Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday, loves! I have already gotten messages from so many of you saying you devoured some of your food last night. Love hearing how you literally can't wait to put it in your mouth ;-) But seriously, I love your feedback, even when it isn't  all positive, your feedback has shaped the way I have changed things up over the years, so please don't hold back. Either way, always a huge thank you for ordering. Cooking for you gives me such purpose, and now connecting you with more local farms is even better. Thanks for the opportunity to connect with you every week.

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first! 

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

 "Know What You're Puttin' In Your Mouth (and where it came from)" - 

  • Carrots in the soup and Bang Me Bowl from Indian Neck Farm.  

  • Butternut squash in the soup and stuffed peppers from Sang Lee.

  • Spinach and sweet potatoes in the salad from Sang Lee.

  • Jalapenos from my garden, Cabbage from Sang Lee, and Carrots from Indian Neck in the Bang Me Bowl.

  • Peppers and tomatoes are from Lil' Farm Stand

  • Fresh herbs from Sang Lee and my garden!

  • And the yellow onions in all of the meals are from Indian Neck Farm too!

This week's "food for thought":

  • Not sure if you already devoured the stuffed peppers, but this might be my favorite this week. As you may know, I am a huge fan of lentils in place of meat (but you know I still love my meat) and this meal is packed with plants, plus all the protein, fat, and fiber you need for one meal. I managed to squeeze in fresh all local tomatoes, butternut, and onions into your lentils and rice this week, and then I stuffed all that into fresh peppers from Lil' Farm Stand. I purposely left the peppers raw so when you reheat you preserve the flavor, fresh crispness, and nutrients in these beautiful autumn vegetables! This meal may be enough to share with someone you love.

  • My recommendation for reheating the peppers is in the oven, 375 in in a covered pyrex until heated through. 

  • You can definitely eat your salad cold or hot this week - right out of the box or saute it stovetop if you are feeling cozy.

  • I actually can't decide if the stuffed peppers of the Bang Me bowl is the favorite this week - you decide! You could reheat the chicken or eat it cold, right out of the box and honestly there is likely enough jazz in this one so you can save your spicy mayo for a veggie dip, salad dressing, or burger night later this week.

  • The pumpkin bread this week was a hit in my house and I tried it yesterday like fried cornbread and OMG, so good. A little heat, some butter and....WOW. But really, this one is packed with protein, low in added sugar (just a little maple syrup) and a great way to start your day if you're on the go (or if it lasts that long.)

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Generally speaking, when it comes to knowing which fruits and veggies to choose organic, I like to try and use the guidelines: If you eat the skin, or it grows as a root, try and buy organic. However, some fruits and vegetables are simply grown with higher amounts of pesticides than others so the EWG comes out with an updated annual list, or the "dirty dozen". These are the fruits and veggies you should try and only choose organically grown. There is also the "clean fifteen" list which helps you know which foods are safe to buy conventionally grown.

  • Research done at the University of California at Berkeley conducted a 12-day study with families across the U.S. For the first six days, the participants ate a conventional diet. Urine tests on day 6 showed detectable levels of organophosphates (cause cancer, kidney failure, lung damage, and brain development abnormalities), neonicotinoids (associated with Parkinson's, Alzheimers, and Breast Cancer), pyrethroids (associated with neurological issues like ADHD), and 2, 4-D herbicide (insecticide and weed killers used on a wide range of food crops and are cancer causing). Participants were then put on  an entirely organic diet and just six days later a urine test revealed a 60.5% decrease in toxic urine levels! JUST SIX DAYS!

Try this:

  • This week's soup is perfect to use as a pasta sauce! Cheese lovers in the family? Add a little Ricotta (or cashew ricotta). Fresh basil, and BAM - food for the whole family.

  • Add a little chili powder, cumin, and paprika to the stuffed peppers dish, chop up the peppers, place them over tortilla chips and you've got a healthy take on nachos for a large group.

  • This time of year, organic berries can get super pricey. Try buying organic to save money! Plus some fruits retain more nutrients when frozen. Double team..I mean, win!

Thanks again, foodies. Don't forget to place your order for next week!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


If you follow me on the gram, then you are no stranger to my recent rambles about eating local, but whether you’ve heard me say it before or not, I am here to say it again.

Eat Local.

It was such a blessing to return from a trip and feel such gratitude for living where I do. The first order of business upon returning home was of course - grocery shopping, well after catching up on sleep, of course.

I hit up Stop & Shop for a couple of items - the almond milk yogurt my son likes, and a big bottle of kombucha. Honestly, outside of a couple of staples I grabbed at Costco (my usual organic blueberries, avocados, bananas, frozen mango, to name a few) I was beyond happy that almost all of the other food I needed, I could buy locally.  Not everyone (in fact most don’t!) has this option, and even I take it for granted sometimes.

But I get it - it’s not that easy. It takes a lot of time to shop at different stores, let alone just squeezing in the one shopping trip, so of course, that’s what I am trying to do! I want to be your one stop shop for as much local produce, meat, and whatever else I can get for you. No need to think, shop, prep, cook, clean. Just order and I deliver (and I do! So be sure to ask me about that!).

But just in case you needed more convincing, here are a few reasons it’s important to eat local!

  1. IT TASTES BETTER!!! If you are from the North Fork, then you already know - the difference between store-bought summer corn on the cob vs. locally, grown corn, no contest. But in general, locally grown fruits, vegetables, and even meats and cheeses are not only fresher, they actually contain more nutrients than foods that have been stored and shipped.

  2. SAVE THE WORLD! I know this sounds a little dramatic, but it’s true. Just like us, the earth has a microbiome. But our soil has been damaged by industrial farming practices and as a result the microbiome of the soil we eat food grown in needs help! Support small local farms with farming practices based in principles of Regenerative Agriculture

  3. LIVE LONGER! Supporting your local farmers means strengthening your relationship with your community. Did you know that one of the factors that contribute to being a centenerian is social connection and community? Get out there and support your local farmer!

  4. FOOD SAFETY! The fewer processes between the source of your food and your plate, the less the chance of contamination. Plus, small farmdon’t have huge companies to hide behind when something goes wrong. Their product is their business and they will work to put out the best product they can because that’s all they have!

  5. SEASONAL MEANS LESS CHEMICALS! Did you know that when produce is grown out of season, out of its natural environment, it requires the use of chemicals to help it grow “correctly”. But when food grows in it’s natural environment, it doesn’t need much help at all. Mother Nature has it down. By eating local food, you can eat seasonally, increasing the chances that your food was raised by sun and water, versus chemicals and artificial light.

I could keep going, really drilling it into you, but I will save more reasons for another time. 

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday!

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

Locally Sourced - 

  • Microgreens in the "Be Ginger with my Cherry" Salad, from Urban Coyote 

  • Carrots, potatoes and onions in the soup and fried rice from Indian Neck Farm

  • Butternut in the soup, Arugula and ginger in the salad, bell peppers in the rice from Sang Lee

  • Jalapeno and kale in the cornbread from my garden

  • marinara in the ziti from tomatoes from my garden too!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I can't decide on a favorite this week as I think I picked all six of my favorite meals and sides for you, I hope you enjoy as much as I did!

