goods we are make are a little more "health-ful", using higher quality ingredients, less sugar, no artificial dyes and flavors, etc. These blondies were a little sweeter than our usual treats, but I still loved them! Hope you do too!

Hope you're lovin' what you're puttin' in your mouth this week. As always, I love to hear about your experiences - creative ways you ate your meals, things you liked, didn't like, want more of. Also, I keep meaning to mention that being that I am a human, and not a computer I could potentially pack your bag wrong from time to time. Should you be missing something, please don't hesitate to let me know. I will make sure to make it up to you!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good Morning! Thank you for ordering again with me this week. I really hope you are enjoying your food so far. We take a lot of time to choose menu items taking all of your feedback into consideration, so please let me know - the good, the bad, the raunchy! This way, I can keep givin' it to you good in the future.

Here's a little pillow talk for ya this week. You know, the thoughts that come after you do it ;-)

Caul If You're In a Curry:

  • I know curry is a flavor that many avoid, but I think it's one of those flavors that if you keep experimenting with it you may find that you like it. Just depends on how its' done, ya know? I personally love curry to help clear out my sinuses and soothe my gut. Warming spices are excellent, especially during cooler weather. Many have been taking these pureed soups and using them creatively - add a dash to eggs, or over pasta perhaps?

Romaine Calm:

  • I tend to be a sweet salad lover, but I am trying to mix it up for myself and all of you with a more savory flavor like we tried this week. Raw peppers don't seem to sit well with me, but roasted peppers seem to settle just fine. Just a reminder to change things up a bit to see different results.

Can't Squash What This Chick's Got:

  • You can't go wrong with this one with the buffalo sauce and crack ranch alone, but I think the mix of the color and flavor really wins for this meal. I personally might try heating this one right up on a sheet pan in the oven, as it is very moist and doesn't need a lot of attention. Eating it cold is definitely an option too.

  • Tip: Try this one as nachos over tortilla chips! Or use your ranch dressing for another meal this week.

But She's Nuts:

  • This is one of my favorite meals, and possibly one of the first meals I ever offered on one of my menus.

  • Hint: This is basically butternut squash soup over pasta. Shhh. Don't tell. But just another way to take one meal and make it into another.

  • This one is packed with all the carbs, protein, and fat you need and that cashew ricotta really hits home for me.

  • We added a little dusting of dried sage for flavor, but I recommend grabbing some fresh sage from the store and frying it up to toss on top of this delicious meal.

Spear Me the Details:

  • This side dish is a great mix of flavor and texture in my opinion and tastes just like "Spring". This would be a great one to throw in an omelette, maybe add a little goat cheese or feta if you can tolerate it (totally fine without!). Add some avo on top, OMG yum!!

I Want Samoa That:

  • I know I say this every week, but this dessert is amazing! One of my top 5 faves for sure. I recommend keeping it in the freezer and just stealing a nibble here and there (although I definitely don't have the self control to just nibble these babies).

  • I include a sweet treat with every meal to make sure we continue to treat ourselves and indulge from time to time! So many of us love girl scout cookie season, but those cookies are packed with nothing but crap! I made these cookies from scratch and there isn't much to be worried about when it comes to putting these in your mouth!

Tip: I make these salads as easy, protein packed snacks to go. I try to pack veggies into these for flavor and so it's a more complete meal. When I am in a rush I often grab a container of tuna salad and just toss it over greens or grab a handful of crackers on the go. Indulgent, nutritious, and delicious!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Morning loves! So happy online ordering was a hit this week - thank you all for trying it out! Always open to feedback - be it on the food or the process so please don't hesitate to share! And a friendly reminder that this was the last week of the monthly subscription so if you want in next month don't forget to sign up this week!
Just thinkin' about yesterday's cooking and here's what I'm sitting on now:
Take Me Black To All The Places We've Bean:

  • This is a favorite of mine. It's so easy to make (remember if you want a recipe, I am always happy to share it!) and super filling - packed with all plant-based carbs and protein, you can't lose with this one. You can also use it as a sauce for enchiladas for the whole fam. Just a tip for getting creative and spreading the love to more than one with this small soup! Throw on the tortilla "croutons" for a little added texture delight!

