Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


6 Fab Foods You SHould Eat Everday!

Living in a culture full of dietary restrictions, I am here to tell you that you can actually eat more and lose weight, fight cravings, and most importantly, boost your gut health big time!

Try including these 6 foods in your diet everyday for 6 weeks and see if you ever want to go back!

  1. Cruciferous veggies like broccoli, kale, cabbage, and brussels. Packed with fiber and nutrients, these plants are a great bang for your buck and you won’t leave without finishing, completely satisfied, I promise. Guess what? Arugula is included too! 

  2. Protein. More specifically, Amino Acids which are the building blocks of protein and our bodies need them to perform multiple important jobs from proper digestion to helping the body burn fat by building muscle! Think beef (well sourced only), fish, organic poultry, eggs, quinoa, and buckwheat.

  3. Dope foods like nuts and seeds (and well sourced meats, etc.). I say DOPE because they are Dopamine supporting foods. But not like the false, short dopamine high you get from eating processed foods. When you eat dope foods you feel pretty dang dope. My two faves are chia and hemp seeds.

  4. Berries. If I had to choose one food that brings me joy and the most nutrition bite for bite, I would go blueberries. But what you are really looking for is foods that contain polyphenols which include berries, spices, nuts, and seeds.

  5. Omega 3s baby!! These fatty acids are part of every cell of your body, so why wouldn’t you want more of them?! Think wild-caught salmon, mackerel, sardines, eggs, flaxseed, and walnuts.

  6. Fiber. You know all that talk about probiotics? Well, sure those are the good germs living in your gut. And just like all living things, they need food. Fiber, in it’s prebiotic form, is their favorite meal, so get after it ASAP. Try high fiber foods like garlic, onions, leeks, cocoa!, and flaxseed. There are so many more, but I’m just giving you the tip today.

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning on this snowy Tuesday! For those who have already picked up, I hope you are enjoying. Anyone who is getting today, I hope you are excited for what's to come! 


This week's "food for thought":

  • My favorite meal this week was by far the white chicken chili. I would highly suggest chopping a little avo and throw it in, plus I always love a dollop of CocoJune yogurt (I always have this on hand and you can purchase at Fit Foods or King Kullen, locally) as a sour cream sub. Oh and don't forget to add some crunch with a sprinkle of tortilla chip "croutons"!

  • This week's salad is a great grab and go meal, so you don't need to worry about heating it up; however, you totally can! In fact, one way to change this meal up and maybe make it a meal for two would be to add a base of quinoa or rice and heat it up on the stovetop with the rest of the ingredients. Honestly, once you heat it all up and the flavors start to dance, you can save your dressing for another meal you whip up for yourself at home.

  • I would recommend re-heating the pesto pasta by stovetop or oven in a closed pot or baking dish and be sure to add a couple drops of water in to keep it moist! 

  • Lentil nachos were back this week as a fan favorite. You can totally eat these cold or hot, your choice! It is Taco Tuesday so why don't you try making this the taco fillings for you and your fam? I might add some rice, lettuce, and cocojune yogurt, plus some jalapeno kraut if you have it. Oh and avo! Always!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • You've heard the phrase, ''eat your greens``, but honestly ask yourself how many greens do you consume in your diet? Most of us think just of various types of lettuces but when I think of greens, the sky's the limit! Think spinach, kale, romaine, arugula, parsley, basil, mint, cilantro, collards, chives, chard, and more! There are so many it would be impossible to list. As we try to get our 30 plant varieties in each week, greens are a great way to do it and pesto is in my opinion, one of the best ways to get your greens in (and you can sneak it in for the kiddos too!).

  • This week's pesto contains over 7 different green varieties (spinach, kale, chard, basil, parsely, cilantro, and some beet greens!). 

  • Greens contain countless valuable nutrients including fiber, magnesium, calcium, potassium and iron!

  • Did you know that if you want to boost your iron intake when eating greens you should add a splash of vitamin c? Helps with absorption! So next time you eat your greens try. making your own dressing with a little EVOO, lemon juice, and a dash of honey.

Try this:

  • Take whatever greens you've got in your fridge, toss them in a blender with some EVOO, handful of soaked walnuts or cashews, a little lemon juice, salt, pepper, garlic (fresh and granulated) (nutritional yeast too if you like that cheesy flavor!). Blend it all up and you've got yourself some pesto dip, pasta sauce, chicken marinade, and more!