  • You can eat this week's salad cold or hot, almost like a little feta melt!

  • If possible, I would reheat the fried rice on the cast iron by bringing the pan to a high heat and re-frying in a little organic sesame oil or EVOO. Let that rice get crispy on the bottom, yum!

  • Reheating the ziti in the oven, covered with a couple drops of water would probably be best.

  • Put a little butter or EVOO in a cast iron pan and reheat your cornbread, stovetop!

  • I know I said there would be oats in the pumpkin cookies, but I had totally forgotten about my favorite pumpkin cookie recipe so decided to change things up a little last minute, but I'd be surprised if there were any complaints about that change! 

  • I had intended on adding egg to the fried rice, but the girls are on their usual autumn strike, so if it's your thing, I would go ahead and fry up some egg to add to your fried rice dish for a little protein and choline boost!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Research shows that eating 30 or more different plants per week has the best benefits for gut health. If you ordered and ate a full order this week, you can rest assured you have eaten enough plant varieties to keep your gut in tip top shape! Remember, nuts, seeds, herbs, and spices count as plants too!

  • It's definitely root veggie season and when most of us think of root veg we think carrots and potatoes, but did you know that onions, garlic, fennel, radishes, and beets are root veggies too. Root vegetables, like most other veggies, have loads of anti-cancer properties, help to regulate metabolic functions like blood sugar and lipids, and have tons of pre-biotics (what the good germs in your gut eat!).

Try this:

  • Try making your veggie chili into nachos this week - share with the whole family!

  • Have a meat lover in the fam? Try offering the meals that I subbed meat with lentils, see if they enjoy! Lentils are a great way to sub out meat in stews and pasta dishes, especially.

Thanks for another fabulous week, my loves! Don't forget to get your order in for next week. Menu is in!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday - I missed cooking for you guys! I am definitely struggling with returning from such an incredible vacation, but once I really sit in the gratitude I have for being able to do what I love for work, it makes arriving home much easier. And as I mentioned I am feeling more connected to the North Fork than ever with the vast access to local sources of food. In the coming months I hope to dig deeper into that  and share all that makes the North Fork so incredible in your weekly meals. I hope you enjoy this week's food. 

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

Locally Sourced - 

  • The potatoes and carrots in this week's soup are grown and harvested from Indian Neck Farm in Peconic, NY.

  • The baby kale in the salad this week is from Sang Lee Farm.

  • Parsley, basil, and jalapeno from my garden!

  • Apples from Bayview farms. Apples are a tricky one to find organic as it is a difficult fruit to grow without pests! However, I always check with the farmer as many spray infrequently or less than other farms. When in doubt, ask. Also, peel the skin!

  • Beef in the soup is from North Fork Grass Fed in Cutchogue.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I couldn't wait to eat this week's soup as it is my all time favorite soup recipe. I will include the recipe later this week in my reminder email. Packed with some local root veg and local grass-fed beef, this one really helps to make the colder weather a little more enjoyable!

  • You can eat your Fennel salad cold or hot! Saute it on the stovetop or grab it right out of the fridge. Remember kale is a little more "hardy" than most salad greens so adding your dressing 10-20 minutes before you eat it (and massage it in) can really make a huge difference.

  • Lentil Nachos are back this week! I added sweet potato just because and I hope you love it as much as I do. This is an easy way to share with the family. You can add some pulled chicken, pork, or beef if you are a meat eater, or more legumes if you prefer to keep the party in your plants! You could even save your queso for a little veggie dip later in the week.

  • I would heat up your pasta with a couple drops of EVOO or water covered on thes stovetop or in the oven.

  • If you haven't devoured your apple crisp yet, may I suggest running to Fit Foods, grabbing a pint of Coconut Bliss vanilla bean ice cream and curling up on the couch to share this little labor of love with the one you love!

  • You can apple-solutely heat your chickpea side salad on its own, or might I suggest putting this one over greens and making it a meal for two? You could also add some quinoa, farro, or millet for your whole grains.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that the parts of the fennel plant we included in your salad this week are the bulb (chopped) and the leaves (resembles dill)? The bulb of the fennel plant grows deep in the ground with deep roots. Fennel stems grow above ground, grow several feet high, and can produce a yellow bloom.

  • Fennel is a great source of vitamins A, B, C, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, copper and of course fiber!

  • It can be used medicinally to calm colic in infants or to treat muscle spasms.

  • Fennel is in the same family as carrots, dill, and parsley! (I was today's years old when I learned that!)

  • Did you know that there is sweet fennel, grown inland and what is commonly know as Fennel and there is Sea fennel, grown on the coastlines, and found in Portugal! We tasted it on a hike to the beach with our in-house chef and it tasted just like the sea, super salty! It resembles succulent-type leaves and is commonly used in seafood soups and ceviche recipes.

Try this:

  • Try eating one meal or snack per day this week without looking at a screen, or multi-tasking in some way. I can't believe what a difference it makes to do this, especially at breakfast (but I know this is sometimes impossible, so do what you can.). Not only does it bring some joy to the meal, but your belly digests with joy too. Did you know that eating while watching screens suppresses your brain's memory of the meal intake? Who would want to forget such a wonderful daily task as eating?!

  • Try dropping a food rule - so many of us are governed by the overabundance of (mostly mis) information on food and what is "healthy" that it can really diminish the experience of connecting food and joy. Try eating the food you love. For example, I have this concept that "bread is bad" and I often avoid it. However, I love freshly made sourdough and am lucky enough to have a family member who will make it fresh for me. So I am including bread with my breakfast from now on as it brings me so much joy (and did you know that most centenarians live on sourdough!?)

Another week in the books and all thanks to you beautiful souls. Don't forget to place your order for next Monday, the store is open!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Olá from Vila Nova de Milfontes! We spent the day here in this beautiful little coastal town, and I am feeling levels of energy I haven't felt in a long time. We spent the day shopping, eating, and surfing!

We spent a few days in Lisbon, and then headed south for a yoga retreat hosted by Ruah Bhay at the incredible Craveiral Farmhouse. The pristine grounds there are vibrant and packed with endless rows of herbs and vegetables and orchards grown without any pesticides, harvested daily for all of our meals. We wake with the sun and start the day by sipping the most delicious, rich espresso, followed by a walk to the chickens, where we can grab our own eggs and cook them ourselves. Next, we open (and close!) our day with a 90-minute yoga practice and a 20-minute meditation. But my favorite part of each day is by far the breakfast bar!!!! Homemade grain-free granola with the most decadent yogurt and seeds/nut bar. Eggs with fresh veggies from the garden, cooked to order, 3 types of homemade bread, prosciutto, chorizo, cheeses, fresh fruit, detox beet tea, and more. They even make their own chamomile and mint tea!