This Greeks of Love:

  • Greek salads are by far my all time favorite medley of flavors. This time we created our own little TWSF take on a classic with pickled onions, mixed greens, and our own vegan dill yogurt dressing. This one would also be great with a little splash of red wine vinegar and EVOO and you can use that yogurt dressing for a veggie dip for an afternoon snack! You could get wild and add a little brown rice and chicken or lentils for a fully loaded meal sure to keep you for full for hours!

This Sausage Feels So Rice:

  • Didn't occur to me that we didn't even use rice in this dish, haha! But you know I always love to switch things up and rice is so basic, as the kids say. Why not try something new? Millet isn't the rarest food to show up in your bag, but it's certainly a good choice! Another plant variety to add to your diet as it is a great source of dietary fiber, both soluble and insoluble, making it a prebiotic which means it is incredible for supporting the growth of good bacteria in your gut! Add it with the potatoes, asparagus, spinach, onions, and sausage - this winter meets spring meal is full of everything you need to keep you going! May be enough to share with a friend ;-)

  • I left the asparagus and onions a little crispier for two reasons. 1. If you grab and go, the crunch would like be more appealing eating this meal cold. 2. Should you choose to heat it up you won't overcook those veggies!

  • My choice would be to heat this up on the stovetop in a cast iron pan to crisp the millet and the sausage a bit. Can always add a teensy bit of oil (or water!) to the pan..

Lentil Me Kiss You Marinara:

  • This one is one of my favorite meals to make. A great way to get that filling "meaty" feel when you need a meatless meal option, you can eat this over spaghetti squash, pasta, on bread - whatevs! Loaded up with some veggies and my favorite magic bean, lentils. This is a great way to get the littles hooked on lentils. I find that it takes a common kid-approved food and packs a nutritional punch that no one will see coming.

  • I would heat this one up covered, stirring occasionally in the oven, or on the stovetop. If you find that your pasta gets dried up, you can always add a little oil, water, or extra tomatoes if you have them on hand when you heat it.

Rock Out With Your Brocc Out:

  • I am not a huge fan of raw broccoli, as Jojo and I were discussing yesterday, but when mixed up with all of these yummy textures and flavors, I am so in! Another "spring is in the air" kind of meal for me, I think this could be great as is, in a wrap, as a "salsa" or over greens!

  • I prefer to eat this one cold, but I suppose a little warmth could be yummy!

That's my food for thought for this week. Hope you guys enjoy!!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning and happy Tuesday! Hope your week is going off without a hitch.

FIRST THINGS FIRST - if you did not receive something, PLEASE TELL ME! I always keep extras in case, and I want to make sure you are EXTREMELY satisfied with what you are putting in your mouth!!

Second, ONLINE ORDERING WILL START TODAY. It will be optional this week, and mandatory next week (assuming no major hiccups). But I think you will be happy with the ease and organization the ordering process will now have to offer!
As per usual, Jojo and I had a great time cooking up a storm for you folks and I personally I had a hard time picking a favorite this week BUT I think the award goes to the Pecan Tom Pecan Bars - oh man...if you didn't get your hands on these this week, you are missing out! I think these might be the best dessert yet and that's a lot coming from me, the chocolate lover!
THIS WEEK'S PRO TIP: mix it up and get saucy! Eat your salad with the burger sauce, or put your crack ranch on your burger. Save one of the sauces/dressings for veggie sticks, etc. There are so many ways to mix up the meals I give, I would love to see how you get your creative juices flowing!
Beefless, Beef Stew: I ate this one yesterday for lunch and just the littlest bit filled me up for hours. Packed with the healthiest picks for carbs, plant-based proteins, and fats - as always this one is an amazing way to start the day! But anytime of day will work just fine. Lentils are often forgotten and that's why I include them in the menu almost every week. These nutritional powerhouses are a must in your regular diet.
Orange You Glad you Beet the Blues?: Spring certainly feels like it's here and this salad is the perfect transition with the cooked beets, and refreshing fruits. I threw in the sesame seeds for texture of course, but did you know that sesame seeds are a great source of plant based fiber and protein? Not to mention packed with B-vitamins, iron, anti-oxidants, and more!
Sweet Heat: You know I love a good burger and that I'm a huge fan of a good hunk of meat however....veg burgers can hit the spot and leave you smiling and satisfied as long as you do it right ;-) I personally would reheat this burger covered, or wrapped in foil until heated through and then throw it under the broiler (careful to watch it!) for a little crisping action OR cast iron (lightly) fry it! Then feel free to stick it between your own buns with all the fixins. My favorite add ons for this one would be avo and pickled veggies (oooh maybe some sauteed shitake!), but honestly this is filling (think more plant-based protein, carbs, and fat!) so you really don't need the added bread. Eat it plain and don't forget to dip each bite in that jalapeno, yogurt sauce.
Hot Chick's Muffins: These are one of my faves and Jojo pointed out that we should've named them "And We Meat Again" - get it? This combo of chicken in the frittata is not one that would've grabbed my attention in the past, but let me tell you these do not disappoint! I love them as a grab and go snack, cold or hot!! This one would be a great one to just pop in your mouth while you are on the go (unless you can make the time to sit and really enjoy putting my muffins in your mouth.)
Okay, I know I can be chatty and you've got things to do (like eat), so until next week...