  • Grab a pack of chicken thighs, chop up any veg you have in your fridge or pantry  (I love onions, cherry tomatoes, artichokes, peppers, etc.), toss them all in on a sheet pan and toss with that pesto. Bake at 375 for about 35 minutes and voila, the best meal!!

See you next week! Thanks again for ordering!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Hello! Hope you have all been able to dig into your food so far and are enjoying every taste. A few virgins this week, so I hope you are enjoying your first time as much as I did. It just keeps getting better, I promise ;-) (yes I still use semicolon winky faces). 

This week's "food for thought":

  • If you're new here, let me just tell you my first piece of advice - SOUP FOR BREAKFAST. And especially this week's soup, packed with lentils, one of my favorite power foods and what a way to start your day, especially on a rainy Tuesday like today. 

  • I posted today about how starting your day in a positive way will set the tone for the rest of your day. That begins with all the right nourishment. From nourishing your mind to your belly, ask yourself what helps set you up for success each day.

  • The soup, spaghetti squash dish, and artichoke dip are all best reheated. I always suggest heating in your oven, covered for best results. Sometimes adding a bit of water to the dish helps to keep it moist and delicious. The salad and edamame bowl are great right out of the fridge.

  • I always suggest starting with the salad as chopped lettuce tends to spoil the fastest otherwise, many of my clients eat their meals even over a week later!

  • Another tip is to transfer meals to your own tupperware to maintain freshness

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • I feel like edamame is the forgotten soul of legumes. What an amazing little baby soybean!

  • Did you know that 1 cup of edamame contains 34% of your daily protein needs? Plus provides a nice boost of folate (watch for folic acid in your processed foods! You can get folate (the real version, not synthetic) from so many plants, no need to  buy fortified food. In addition, edamame provides manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin K and more. Talk about a great bang for your buck!

Try this:

  • Take the spa-get-it-on meal and get it on with a friend! Grab a handful of fresh spinach for each of you and go ahead and mix it up with the dish, should be enough to share! 

  • I added kraut, pickled onions, and avo to my edamame bowl. Curious what you do to spice things up at home? Just in the kitchen, obviously...

  • Try this edamame hummus recipe. What a great way to pack in protein and fiber into a delicious little grab and go snack!


- 1/4 cup tahini

- 1/3 cup lemon juice

- 3 T EVOO

- 1-2 cloves garlic

- 1 1/2 cup ORGANIC shelled edamame

- 1/2 cup packed cilantro (or any other herb you love!)

- salt and pepper to taste

- optional sesame seeds and pickled veg on top!

* Blend all items together in a food processor and add water to reach desired consistency. Enjoy!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt



These last year has been a game-changer for me. I have made more changes, and taken more action for myself in the last year, then ever before.. And while life continues to present its challenges, I feel these changes have helped me to keep a solid sense of well being, so when I need to rise to the occasion, I am able.

  1. I STARTED DRINKING COFFEE! Ha, most people are trying to quit and here I am adopting this beautiful habit at age 40! The real reason coffee is one of the best changes I have made, and I am just gonna come out and say it….POOP! I know not everyone is into this kinda thing, but for me, nothing gets my day going like a glorious, complete, easy bowel movement first thing in the morning. So I used organic, freshly ground coffee, 1 t grass-fed ghee, 1 t organic MCT oil, 1-2 scoops Bulletproof Prebiotic Powder,and 1.5 scoops collagen, plus a little salt and cinnamon to taste. BUTT, if I had to take only one of these things on vacation to keep me regular I would bring the prebiotic powder. This mixed with coffee is the magic bullet for that perfect morning poop.

  2. I STARTED AND STOPPED FASTING! It’s all trial and error, so I can’t say I regret fasting as I learned a lot about what my body does and doesn’t need. But overall, eating when I am hungry, or at the times I need the most fuel because I am the most active is so important. My body has different needs every single day, so listening to and honoring those needs has been crucial for so many aspects of my well-being.

  3. CARVING OUT ME TIME. No excuses, I get up every day at 4:30 am. I jot a couple of things down in my gratitude journal, get dressed for the gym and meditate for at least 20 minutes. Then I head to the gym for a 5:30 am workout. After I get home it is go time! I certainly do not want to get up at 4:30 am every single day, but I make sure to get to bed at a decent hour so I get enough zzz’s so I can have this time. If I don’t do these things then, I find I won’t do them at all and each thing has it’s own benefits that I feel huge effects from!