One of my best days so far was when we accompanied our chef, Pablo, to the local 'fish market,' which consisted of a bunch of chefs at the dock silently choosing the fish as it was hauled off the boat and weighed. Pablo chose a skate fish for us, and when we headed back for lunch, he brought it to the table raw. He then returned about 15 minutes later to present the most decadent fish dish I have ever tasted. He had a garlic and seaweed sauce that made me weak in the knees and served it over a fresh tomato herb salad from the garden. THIS is as farm-to-table as I've ever eaten! It reminded me of my own home and kitchen to see how much love he put into cooking the food. There is something so beautiful in being in the presence of someone who shares your passion.

I have eaten more in the last week than I usually do in two weeks at home, not to mention desserts at every meal, lots of dairy, bread ALWAYS, and coffee all day. If I ate like this back in the states, I would've been sick by the end of day one. I feel amazing! While I am definitely full after every meal, I feel more inspired than ever to get back there and bring as many fresh-from-the-earth and straight-to-your-belly meals, cooked with as much love as I can muster up. Cooking for someone is such a beautiful and intimate honor to have, and I just wanted to take a moment to thank every one of you for being the clients that you are, supporting my love for cooking, and trusting me with what you all put in your mouths. (TWSS) But truly, I am honored to feed you and can't wait to return home and share all of the knowledge I've learned in your next food order .

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday, loves! Another monday in the books, and another day of cooking for some of my favorite people. I love what I do, and it genuinely fills my heart to fill your bellies, so as long as you keep doin' what you're doin' I'll keep doin' what I'm doin'! That said, I adore your feedback just as much as I adore nourishing you, so please let me know how I can improve this service for you. After all this is all for you!


  • This week is the last for the September subscription. The store for MONDAY, OCTOBER 9th will be open this Thursday 9/28 - Sunday 10/9, giving you a big window of time to get your orders in and a chance to get your October monthly subscription in.

  • I AM NOT COOKING MONDAY, OCTOBER 2nd as I will be away in Portugal with someone cooking for me!!

  • I deliver every Monday evening to the Riverhead Target parking lot 5:45 pm.

  • I offer deliveries from Riverhead to Greenport on Mondays and Tuesdays.

  • You can also pick up from my home on Tuesdays any time if Mondays don't work for you.

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

  • If you order the salmon salad or any meat meals, always eat them first!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I know I sound like a broken record, but especially in light of the weather these last few days, SOUP FOR BREAKFAST! If you've got time to heat up your coffee, you've got time to heat up your soup (and coffee doesn't fuel you like breakfast does!).

  • In this week's "Medded Bliss" salad, believe it or not I could not get my hands on any organic marcona almonds or jicama! So I replaced them with organic pine nuts and Sang Lee's Daikon Radish. In this salad alone you are getting 10 of your 30+ plants per week!

  • The "Curry Up" bowl can be eaten cold or hot. As with any of my meals, if you can avoid the microwave I always suggest doing so and using the oven or stovetop to reheat your meals. I also mixed a little organic basmati in with your forbidden rice to add some color and one more plant variety!

  • I would reheat this week's CBR either right on the stovetop in a skillet with water or EVOO or covered in the oven with a bit of water to keep the moisture in.

  • I've really been on a kick with this "quinoa with a kick".  Grains can get super boring, but fancying your grains up with a little bit of fresh herbs, celery crunch and shredded carrots (splash of lemon and cayenne) can be a game changer. While you can totally enjoy this one on its own, I love to put this on top of some greens, add some kraut, a dollop of that greek yogurt, and add some grilled fish or chicken. 

  • It's recipes like this pumpkin bar that make me wish I was you and not me because you're lucky enough to get this nice healthy portion of dessert in your bag while I am over here with any leftovers and limited self control! Ha! But enjoy this one, just some maple syrup, pumpkin, almond flour, and coconut oil, plus some fall spices, this one is vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, and flavor-FULL!!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that black rice got its name because it was once reserved strictly for the Chinese emperor to ensure his good health and longevity? It's true! But now we are lucky enough to be able to get our hands on this beautiful black grain. Black rice is packed with high levels of antioxidants, iron, fiber, and protein and is known to support eye, brain, liver and heart health. Try and find a "medication" that will fix all of those in shot!

  • Don't forget that spices and herbs are part of your plant diet too! The more you add, the more flavorful and medicinal your meal will be. Want more flavor and nutrition? If you can swing it, spend a little extra and go for the higher quality spices and herbs. Not only is there a huge flavor difference, but you'll also get more bang for your buck when it comes to nutrients. Remember, spend more on food now, less at the doctor later!

Try this:

  • Did you love the "quinoa with a kick" or are also just bored of your grains? Try that same recipe (chopped herbs, grated carrots, chopped celery, salt, pepper, garlic, cayenne, lemon juice) with any grain - farro, amaranth, millet, etc. 

  • Wanna spread that quinoa salad out for the whole fam. Start with four bowls, add a handful of massaged (lemon, EVOO, salt and pepper) kale (or any greens) to each bowl, sprinkle some quinoa salad on, add a protein of your choice and voila - meal for four! More ideas to add: avocado, pickled veg, sauerkraut, kimchi, etc.

  • I think some marinated grilled shrimp would be an excellent addition to the curry bowl and also would help to make it a meal for more than one!

  • Try taking your butternut squash soup and using it as a pasta sauce instead. Add a little real or plant-based ricotta (store bought or homemade) and omg, this is amazing!

See you in a couple of weeks!!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good evening my darlings! Hope you are all diggin' into your food and lovin' every bite. It was a great day in the kitchen and I hope you can taste all the love we put into each dish.

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

  • If you order the salmon salad or any meat meals, always eat them first!

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's favorite has got to be the "Wanna get Lei'd" Hawaiian chicken dish. So many of my favorite foods - pineapple, white sweet potatoes, and leeks all mixed together for the perfect blend of carbs, protein, plants, and FLAVOR. I recommend heating this up in the oven covered or quick ona baking sheet. I pretty much throw all of my meals on a baking sheet for a quick heat in the oven.

  • Need to get your greens in? Then you are definitely gonna wanna lick this week's bowl in. Legumes, greens, cruciferous veg, sprouts - all powerful, disease-fighting plants, all packed into one delicious dish. You can eat this one cold or hot, but no matter how you enjoy it, rest assured you are getting all the protein you need from plant-based sources like quinoa, hemp seeds, edamame, and pepitas. And you know I am always talking about plant variety so I decided to switch up the usual tahini and use black sesame tahini instead. Hope you enjoy it!!

  • You can look forward to many more "Autumn" salads including veggies and fruits like apples, squashes, nuts, and more - starting to think about including cooked veggies in our "salads" as a way to prepare our systems for the colder seasons to come.

  • I would eat the orzo side dish cold, but you can totally heat that one up too

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that leeks are an incredible plant to add into your diet? Leeks contain PREbiotics, which are the food for the microbiota in our gut. They also contain anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in our immune systems. 