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good Morning, foodies! Hope you have all received your food (or are close to it) and if you haven't already devoured what was in your bag, here's my thoughts on what we put out this week:

Obscene & Green Soup: I've said it before, and I will say it again. Soup. For. Breakfast. This one in particular is PACKED WITH PLANTS! Spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, onions, garlic, carrots, celery, cumin, red pepper, white beans, chickpeas, lemon. That's 12 right there to start your day (and I know I am likely missing a couple)! The flavor is awesome and even a little bit may fill you up more than you expect! Get it in!

Green Thinking About You Salad: This salad is just so pretty and since we eat with our eyes first, maybe this one is what may be most inviting with it's vibrant springs colors and those pickled onions! Yum! Another great way to start (or finish) your day with SO MANY PLANTS! Remember, seeds count as plants! Also, that green goddess dressing (which can double as a pesto) is packed full or herbs and greens.

Stuff It Sweetly: So that little green dressing I threw in your bag? That goes with this dish - we forgot to put it in your box ;-) You could even just stick with the queso on this meal, and use the cilantro avo dressing for salad and then use the salad dressing for pesto with some sourdough bread or veggie sticks for a late day snack to hold you over until supper. Another benefit to purchasing the whole shabang - lots of mix and match foods! But this dish is likely to serve as more than one meal. I would go ahead and heat this altogether. You could eat it as is, or use as nachos with chips or even taco fillings for the whole fam. All you have to do is add the shells! Dinner for a few at least!

Sweet, Hot, & Juicy Thighs: Bone-in, Skin-on dark meat is my fave! I could eat these right out of the fridge BUT if you want to heat it up, I recommend baking in the oven (covered) for a few and then topping it off under the broiler for a little crispy action on top. Another mix and match dressing option. Use the ranch on these OR the salad OR the mexican potato OR the salad OR with veggie sticks or on a sandwich (or just drink it right out of the container, whatevs). The side of beets and squash can be eaten cold or hot as well and in my opinion just the perfect blend of texture and flavor. What do you think?

I've Green Corny: Throw some coconut oil, ghee, or grass-fed butter into a cast iron and fry these babies up for an insane treat. Last night I ate this with my chicken and ranch dressing. So indulgent!

Strap, I mean add-ons and such:

If you ordered the tuna (my personal fave, the pickles OMG), the chicken or egg salad I recommend trying to eat these in a different way than your usual...crackers, over greens, in a lettuce wrap, on sourdough, in a pita, by the spoonful. Also, you could always add things in or on - avo, everything seasoning, grapes, apples, more pickles, pickled veggies, and so on. Remember a lot of what I serve can be used as a foundation to get your creativity on!!

The Split Pea was my fave, so if you were one of the lucky ones who went straight for the bacon this week and ordered, let me know if you thought this was as delish as I did!