  4. IF IT’S NOT A FUCK YES, IT IS A HARD NO. You’ve all heard it before, but saying no to things that don’t serve you is probably one of the most valuable skills you can learn. Whether it’s no to spending a time with a person who brings you down, an event you don’t care or need to attend, or doing something you think you SHOULD be doing (when in fact you don’t need to). It is so important to tune in and listen to what you are saying fuck yes to, otherwise you won’t be fully present, and resentment starts to creep in!

  5. MEDITATION EVERY SINGLE DAY. This one is a tough one for pretty much all of us. No one is good at meditation. They call it a practice for a reason! And it is one of those things that most of the time, while I am doing it, I feel challenged and unclear of the benefits. But whenever I stop meditating is when I see the difference. Even though in the moment, I can’t seem to feel it, I find that when I am meditating I am even just the slightest bit more present, calm, and less reactive. 

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday, everyone! The sun is so vibrant today, and the air so fresh. I hope you can get out and soak up some of that winter energy that nature offers us each day.

Thanks for ordering this week!

This week's "food for thought":

  • It's funny how some foods can offer so much comfort. As a child, I can't remember my mother serving me tomato soup, but the comfort it brings to sip on a hot cup of soup is REAL. There can be so much guilt associated with using food for comfort, but when the food is real, whole, nourishing food, the comfort truly goes from the outside in. It is joy, and that is okay. Hope you enjoy the soup as much as I did.

  • This week's salad is one of my favorites. I begin to crave arugula this time of year in winter and all the way into spring, as it is a sign of spring itself! More comfort there, I suppose. The textures of the almonds, berries, and rice are a huge hit for me with the spicy leaves for a flavor boost. I have been craving more protein lately, is I might beef this up with a piece of grilled chicken or salmon if I have the time to do so or you could throw your falafel on top. The rice and the chickpeas in the falafel help to create a complete protein, so this would be a great way to mix up your meals! Save the rice for a side dish for another meal this week.

  • This green pea hummus is another favorite of mine, and also reminds me of spring. I guess I am feeling hopeful! Did you know you can also make pesto with peas instead of nuts? It is so delicious, try it!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Our food culture has taught us that "cravings" are something to be avoided. Sure, we can find ourselves addicted to certain foods that may not be good for us, but when it comes to craving sweet potatoes, or arugula, or even just carb heavy plants, I think it is so important to listen up and listen in to what your body is asking for. Lately, I have been craving root veggies, which happen to be pretty carb-heavy. If I listened to 90% of my Instagram posts they would probably say to resist that craving, but I truly feel that my body needs these nutrients now more than ever and I find more success and joy in leaning into the cravings, than resisting.

  • Sure, there are definitely psychological roots behind some cravings (re: comfort foods, above). Mindful eating is an excellent way to really tap into the roots of your food cravings. Often, when it comes to unhealthy cravings we find ourselves doing anything but - we find ourselves binging instead! So tune in to your intuition, slow down, and dig deep into what your body needs right now.

  • Here is a great piece on cravings, if you're craving what I'm craving 😉

Try this:

  • Mindful eating can be a big ask in our busy day-to-day schedules. Try this on for size, I will practice with you! I often try to get work down while eating, but for this week, let's try and eat and do nothing else at the same time! Turn off the phone, sit quiet, and eat. That's it. Curious how you feel after?

  • Like to cook, but in a rut? Try spreading out some of your meals from me. Think of my meals as foundations for you to expand on more. Take the quinoa salad, add more veggie, and maybe some fish or chicken. Take the falafel and make it into two salads, or add a green to the rice and make dish with all the flaves mixed together. Sky is the limit! Would love to see what your hungry, creative minds come up with! 


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday! Thank you for ordering this week, I hope you are warming up on this slushy day with some hot, buttery soup for breakfast. Remember, if you ordered for the month of January, this week was your final week. Menu goes out today with the option for the full month of February.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I would highly recommend starting your meals out with your "You are my Sunshine" salad on this dreary day. This meal will be the freshest right out of the bag, plus it is packed with Vitamin C which we all need for a good immune booster right now with so many getting sick around us. I wish avocados were easy to serve to you without getting brown and mushy, but if I were you I would add some avocado to this dish for an added potassium punch.