  • Did you know that beans and legumes are the only food group that is known to predict longevity? In one study of 785 adults a 20 gram increase in legumes resulted in a 7-8% lower risk of dying during the study period. In addition, legumes are a staple in the "blue zones", which are the areas of the world known for longevity. Think beans, lentils, peas, many great options and so many different ways to eat them. I actually don't love eating beans on their own, but mixing them up in a stew or burger patty and I LOVE them.

Try this:

  • Try replacing onions with leeks in your next soup recipe, see how you like the flavor.

  • Try replacing beans in legumes for meat in at least one meal this week. Black beans instead of taco filling.

  • Go out and grab a container of Cocojune yogurt this week. Add a dollop to meals like soups, salads, bowls, tacos, etc. It creates a creamy experience, but also it's a great , simple way to include fermented foods if you're not a big fan of kraut, kimchi, or kefir.


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Hello my foodie friends! Thank you for a great week this week, I was super busy in the kitchen yesterday. Trying to wrap my head around the new school year schedule and my own was a challenge to say the least! But routine is huge for me and cooking every monday is strangely meditative and grounding for me, despite how crazy it can get sometimes. I am so excited to bring butternut squash back to the menu this week. Expect to see an abundance of orange and yellow root veggies coming your way. I also got inspired this week for some new foods I want to try and introduce so keep a lookout for some yummy stuff to come!

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

  • Remember if you are ordering 3 or 4 meals, it pays to order the "partial" or "full" order vs. buying a la carte.

This week's "food for thought":

  • Carrot ginger soup is for sure a delicious meal but when I say food is medicine, I really mean it for meals like this. Carrots are packed with Vitamin C and A which is huge for immune support, and ginger works wonders for our health. With these stormy days ahead, starting your day with a little liquid sunshine wouldn't be a bad idea.

  • This week's salad can be eaten as a grab and go salad. I would personally add some fish or chicken to this one for more protein bang, but depends on your dietary preferences there. If you have got some time I would sautee this one up in  a cast iron pan with a little EVOO and add a dollop of my favorite Cocojune yogurt for a little creamy tart probiotic boost.

  • If you want to stuff your face with the Stuff My Taco dish from this week, I would heat this one up in the oven or toss it around like a fried rice dish stovetop. I got a little confused when packing the orders that I did add sprouted brown rice to this dish and I confused the dressings. The crack ranch was accidentally packed with the stuff my taco dish. That said, I love playing around with different flavor and frankly I don't think you need the ranch or the avocado dressing on this one at all. I would save the ranch for a burger or some veggie dip and eat this one on its' own!

  • You can also eat the roast me dish cold but I would prefer this one hot. One of my clients suggested she might try this one with some shrimp on top - I was thinking a tangy marinade would be great!

  • In the effort to offer more plant variety, I gave you my favorite white sweet potatoes for the side dish this week, hope you enjoy!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • You probably always hear the suggestion to eat local and seasonal foods, but do you know why? Well, I will tell ya...

  • Local and fresh food is flavorful! Most of the food we buy in grocery stores has been previously frozen or stored (or worse - bathed in preservatives). Biting into a freshly picked apple or carrots is a far better experience than an old, stale one.

  • Seasonal, local food has a higher nutrition content. Want to make food your medicine? Well then eating local and seasonal veggies and fruit will offer you the most bang for your buck when it comes to vitamins like A, C, folate, and more.

  • Our ancestors ate what was available to them at any given time. They didn't have access to kiwis grown in Mexico in the middle of February while living in New York. And while it is a privilege to have access to food like we do, it is also beneficial to support your body's needs for the season at hand! Eating with the natural cycle of crops is the most ideal for our systems.

  • And obviously we love to support our local farmers! But you might be able to save money too buy joining a local CSA or when crops are in abundance often the price drops. Look out for sales at even the priciest stands around!

  • Oh and last but not least, eating seasonally supports the environment!

Try this:

  • Have littles who love pasta more than veggies? Try using soups like the carrot ginger as a pasta sauce instead of a soup. Not only will you get a meal for the whole family, but the kids will get their veg too! 

  • Looking for more protein? Lentil pasta is a great way to add more protein in your diet in a creative way. Sometimes I get sick of plain lentils and I crave a good pasta dish, but don't love the carb heavy feel of a regular pasta dish. Lentil pasta is the way to go. But remember, as I have mentioned recently, make sure to check ingredients. Lentil pasta should ONLY contain lentils.

  • Try making the stuff my taco dish into Nachos for the whole fam. Add some cheese if that's your thang, yogurt for sour cream, make some guac, and some pickled jalapenos would be perfection!

  • Try adding black or white sesame seeds to any of your dishes. We do eat with our eyes first, so for sure black sesame seeds are visually pleasing, but they also add a welcomed crunchy texture experience as well as a nutrient boost. Remember seeds are plants too!

Hope you all enjoy and please let me know if you missed anything this week - I had a few mixups with the orders and I am still trying to sort it all out! Thank you for your understanding with that too, you guys are the best!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


It's September! While I am a huge fan of Summer, I love the change of all seasons. New weather, new crops, new vibes all around. I really treat September as my "New Year" and try and get organized, settled, and find inspiration all around me. Looking forward to taking this fall motivation and putting it into your food this month! I had a lovely, quiet day in the kitchen yesterday and had a chance to use up most of the veggies that have been in the house from the garden. Most of this week's meals are from my garden to your mouth with a few other's weaved in like Indian Neck Farm, Sang Lee, and Lil' Farm Stand.

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I made a heartier soup this week as I was inspired by last week's cooler weather, but so much for that! However, remember that by eating soup you actually cause your body to heat up from the inside so it will cool itself on the outside, so it is actually a great meal to help stay cool in this warmer September weather. 

  • The pear salad can be eaten cold or hot! If you're interested in trying it on the warm side, just toss it on  a skillet and give it a couple of minutes. Those pears will be worth it, I promise!

  • This pesto pasta dish is a regular for me during the week with the abundance of summer veggies always around. Add that lentil pasta and it keeps you full for hours. I did try a new brand of lentil pasta this week, wasn't loving how it cooked, but did love the flavor. I'd love to get your feedback!

  • Your favorite balls are back! I don't know what it is with you guys and meaty. balls but whenever they are on the menu, I can't keep you away! I would recommend heating this covered in the oven or in a cast iron. Either way you may want to add a little EVOO or water when you heat them up as turkey meat can dry out fast when reheating. I ate mine with the potatoes from the "roast with the most" dish, some greens from the garden, tzatziki, and some kraut! So delish!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that poached (or roasted) pears are great for supporting the lungs and can be an amazing snack to incorporate when you have a chest cold? Try sprinkling a little cinnamon and poaching your pears stovetop with some water. Not only is it delicious but it will help you feel better quicker! Tip: kids love this!

  • This week's tzatziki sauce is made with Cocojune yogurt. I love taking a dollop of that yogurt and adding it to almost everything I eat, like a sour cream almost. It has live cultures so you get your probiotic punch, plus it adds an amazing creamy texture and fuller flavor to every dish. It can be pricey, but I only use about one tablespoon per meal.