That's all for today, folks. Enjoy! And always open to ALL of the feedback. The feedback I received most recently in surveys and emails was SO helpful! Keep it coming (and yourself too ;-) )

I offer lentils each week because they are an AMAZING source of plant-based protein and PACKED with nutrients. Add them to a stew, put them over a salad, use them in your name it, these are an excellent addition to your diet!

Jessica KelleherThat's What She Fedwww.thatswhatshefednofo.com617.821.4462

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Morning foodies! Another Monday has come and gone and Jojo and I really enjoyed cooking up a storm for you yesterday. Some of you have already been digging in and from what I hear those thumbprint cookies are quite a hit this week!

Here's what's been on my mind and my belly:

Give me that Brazilian...soup: This was my favorite this week. I really enjoyed making this soup for you. Yucca is by far one of my favorite root veggies and can add such an amazing experience to a meal, specifically soups and stews. Also, you know I am into adding foods you may not be used to eating (beef up that plant variety ;-) ), plus I threw in some unique spices too. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did.

Show Me Your Hot Brussels: You know I love that crunch - if you have time to crisp up your brussels before eating, it might add a nice texture. You can also heat this whol salad up for a warm take on today's lunch. Crunched for time (get it?), then this one is great cold too. Just grab those brussels and go.

Slurp on These Nutty Noodles: In my opinion, you can't lose if it has peanut butter! I was thinking that if you've got a little who loves pasta and peanut butter, you may want to try putting these two together to get them to add to their food repertoire in a creative way. Lot's of kids are loving this meal this week. In fact, my pasta dishes are usually the meals that my clients say their kids love the most (and it's an opportunity to sneak in new foods!). But if you're keeping this one for yourself, I totally get it. Prepared cold or hot, this one is packed with everything you need for a nutritionally packed meal that tastes yummmo! For those who got tofu, I purposely undercooked it slightly so that if you re-heat you get that perfect texture

I've Got My Pie On You: Don't be fooled by this meatless meal - this one will fill you up. I have found that many of us think that in order to be filled up we need meat. Turns out, that's just not true! We just need a balanced meal with the right amount of carbs, protein, and fat. Well, this one has got you covered! I recommend scooping out the potatoes and putting on top of the lentils in a coved pyrex in the oven. Once heated through, place under the broiler to crisp up those potatoes.

That Beet is Sweet: These are two of my favorite root veggies. I initially intended on this being served cold, but if you reheat, that feta will melt up nicely, so you may want to try it that way if you have some time.

Okay, loves - off to work on next week's menu. If you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning and happy Tuesday!

Hope you've had a chance to dig in already, and that you are happy with what you are fillin' that mouth hole of yours with ;-)

Here's what I've been thinking about:

Blonde Chicks are Hot: SOUP FOR BREAKFAST! I don't know how many times I need to say it, but if you haven't tried it you are missing out! Although, if I am being totally honest, for some reason I much prefer vegetarian soups for breakfast. This chili is a little heavier and I personally like to enjoy it with some "tortilla croutons". You know I am a big fan of adding crunch to my meals, and this is the perfect way to use up the crushed chips at the bottom of the bag. Oh on that note, another great way to use up those crunchy tortilla chips is to use them as breading for chicken fingers. But that's another topic for another day...

Sweet on Me Salad: A few more weeks and we will be heading into spring which is my favorite time of year to get creative with salads! But for now, I still really like including some cooked veg in my salads to keep with that winter theme. You could always pick off the sweets and warm them (or crisp them!) first, eat the salad as is, OR for this one you could throw this whole shabang into the oven or cast-iron pan and really heat it up if you want to change things up a bit. Just a thought. One tossed salad, but so many different ways to do it!

Nacho Chick Lentil Nachos: I think these are the #1 requested meal I make! Most of us think of nachos as a heavy, unhealthy meal. Not with this one! The lentils really give it some "meaty" heft in my opinion and the vegan queso mixed with DATG Salsa is what really makes the flavor come together. Another meal that could be cold OR hot. And as always there are many different ways to enjoy this one. Eat it as nachos OR use it as taco fills for the whole fam. Throw it over some romaine for a take on a taco salad, perhaps? No matter how you do this one, it will be sure to leave you feelin' full after!