  • You guys are all hot for the lentil bolognese! Seems to be a fan favorite. And this is how you should eat it - hot! I would reheat on the stove top over medium heat and add a little water to keep things all lubed up.

  • Save the BBQ chicken bowl for the part of the day you need to be the most fueled for the longest amount of time. This one may even be enough for two (well, depending on your appetite).

  • Been thinking a lot about how to change our food industry (me against the world!). It ultimately really starts with the next generation. If you have younger humans in your life, model for them! Try new foods in front of them, show they how to mindfully eat, help them find the joy in REAL food. Children are so easily influenced and there is far too much influence from fake, junky non-food. Let's try and change the world together one meal at a time!

  • I saw a friend's instagram reel this week and she mentioned the concept of "guilty pleasures" and how none of her pleasures involve guild. I invite you to ponder what food pleasures you indulge in that involve guilt and possibly reassess that relationship. Can you find pleasure in food without guilt? It's a practice, and I am right there with ya! Just your weekly food for thought!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know mustard is a plant?!? The condiment you are so familiar with is prepared mustard!

  • Mustard seeds are used for more than just flavoring up your food. Pythagorus used it as a remedy for scorpion stings and it is rumored that Hippocrates raved about this medicinal seed as a powerful remedy to soothe aches and pains, in addition to a possible toothache cure! Food really is medicine and the more I learn the more I want to eat!

  • King Louis XI loved mustard so much he literally never left home without it. (makes me feel a little less weird about all the culinary items I travel with!)

  • Anyho, I hope you enjoy the mustardy tang of your potatoes this week and you can be happy to know that although potatoes have gotten a bad name, they are an incredible nutrition source you enjoy on the regular! They even contain protein - woot woot!

Try this:

  • Try cooking your mustard potatoes with some scrambled eggs and some greens for a meal this week.

  • Throw a can of coconut milk (look for a brand that just has coconuts as the ingredients - you will be surprised how difficult this is to find. Try Native Forest SIMPLE). Anyway once fridged, remove the solid part and whip it good with a touch of vanilla and maple syrup to make some delicious and (ohhhhh so healthy) whipped cream for your little afternoon (or evening) nookie brookie. In fact, throw some in the freezer and whenever you need a little sweet fix, take a spoonful. YUM!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning, loves! Thank you for ordering this week. Hope you enjoy!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I'm going to share this new idea I have with you. Why don't you try SOUP FOR BREAKFAST? Ha, I know. You've heard me say it just about every single week, but seriously. Try it. This week's soup is perfect to start out your day with fiber, carbs, protein, and fat plus the lemon adds a healthy dose of vitamin C to keep that immune system in tip top shape for the day!

  • More lemon! But this thyme in your balls. This meal is delicious, but for best results I think you should try this for re-heating. Put the rice and meantalls (maybe cut in half) in an oven safe dish with lid. Add a little water to the bottom and back at about 350 until cooked through, stirring maybe once or twice to distribute heat. 

  • The sweet potato black bean burger is one of my favorite meals. I recommend heating this covered in the oven or sear it in the cast iron pan. Then whether you decided to squeeze it between your buns or eat it alone, I would go ahead and add some avocado, and pickled veg. Load it up like you do your traditional beef burger. Send me a pic too! You know I love it when you send me food porn.

  • I used a lot of local veg this week from Indian Neck Farm so I hope you enjoy the fruits of the North Fork!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that many of your common spice drawer contents can be used to cure bacterial infections like sinus or strep? (remember, I am not a physician!) but if you are ill try making a tea from dried oregano and thyme. Both have antimicrobial power and can do wonders if you include them in your diet regularly! Unfortunately though, purchasing many common brands of these herbs may not have the most potent results, so if you can splurge a little you will do wonders for your health and the flavor in your meals if you choose a high-quality brand like Starwest or Frontier. 

  • Medicinal foods to keep in your panties (pantry!): lemon, fresh or dried ginger root, turmeric, thyme, oregano, fresh or frozen garlic, raw honey (local preferred), apple cider vinegar, and onions. Here's a few ways to use these items:

  • Have a cough? Keep a cut raw onion next to the bed.

  • Feel something coming on? Mince a garlic clove and swallow it with a spoonful of honey (makes the medicine go down!!). 

  • Garlic Lemonade anyone? Mince/chop 2 cloves of garlic and put into a 32 oz mason jar, fill with boiling water and cover to let steep for 15-20 minutes. Strain out the garlic and add lemon and honey to taste. Drink this until you don't want to anymore 😉 to help shorten the strength and life of any cold or flu!