Try this:

  • Try spreading out your soup for the whole fam by making it a pasta dish. I love the lentil pasta with all its protein content (and just lentils for ingredients), add the soup for your "sauce", maybe throw in some greens and you will be feeding the whole family (not to mention checking off tons of plants for the week!).

Okay, folks gotta run! Have a great week!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday! Hope you are all enjoying your food so far. Reminder: THIS IS THE LAST WEEK FOR AUGUST. PLACE YOUR SEPTEMBER MONTHLY TODAY!!

I'm adding a new section this week (below). I have learned these tips from you so if you have any more, please share them with me!

Just the Tip - How to Make these meals "the best you ever had":

  • Put your meals in your own tupperware when you return home for maximum freshness! 

  • Add a piece of paper towel to "moist" meals like salad.

  • Eat your salads first!

  • Try to heat your food stovetop or in the oven vs. the microwave.

  • Add a drop of moisture like water or EVOO to meals when heating them covered in the oven so they don't dry out.

This week's "food for thought":

  • The minestrone this week was my favorite meal. Packed with a ton of plants, plust plant-based protein and fresh herbs. All you need is a dollop of yogurt on top for your serving of fermented food and you've got everything you need in one meal. I recommend starting this cloudy Tuesday off with some of that thick soup! 

  • I recommend tossing your kale salad with the dressing (and massaging the leaves if you have time) like 10-20 minutes before you eat it for best results. 

  • The BBQ bowl is delish. You can definitely eat this one on the fly, but if you want to heat it up covered in the oven or stovetop is your best bet. I may even save the ranch dressing for another meal later in the week as the bbq sauce brings a lot of flavor. Try adding some avocado to the top of this meal.

  • It's funny. Whenever I put frittata on the menu, it is the least ordered of the four meals but in my opinion, it has the best bang out of all of the meals. It can satisfy the breakfast, lunch, dinner, or snack need, can be eaten cold or hot, and has all the protein, fat, carbs, fiber, and fermented food you need.

  • The broccoli salad was another favorite this week for me. Anything with greek flavor and I am in. I would eat this one cold and add some grilled chicken to it. Want to share it with a friend? Add some brown rice, grilled chicken or fish, a dollop of greek yogurt. Voila!

  • If you haven't shoved your balls in your mouth already, then put these in the freezer until you're ready.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that each year 119 billion pounds of food is wasted in the United States? That is about 130 billion meals and more than $400 billion wasted.

  • We try and save time and food by using as much as the food we are prepping as possible. 

  • Some tips that come to mind: eat the skins! Kiwis, carrots, mangos, apples, cucumbers, etc.! The skins are packed with fiber and other nutrients, not to mention they add a whole experience to your food. Eating a kiwi with skin vs. without is a whole other flavor and texture journey!

  • Eat the seeds! You always hear about eating flax, hemp, and chia seeds but seeds in your other fruits and veggies are so beneficial for your health! For example, eating the seeds of cucumbers, which are often discarded, is helpful in cancer prevention and creating strength in the body! Other seeds to think about are pumpkin, tomatoes, sunflower, etc.

Try this:

  • Use your minestrone soup as pasta sauce. Use lentil pasta for more protein content! Reminder to check your pasta ingredients for unnecessary fillers. For example, the Tolerant Brand brand uses lentils only whereas Banza Brand has unnecessary fillers like xanthan gum, pea starch, and tapioca. Not the worst offenders but not necessary.

Alright folks, hope you enjoy your meals!! Looking forward to feeding you next month!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Hello and thank you for ordering this week! I hope you have been digging in and enjoying and by the texts I've received so far it seems you are doing just so. I love how you are so excited to get the food, you dive in each week the second you get home. That's what this is all about! Not just convenience, but JOY!!

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's menu is LOADED with tons of local fruit and vegetables. I am feeling so lucky to live in an area so abundant in locally grown produce. I joke about cooking food with love, but growing food with love is even more important and boy can you taste the love this week!

  • The potato leek soup this week is one of my all time favorite comfort food recipes and the potatoes are organically grown right here in Peconic at Indian Neck Farm and their root veggies happen to be my all time favorite.  I also used their carrots in this recipe. Hope you enjoy! Today's rainy morning might be the perfect "soup for breakfast" kind of meal.

  • Now that I am thinking about it, this week's menu is pretty much packed with my favorite meals. Greek salads are my go to when I am tossing together whatever is in the fridge. Cucumbers and tomatoes are in abundance so this is a summer staple for sure. I used cashew yogurt with live cultures for the dressing. Need a protein boost? a piece of grilled chicken or local fluke with some oregano could really hit the spot.

  • If it's in the form of a sandwich, I am gonna wanna eat it. So why not pack all of your veg into a burger? This one has carbs, protein, fat, fiber - everything you need in one meal. I would recommend heating this one in the oven (uncovered is fine) on a piece of a parchment or lubed up sheet. You could even broil a bit to crisp up the top before serving. 

  • Try the burger over greens or on a bun and load it up like you do your favorite beef burgers - pickles, avo, onions, oh my!

  • The sausage dish is another one of my favorites. I would heat this one up on the stovetop because I love crisping up my rice a little "fried rice" style, but you can also just toss it in the oven for a few to reheat while you are getting ready to head out.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Last week I talked about checking labels. Non-dairy milks are a a big culprit here. Marketed as "healthy" but filled with unnecessary and unknown ingredients. Look for milks that are what they should be. Almonds and water. When I cook I use Native Forest Brand Coconut Milk but the "simple" version which is just coconut milk, no added gums or fillers.

  • Did you hear about the "internal shower" internet sensation? The general ida is  just ingesting chia seeds and water. When you combine chia with the water it creates a gel which does help with bowel movements!! Chia seeds are packed with fiber, protein, and antioxidants. Definitely something to consider including in your regular diet.

  • Fennel is another favorite of mine that I include often in my veggie roasts. It is packed with Vitamin C, supports good bone health, digestion, fights cancer and more.

  • Noticing a trend here? Whenever I list the benefits of fruits and veg, they always suggest that plants have disease fighting properties. If that's not a reason to include more plants I don't know what is!

Try this:

  • Wanna a quick breakfast option (and likely a meal for 2)? Throw a few eggs into the pan with the bean burger and cook it all up together. Top it off with some avo and microgreens and you have got yourself an incredible start to your day! Or breakfast for dinner...just saying!

  • Don't love chia pudding? Me neither! Try sprinkling chia seeds in sauces, salads, smoothies, etc. They can add the perfect little texture and fiber boost to just about any meal and they look beautiful!

  • Want the quinoa salad to be more than a side? This dish would be great over fresh arugula or baby spinach and topped with a little balsamic vinaigrette and a dollop of coconut yogurt for a little probiotic boost.  Now you've got enough to share with a friend!