Mean Green Pesto Pasta: I would normally suggest eating a pasta dish like this cold or hot, however lentil pasta does seem to get quiet hard when you leave it sitting cold for too long so I would suggest heating this one up or letting it sit at room temp for a while. I used kale, basil, spinach, parsley, and walnuts for this one so you are really hitting that mark on packing the plants in for this meal. Also, this one is a good one for the littles - we call it "hulk pasta".

Caul Me Up For a Date: This was my favorite this week. Not the usual way we enjoy cauliflower, and you know I like to spice it up so Jojo suggested we add a little nutmeg to the mix. Curious to hear your thoughts on this one!

Bite My Doughy Balls: These were a surprise for me! Much to Jojo's dismay, I didn't test the recipe first, but lucky for us it turned out to be so tasty I admit to eating probably 1/3 of the batter myself! Would you believe these babies are made from chickpeas, peanut butter, vanilla extract, baking powder, salt, and maple syrup? That is it! Enjoy these balls, guilt free. You are welcome!

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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning, lovers. Hope your week is off to a great start.

Here's my thoughts about this week's eats:

I Love You From My Head Tomatoes: I love tomato soup. Super cozy, and during these frigid days, cozy sounds like where it's at, am I right? But sometimes simple tomato soup doesn't fill me for hours, I need a little more protein and when I can't add grilled cheese, red lentils can really do the trick. Red lentils are lighter than brown or french and are easily pureed into a soup for a thinner broth, but still packing your meal with a great plant-based protein plus boosting your soup with tons of vitamins and minerals like B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, zinc, and folate! Starting your day with soup on a day like today would be a great idea before heading out to make the day your bitch ;-)

Take Me to Red: My favorite part about the salad this week is the dressing! Festive with it's vibrant color and so light, delicious, and sweet. Made with beet powder and whole strawberries, it's a nice boost to your veggie packed lunch. I totally suggest picking up some beetroot powder to have in the pantry - great to add color to food, flavor to recipes, or even warm up with a beetroot latte!

Put It Between My Buns: You know I love a good burger. Any chance to top it with all the fixin's you'd like. My suggestion is to heat this up either wrapped in aluminum foil or a covered pyrex. Can even put a drop of water in to help maintain moisture. Once heated through, stick underneath the broiler for a hot second just to brown it up a bit. Then feel free to enjoy any way you want. Stick it between your buns if you're into that sorta thing, or eat it plain with the side salad I offered. Any way you slice it, this one is yummy and filling!

You are Egg-stra Special To Me: Power bowls are my favorite. I love to find ingredients in the fridge, freezer, and pantry and put them together to create these parties of flavor that are to die-for. And playing around with nutritional content is fun too! This bowl is packed with protein with the egg and beans, plus did you know that sweet potatoes also contain protein?! What?! Added bonus for one of my all-time favorite vegetables! I subbed out Kale for broccoli - I hope you like it. Broccoli was looking a little limp, so decided to roast up a little kale for you instead. Broccoli and Kale are both members of the cruciferous family (or cabbage fam) and are super good for you, so eat up!

Thai Me Up Slaw: I have been obsessed with cabbage, either raw or hot. So good for you, and so delicious and so versatile - there are so many ways to put this one in your mouth. I added extra peanut butter to the sauce, because there ever too much peanut butter? Also, I was unable to pick up organic sesame seeds this week so we had to do without, but I will be sure to throw them in the next menu somewhere when I am restocked!

Hope you all enjoy it!!!

Remember, no food next week! I will be back on 2/28. However, I am going to offer mystery bags on Friday, so let me know if you want in!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Morning and happy Tuesday!

Thank you to each and every one of you for participating in another fun Monday with us! Jojo and I had a great time cooking for you yesterday.

Here's what I've got on my mind after yesterday:

Butter my Pumpkin: Pretty straightforward, but this soup was a winner for me this week. As always, if you haven't tried starting your day with soup make today the day!