That's all for today, folks. Enjoy every morsel!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning! I hope you are enjoying this week's food so far. I have already gotten rave reviews on the soup and the cheesecake so I know you're digging in!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I've really been into eating as much of the produce I have in my fridge and that includes all parts of that fruit or veg. For example, for years people have been making fun of me for eating kiwi skin, but if you know you know! Not only does it have a texture and flavor experience to-die-for, but it's packed with nutrition! Win-win! So I've been sharing this with you in the weekly meals! Last week we kept the skin on the mangos. Not only is it time consuming, but it's also pretty wasteful. This week we roasted the beets with the skin on! It seems that many people peel skin from vegetables for hygiene reasons, but these beets from Indian Neck Farm are not sprayed with insecticides and if you give them a good washing and cook them at high temps, any remaining bacteria would be killed off. Plus the skin is full of nutrients! 

  • This week's soup is a great way to start your day. I always recommend starting your day with soup as you can quickly heat it, throw it in a travel tumbler and sip it like coffee on your way to work or drop the kiddos. Plus this one is packed with lemon which is another great way to start your day.

  • I know you guys love my spicy balls so I gave you all a little extra this week, maybe you want to share it with a friend?? Ha, probably not. You can reheat these stovetop cut in half for a little crispy feel or cover them in the oven with a drop of water to help retain moisture.

  • The pasta dish can be eaten cold or hot this week, although I do recommend re-heating for the best experience. I love lentil pasta but it doesn't harden significantly when chilled, so you can also reheat this one on the stovetop or covered in the oven. Toss it a couple of times for best results. This one is a favorite as it's packed with lentils and cashews (ricotta) so it's an amazing plant based protein source but also has all the fiber, fat, and carbs you need to feel great and nourish your body and brain in all the ways it needs.

  • I recommend keeping your cheesecake in the fridge or freezer (that is if you somehow still have it in your possession).

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Check your labels! Did you know that the majority of food labels are extremely misleading? Here are some rules to follow.

  • Just because it says "organic", "keto", "paleo", doesn't make it healthy.

  • Don't be fooled by words or phrases like "100%", "real", or "all natural"

  • READ THE LIST. Can you replicate it in your kitchen if you had to? a.k.a do you know what the ingredients are?

  • Look for 5 ingredients or less.

  • Avoid foods with canola, sunflower/safflower, or other highly processed and (highly harmful) oils such as these.

  • Try to buy foods in their whole form to keep it simple, otherwise make sure you know the ingredients going in your food, and therefore in your mouth.

Try this:

  • Try making some of your own lentil pasta and toss your summer salad with it. Yes! You can eat this salad cold or hot. And with this one a little bit of dressing goes a long way so I would save some for another meal after putting just a little dribble on this one.

  • Throw a chicken breast, 3 T of salsa, pinch of salt, pepper, garlic, paprika, cumin in the instant pot for 15 minutes. Shred the chicken and enjoy served over Let's Get Wild side dish!

Hope you enjoy! 


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


SUB-stitute with Veggies

Springtime is here which means local farmers are gettin’ down in the dirt in the fields ready for those fruits and veggies to explode into the stands soon. We’ve all heard why we need to include more plants in our diets, but sometimes it’s the how, not the why that gets us. Here’s some tips on how to include more plant variety in your diet:

  1. CHOOSE A NEW WEEKLY FRUIT OR VEG - whether you haven’t gotten your hands on it in a while or you’ve never tried it, try and include one new plant per week in your diet.

  2. ADD HERBS TO YOUR MEALS - simply throwing some dill on a potato salad or cilantro on top of your tacos can not only add bursts of flavor and texture, but it’s also a fabulous way to incorporate more plants into the meal.

  3. PLAN THE MEAL AROUND THE PLANT - most of us are used to planning our meals around the meat, but try planning your meal around the plant! Search the plant’s name and recipes into google and choose a fun recipe to try!

  4. SWAP AND SHOP - swap out some of your usual animal-based products for some plant-based alternatives. Try coconut yogurt instead of cow’s milk or using yogurt on top of your tacos instead of sour cream. Choose a plant-based creamer like cashew cream instead of regular cream. BUT REMEMBER TO CHECK YOUR LABELS! Just because it is labeled plant-based or organic does not mean it’s not packed with unnecessary ingredients.

  5. MAKE SMOOTHIES - smoothies pack a lot of bang into one meal and are a great way to incorporate more plants! Pro tip- try blending frozen cauliflower into your smoothie instead of ice!

  6. MAKE MORE SOUPS - another fabulous way to include tons of plants into one meal!

  7. GREENS ON HAND - keep greens on hand to throw on top of a sandwich or burger, or make a salad. Greens are an amazing way to pack in more plants without more calories!

  8. THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX - include veggies in recipes that usually call for meat; pizza, lasagna, tacos, stir fry dishes, and pasta.

  9. LENTILS - most people think of lentils and think of some boring lentil soup they were forced to eat as a child. NO WAY! Lentils are a powerhouse of nutrition and flavor, not to mention an excellent source of plant-based protein. Try substituting meat in one of the above recipe ideas with lentils!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning! Sorry for the delay, I got distracted with a beautiful nature walk this morning, enjoying all the incredible signs of Spring that have sprung. But I'm back at it now, so here is this week's pillow talk:


This week's "food for thought":

  • There's something about orzo in soup that just screams "comfort" for me. So whether it's curling up on the sofa when you are feeling burnt out, or when those April showers have you feeling a little down, bring the soup with you. Comfort from food can totally be okay, especially when it is real food and not a bag of Doritos. Let food bring out the joy in you! With hints of coriander, lemon, and dill this is also a great detox soup as we move into warmer seasons.

  • Sometimes reheating the pasta dishes can be a little disappointing. I'm a total weirdo who loves crunchy noodles so I will often "fry" my pasta in a cast iron right on the stovetop, but if you want to keep things moist, try adding a couple drops of water or EVOO to a baking dish, cover it and reheat on 350 until cooked through (toss once or twice). I added some cherry tomatoes and chicken to mine for a little flavor and protein boost. 

  • The veg burger is another fave of mine. I LOVE BURGERS. Put anything between two buns and game on. All jokes aside, seriously add pickles, avo, a little mayo or mustard, hot sauce, whatever, anything goes with this bad boy and it will leave you feeling full for hours! Pan or air fry, or bake to reheat.

  • How good is that lemon pound cake? Just sayin... (Karen put her baking magic into these and boy oh boy did they turn out great!)

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Protein intake is all the rage right now and for good reason. Protein helps us build muscle, repair after injuries, create digestive enzymes in our guts, oxygenates our cells, and more. When paired with fat and fiber, you are gonna feel like a winner!

  • Did you know that fruits and veggies  contain protein? Here's a few examples:

  • 1 cup of peas has almost 9 grams of protein!

  • 1 cup of spinach contains 5.

  • Brussels sprouts have 4 grams of protein per cup

  • The great thing about fruits and veggies is that generally speaking you can eat large amounts of them and it's mostly just going to fuel you in the right way! So get after it and eat some more plants today.

  • I threw in black eyed peas into this week's cowboy caviar in my effort to get you all to increase your plant variety. When was the last time you had black eyed peas (well besides on the radio)? They are an excellent source of Calcium, Magnesium, Vitamin A and just 1/2 cup contains 7 grams of protein (not to mention that beneficial fiber!). So grab a handful of your favorite tortilla chips and make this your Taco Tuesday Salsa, baby!

Try this:

  • Trying to get more protein in? If you're an omnivore, try and order the full order each week and supplement with a couple of proteins. Take an hour on Sunday and grill up some steak, chicken, or fish and have it ready to add to any meal or just grab and go for a protein boost. 

  • Make the cowboy caviar into taco filling tonight. Or throw it over some tortilla chips with a little melted cheese, or chopped avo for some nachos for the whole fam!

That's all, folks! Enjoy your week and your food. Thanks as always for being such fabulous customers!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Natural Allergy Treatments

  • Homeopathic Remedies - these remedies are my ultimate go-to for all things, except birth control. They work on your body on a cellular level and kick start your body to work in the way it needs to conquer whatever it needs to to kcik your symptoms in the butt. There are no side effects, no drug interactions, and can be safe for pregnant women and even infants! Below are my favorite homeopathic allergy remedies.

  • Supplements & Herbs

    • Quercitin - a polyphenol antioxidant found in plants like broccoli or cauliflower, it’s a great supplement to include in your regime to control allergy symptoms.

    • D-Hist is a great supplement, but I recommend taking it in the months prior to your prime allergy season to build up your tolerance. Doesn’t help as much for immediate symptom relief. They also have a kid’s version!

    • Stinging Nettle - named for its ability to sting your fingers when you are foraging for it (and can be found somewhat locally!), you can take this in pill or tea form and is another great herbal remedy for allergies.

  • Home Medicine Cabinet - some of our best medicines are often already in your home pantry! 

    • Honey - try raw, local honey. There are so many medicinal properties in good quality, raw, local honey from soothing your throat to preventing future allergy symptoms you can lose with this spoonful of sugar everyday! (I have a great local source, reach out if you want!)

    • Apple Cider Vinegar - drink a glass of water with some ACV to help break up mucus and promote lymph drainage. You can also add a teaspoon to your neti pot solution for a great sinus flush!

    • Lemon - packed with vitamin C, acting as an expectorant, just one squeeze of this one will give you just what you need. (Add it to your ACV water!)

    • Garlic - a powerful, natural antibacterial and immune boosting herb, try eating two cloves of garlic daily, minced in a spoonful of honey to fight off allergies by boosting your immune system. If you’re worried about fighting off the vampires, you could try a supplement, but in my experience nothing works as well as the real thing here!

  • Diet

    • A diet rich in anti-inflammatory foods is best to keep your allergy symptoms at minimum. Think ginger, broccoli, blueberries, dark chocolate, bone broth, walnuts, and celery (amongst one million others!).

    • Keep dairy to a minimum or none at all. Dairy is a mucous producing food (especially if you’re not getting raw, unprocessed cheese and milk) so keeping this culprit out is a good idea.

    • Foods high in processed sugars should also be reduced as this builds inflammation in the body only exacerbating your allergic response.

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Ohhhh, it's just so beautiful outside! Hope this email finds you outside in the sun enjoying some TWSF eats! Remember, the next menu is up and ready to go so don't forget to place your order for next week ASAP, I have been selling out fast lately.

Sorry for the delay in this week's pillow talk - kids are home and life is more chaotic (than usual). 

This week's "food for thought":

  • If you find yourself veggin' out in the sun with some of my veggie chili this week, know that eating soup on a hot day actually heats your body from the inside, triggering your body temperature to lower!! So if you are a cool weather person and already sweatin' this weather, try some soup to cool down...especially spicy soup! I had a little delay in my food delivery so I used kidney beans instead of black, but I think the flavor was right on and scrumptious in every way.

  • I would recommend heating up your falafel in the oven covered, or spray a little EVOO on it to get a nice crisping action going on. Otherwise, cast iron with a little oil is always my favorite way of re-heating meals. Use the little yogurt (outside of the box, we forgot to add it) for dressing (also it's got live cultures so you can check your fermented food off for this meal).

  • Try reheating your noodle dish in the oven or stovetop by adding a little water to the pan to keep things lubed up and nice and moist. I ate this for dinner last night - very filling and delicious in my personal opinion. The perfect lightly flavored spring dish.

  • The potato hash is BY FAR my favorite dish this week (well close second to the sweet and salty cookies, of course). I would eat this for breakfast, lunch, diner or a snack and DEFINITELY pan fry these babies until they get nice and crisped up! OR broil in the oven. Yum!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know potatoes are packed with nutrition? Of all the food advice out there - hearing potatoes are bad for you upsets me the most. Just one potato is packed with vitamin C, B6, potassium, iron, protein, and carbs that our bodies need! When I am in the need for an indulgent snack, pan cooked potatoes are my fave. Sweet or white, I could get these babies in my mouth all day long.

  • So yes, when it comes to food advice everybody has something different to offer. My advice is listen to YOUR body. If you eat potatoes and feel awful (like not guilty awful because our diet culture told you it was bad, but instead maybe they give you heartburn or something along those lines) then don't eat potatoes. General speaking if it had a mother or came from the ground, it is safe to eat. 

  • If you are going to avoid foods you want to avoid processed foods that contain unhealthy processed oils and added ingredients that cause high levels of inflammation. It's pretty simple. Eat food. Mostly plants, not too much. (words of wisdom by one of my favorites, Michael Pollan) This includes potatoes!

Try this:

  • Don't throw out the crumbs at the bottom of your tortilla chip bag, use them for croutons in your chili this week! 

  • Speaking of tortilla chips - chips are often one way sneaky oils like sunflower and safflower make their way into your diet. Look for chips made with coconut, olive, or avocado oil.

  • Try three eggs, the hash, and some arugula - all tossed in a pan and maybe throw a little kraut on top for good measure. Perfect protein, fat, and fiber to start your day.

As always, I hope you enjoy your food. If you have questions, feedback, received the wrong item - anything PLEASE let me know! The only way I can improve this experience for you is to know what kind of experience you are having, so don't be shy, let me have it - good and hard ;-)


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


My Top Travel Must-Haves

I’m trying to get better with packing and so finding products that give me the most while packing the least is my jam. Here are my current top 3.

Coconut Oil - Honestly, I can’t get enough of this lube. You can eat, rub, massage, swallow, gargle, drink or lick it. Do you need another reason? Ha, okay. I will try to be serious for a minute. I love to travel with coconut oil (travel packs or a small jar). I use it as a hand, body, face lotion, mouthwash, frizzy tamer, personal lubricant, massage oil, wound care, cooking oil, emergency sunscreen (yup!), hair conditioner, and more!! Just great to keep some in your purse at all times. 