Not a Cobb Salad: This salad has a lot going on so we decided to create a lighter dressing for you so it didn't overtake the flavors and textures of the salad. I may have mentioned how much I love some crunch in my meals, so this one really appeals to my senses. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

Patty's a Sweet Hot Chick: Ha! My names are getting more and more ridiculous each menu. These veggie burgers are high on the list for repeat requests. Usually, I make this with black beans but wanted to change it up a bit. Also, I par-cooked it. So I would suggest reheating at a higher heat to get a little crisp going, and maybe even put it under the broiler for a few seconds! Then the sky is the limit for what you can add if you eat this as a sandwich - pickled veggies, sautéed onions and mushrooms, definitely some avo if you have, etc. I love what goes on top, if you know what I'm sayin ;-). But should you just want to eat this as is - heat up the burger and mix it (optional to eat the lentil salad cold or hot - either way is a win!) on top of the lentil salad and pour that yogurt sauce on for dressing. You will be FULL after this one!

Let's Caul It a Taco Bowl: This one is bursting with flavors and textures. I tried to keep the rice on the blander side so you could taste the flavors of the cauliflower, salsa, and queso. The queso is completely vegan, and in my opinion so flipping' good! Would love to hear your opinions. Take this one to work and eat it cold or hot OR make it into a taco meal for two! Could even toss all this over some tortilla chips for a healthy take on nachos. Yum!

Everyone Likes a Dry Noodle: Ha! This one was fun. The dry noodle was definitely questionable, and a total experiment, I must admit. But the final product is not only beautiful in color, but it also tastes pretty damn good! What do you think?

Looking forward to another menu going out today! Keep an eye out for it.


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning and happy Tuesday, my lovelies! Another Monday has come and gone, and I was lucky enough to have fun in the kitchen yesterday with my pal, Jojo. We really enjoyed our time together, but more importantly we put a lot of love into this week's food and I hope you can taste it!

I am here with my weekly food for thought!

Red-y for Feb (Borscht) - as predicted, not as many chose the borscht. And I get it, it doesn't sound appealing to me either BUT I personally LOVE the taste of this soup. There is a sweet, cozy flavor that I just can't replicate elsewhere. Something about the way the beets marinate the broth is so unique. What is great about this soup nutritionally, is it is packed with fiber but also could be considered a "detox" soup! Perfect way to help keep your system clean! As always, I am recommending this one for breakfast. I just had mine with a side of ezekiel bread, avo, and tuna salad. Random, but oh so delish.

Beet the Winter Blues - the name is for the struggle. January is a tough month for many of us in the dead of winter, post-holidays, illness, cold, etc. Not everyone's favorite. BUT we still have food to nourish our minds, bodies, and souls and I hope this salad could help "refresh" you a bit. Did you know blueberries are a super brain food? I am going to post soon about the many benefits of berries, but from my research blueberries will give you the most bang for your buck and boy do I love a good bang ;-) Jojo concocted a delicious probiotic-packed dressing for you too. We were discussing dressing quantities. Would love to get your feedback on if you feel the dressing portions are to your liking. Can never really have too much lube, according to some. ;-)

Lentil Lasagna Broccs - as my son said last night - "I thought lasagna was just noodles, cheese, and sauce?". Well kid, you thought wrong. We've got the gluten-free noodles, marinara sauce, cashew ricotta, fresh french lentils, and roasted broccoli. I personally LOVED this combination. What was your opinion? I had some feedback on pasta dishes getting dried out upon reheating. Thank you for bringing this to my attention! I added a little extra sauce on top (feel free to add more if you have some at home - Rao's is actually my favorite jarred sauce - little secret shhhh), but make sure to reheat COVERED. I suggest in the oven if you can and maybe covered with tin foil or in a covered pyrex dish. You could even add a few drops of water to the bottom to add moisture to the dish as it reheats. If you do it in the microwave, def try the water trick and maybe put a dish on top to create a cover.

You Missed My Spicy Balls - These don't look that appetizing to me so I always have a hard time putting them up on insta, but they are one of my most highly requested meals so I figured I'd hit you up with these spicy balls again. Plus that crack good! I've eaten these balls many different ways (that's what she said haha). Can certainly heat them up (I suggest similarly to the lasagna tips above) and eat them alone or over the kale slaw. Put them on a slice of bread or over some rice? Make a little meatball sub with some drizzled ranch. I love to make a buffalo meatball salad with romaine, tomatoes, cucumber, celery and that ranch. My balls are pretty moist so you could certainly eat them plain and save the ranch for veggie dip or a salad dressing for another meal. Just some ideas on how to play with my balls.

I'm so corny - Eat this one with the chips for a meal or a snack for sure OR I was thinking it could be a great taco topping! Throw it over some romaine for a tex-mex style salad and toss with that crack ranch you saved from my balls.

Did you forget to order the muffins this week? If so, I am sorry because WOW! I loved this recipe. If you did order them, I would love to hear your thoughts.

That's it for me this week. But I would love to hear from you. Your feedback has been SO helpful in shaping not only the menu, but the whole biz! Please continue to tell me exactly how you want me to put it in your mouth.

Hope you all enjoy the rest of this week!

Thanks again for your orders. Sending love and warmth!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


What a fabulous day in the kitchen yesterday. Thank you all for ordering! Your support and your appetite mean everything to me, so I hope you keep on coming...back for more ;-)

Here are my my thoughts on this week's food:

Butter My Nuts Soup: This is one of my favorite recipes to make during all times of the year. Super easy to whip up, but my favorite part is there is so much room for creativity. In this batch, I added fresh ginger root, turmeric, and apples to bring in some sweet and some savory. I usually use cinnamon and coconut milk, but decided to change things up and use almond milk and left out the cinnamon. I don't know about you, but I LOVED this creamy warmth sliding down my throat. As always, I recommend it as a warm, and easy breakfast. Just warm it up, throw it in your travel coffee mug and voila! Breakfast-to-go! But another trick I do with this soup is to use it as a pasta sauce. Throw it over some pasta as is or add some ricotta (plant based options are great here! - check out my five minute ricotta in today's menu) and it is the perfect meal for the whole fam. One meal made into more, just like that.

Just Arugula Wild Night: This salad is a hearty one. Perfect way to keep the salads going in the winter months. YOu can eat this cold or even warm it up a little if you wish, but don't forget to add that fresh ginger vinaigrette before eating this one. Ginger is a great way to support both your respiratory and digestive system and what a clever way to sneak it in your lunch, right? A little bit of rice, some roasted veg, and this one will be sure to fill you (and possibly one or two more) right up.

Rollin' With My foodies: Let's all just take a moment and give Pearl (aka, Carla) a moment of appreciation here as she agreed to bring these babies back to the menu this week. Talk about labor intensive! But she made each one with so much love, and it shows. These are the perfect way to eat a rainbow. And they certainly taste like a ray of sunshine, so what a lovely way to enjoy some refreshing foods during this cold time of year. Get creative and use your extra dipping sauce for other foods this week - condiment on a sandwich or dressing for a salad perhaps? I toyed with the idea of giving each of you another spring roll, but as I struggle with mindful eating myself I thought this meal could be the perfect practice.

Before you eat this one, try this: Turn your phone off and put it away, along with any other devices. Clear your meal area of everything but what you actually need to eat. Close your eyes and pick up the roll. Not the textures. Take a slow bite. Put the roll down. Can you identify the textures, smells, and different flavors in each bite? Chew each bite completely before picking up the roll and going again. Continue like this until you feel satisfied. Turns out, this may be the perfect portion size if we give our stomachs a chance to catch up with our minds and mouths.

Arti-choke Me Chicken: Casseroles are where it's at for me in terms of winter and comfort food. Not to mention the ease of one-pot-meals. Artichokes are another one of those forgotten favorites for me. Every time I eat them I think "Why don't I do this all of the time?". Kinda like some other things, ya know? Could've put this over pasta or rice, but figured it was heavy enough so I threw in a little cauliflower rice for added fun, but feel like it may have gotten literally lost in the mix. Curious what you all thought about this combo?

Roasted Roots: Seasonally appropriate and so flippin' delicious, this may be actually my favorite menu item this week. Potatoes are a staple in many homes, but parsnips and turnips? Not usually. Curious to know what you think?

Your Hole Is So Pumpkin Delicious: I really just wanted to type that one out just one more time. You know hole foods are my favorite. Hope you enjoy this one as much as I did (the actual food, not the pun).

Hope you all the rest of your meals and week. Look forward to you sliding in my box later. It always feels so good to have you in there.


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