Handful of Nuts - Nothing like a handful of nuts to get you through the next few hours. If you don’t know when you will be able to grab a meal next, having a handful of nuts in your bag is a great way to get a little energy boost in a pinch. My faves are raw almonds, or brazil nuts. 

Greens - I am obsessed with my powdered greens. I look forward to them as much as my coffee and have been able to leave my supplements and vitamins behind when I travel while still getting what I need from my greens!

Immune Support - when I feel something coming on, I take about 1.3 million things from Elderberry syrup, to Big D, but lugging all of that with me while I travel is just not reasonable. So sure, I could leave it all behind, but getting sick on vacation is not okay!! These wellness pills are my all-in-on favorite for giving your immune system a good old slap in the ass.

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Spring is in the air and I am all fired up to get those spring, seasonal veggies into your mouths! Love this time of year and all the fabulous energy it brings. Thanks for another great week in the kitchen, hope you all enjoy.

Easter this weekend and if you are craving something sweet that you can eat too - try the gluten-free crumb cake we are offering!! It does contain grass-fed butter for my dairy-free folks, however moving forward we are experimenting with a lot of new recipes, so keep an eye and ear out!

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's favorite is definitely the soup. So many of you were excited for gluten-free orzo!! A great hit of Vitamin C and a fabulous way to start your morning.

  • More vitamin C boosts in this week's salad with those oranges and strawberries. Lots of us have been sick or fighting allergies, so I figure let's use our food to boost our immune systems, plus it's soooo delicious.

  • If you want to reheat your wings, I suggest throwing them in the oven on a baking sheet to crisp up a bit or in the air-fryer. The potato salad can be eaten cold.

  • Can't wait for you to try the cauli bowl this week, I think it is the perfect plant-based and protein packed meal. I even threw in some yogurt for the dressing so you've got your fermented food in this meal too. Check!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that probiotics are out and fermented foods are in? Turns out that unless you know exactly which probiotic strains to target you could very well be doing more harm than good, or just plain wasting cash on those pricey probiotics. Best way to kick up your probiotic count is to eat small amounts of different fermented foods throughout the day.

  • Think - kefir, cultured yogurt, kimchi, kraut, slaw, and more.

  • If you've just taken a round of antibiotics (lot's of strep going around) your best defense is to beef up on PREbiotics instead of probiotics to help those gut microbes flourish. Think asparagus, onions, garlic, bananas, dandelion greens and more. These delicious plants are packed with prebiotic fiber and an excellent way to feed your gut.

Try this:

  • Instead of take-out one night, try a food sampling night. Order a full meal and share all the meals and sides with the whole fam. Great way to explore foods you think you may not like or have never tried.

  • Try a food challenge with your kids or picky family members who think they dislike specific food. There are countless ways to prepare each type of food. Take that food and come up with creative ways to prepare and then experiment with tasting!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Woah, THAT was fast (that's what she said). This was our last week of March cooking and I don't know about you but Spring is definitely in the air. Looking forward to some spring-inspired menu items in the coming months! Thank you all again for a great month.

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's soup is a hearty one and I think it is a fantastic way to start your day. Packed with all the goodness you need to start your day - soup for breakfast, baby!

  • Try eating your salad hot this week!! You can grab this one and eat it on the go, but if you are home within a couple of minutes, toss it on the stove and stir fry it up! You likely won't even need the dressing - save that for the salad you whip up for yourself later!

  • Gluten-free pasta can easily dry out on the second round so...try and heat this covered with a few drops of water for added moisture. I like to break up my balls a bit so the heat gets in a little quicker.

  • Your bowl can be eaten cold or hot this week and if your co-worker has been over your shoulder trying to get in on the action, go get aHEAD of romaine (see what I did there?), chop it up and throw your greek bowl over it. Booyah! Enough two hungry mothers.

  • From all my geek-out gut research, I can say that legumes are where it's at. And personally, they are not my favorite plants to eat! But there are a million and one ways to incorporate them into our diets, so this week I tried to pack in as many as I could. Hope you enjoy the quinoa salad as much as I did?!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that peas, green beans, chickpeas, and peanuts are all in the legume family? yup. They are. And like I mentioned above, legumes are a key ingredient to health and longevity when it comes to diet. They pack a mean punch when it comes to fiber, carbs, and protein and can leave you more satisfied than you thought possible - how many things make you feel like that  ;-)

  • Eat more artichokes! They are packed with Inulin - which is a unique form of prebiotic fiber (aka food for your good gut germs!) that helps to not only improve gut health but also repair damaged gut lining. Plus it helps you poop...

Try this:

  • Have any yummy cultured yogurt at home? Try using that for dressing and you get the added fermented food bang to your meal! Save your hummus for some crackers and veggie sticks later while you are on the road between activities and need something to hold you over for dinner. Remember - hunger is  asign that your metabolism is in great working order!!

  • Got meat lovers in the family? Try giving them the meatballs this week - I packed a ton of broccoli and spinach into those babies, plus sauce and pasta - they may think they are getting just pasta and meatballs, but they get over 7 plants in this one meal!

Thanks again, loves! Remember to sign up for April if you want the subscription THIS WEEK ONLY!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Spring! Did you know yesterday was the first day of Spring? Woohoo! 

Hope you are all enjoying your food! Thank you as always for ordering.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I can't pick a favorite this week - so many delicious meals! You can eat most of them hot or cold - if you reheat a meal I suggest, if possible, to do so stovetop or in the oven as the Microwave kills some of the nutrition in the food, but do what you can!

  • Feeling chilly? Try heating up your salad stovetop! - you could even throw two fried eggs on top for a choline and protein boost!

  • Wild rice is a great one because you are getting 3-4 different plant varieties in one bit of wild rice. Remember to mix up your grains to add in more plants each week.

  • The peanut butter muffins this week are made from chickpeas, peanut butter, and eggs so they are a great boost for protein and a great snack for the littles! I will post the recipe on Thursday.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know sesame seeds (tahini!) contain a special kind of fiber that helps your body regulate cholesterol, protects your liver, and reduces your blood pressure? Go buy a bag of sesame seeds (black and white ones for more plant varieties!) and start adding them to meals for a flavor, nutrient, and gut health boost!

  • These little seeds are also great for anxiety, depression, your hair, and skin. Did you need more reasons? I could go on all day!

Try this:

  • Ready for spring and sick of soup? Try using your soup as a pasta sauce instead! Meal for the whole fam!

  • I actually had a little white basmati rice in the fridge, threw it in the cast iron with the chopped up meatballs and heated it up until I had some crunchy, crispy rice. Added a little crunchy romaine, tomatoes, cukes, and the tzatziki and WOW, what a meal! 

  • Try eating your meatballs with your quinoa salad and save your sauce for a veggie dip for a late day snack before dinner!

  • You know I love to take my mexican bowls and turn them into taco night! Add them to a pile of tortilla chips or put the fillings in the tacos for a family taco night!

Hope you enjoy!!


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