  • Make a tea with ginger, oregano and thyme and drink it daily to beef up the immune system. Use lemon and honey for flavor (plus all the benefits!).

Try this:

  • Have a little one in your life or some other human who is picky about textures? Try pureeing your soup. You could eat it this way or use it as a pasta sauce, plus add some chicken, and more greens and OMG so good!

  • Have a loved one close by who is struggling a bit? Take that giant brownie we gave you and cut it in half. Go purchase some Van Leeuwen Dairy free ice cream from Fit foods, and go share a sweet moment with that person. As much as stress eating can be a bad thing, sharing food with loved ones can be a huge comfort in someone's time of need.


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy 2023, everyone! What a lovely year it was and thanks goes out to each of you for ordering each week. I love hearing how much you enjoy the food, and love knowing that I'm helping to keep you nourished, one mouth at a time.

If you signed up for the month of January, you do not need to re-order this week! However, if you want to add on or customize your menu, I will send you a link with instructions on how to do so. Otherwise, just count yourself in for next week.

**Going to revisit the Target parking lot drug/food deal this month and see if that gains interest. Please choose that option when you order this week or be sure to let me know if you are interested.**

This week's "food for thought":

  • Make sure to start your day with a healthy breakfast that has the right balance of fiber, protein, carbohydrates, and good fat. I definitely don't count (or know how to) count macros, but I can say if I skip breakfast or eat a half-ass meal, I can feel it. So make sure to start your day with a nourishing meal. I know breakfasts can be rushed, so soup is the way to go! Just toss it in the saucepan while you are getting ready for work, and throw it in a travel mug and sip as you get yourself where you need to be. By the time you get there you will be fueled and ready to make that day your bitch!

  • My favorite combo of flavors is a little sweet and a little spicy - this week's salad has just that for you! And just this one meal has a great balance of all of the above requirements too, plus you get over 10 different plant varieties just from this one meal. Did you know that varying your plants is one of the best ways to build a healthy gut?

  • Go ahead and heat these balls up in the oven (covered to keep the moisture, you can even add a drop of water to the baking dish), or stove top. These are packed with veggies, protein, and fat so you may be able to break this up into two meals to share, depending on your appetite. If it were me, I would chop up the meat and stir fry it up with the broccoli and rice. Save the mayo and use it for that burger night you are gonna have this Friday ;-)

  • I have a confession. I didn't make this week's Ricotta myself. Matt (the lovely owner of Fit Foods, and all-around-awesome-human) happened to have one of my favorite brands Kite Hill Ricotta in excess so I decided to treat you guys to that instead in this week's baked ziti. I also added a little extra sauce to keep things moist. Go ahead and heat this one covered stovetop or oven. Again, a little water in the pan can go a long way to keep things moist.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • I don't know about you, but the vast amount of information out there on what is "healthy" and what is "unhealthy" can be daunting. To be honest, I am not even sure of where I stand on gluten and dairy-free anymore (but still going to offer that cuisine for my menus don't worry)! The research is always suggesting new and exciting insights that spark all sorts of consideration for what we should be eating, but one thing seems to make the most sense to me. Michael Pollen says "eat food. not too much. mostly plants". So that's what I suggest. From there, you need to listen to your body and what it needs. No instagram reel or scientific study can give you the information that you need, more than info you get from your own body and its cues. So listen up!

  • That all being said, my food fact for the week is that there is no one magic bullet, superfood, diet, or exercise program that will work for everyone.  If you are struggling to figure out what works best for you, I say start simple with a journal. Write down what you eat, what time you eat it, and how you felt right after or later in the day. Write down your movement/exercise routine that day. Record your sleep. You will definitely start to notice patterns and see what makes you feel the best. Sometimes it is how you eat and when you eat vs. what you eat. So as we move into a new year, with intentions of a "healthier you" - turn down the volume on outside information and turn up the sound of your intuition (it's no coincidence we call that - your gut feeling).

Try this:

  • Not sure how to "eat healthy". Start with 30 days of "REAL FOOD". Let's call it REAL 30 ;-). Eat only real foods for 30 days. That includes spices and oils. Try to eat things in the form closest to the way it was put on this earth (and then into your mouth). If you are buying a prepared food or packaged item, try and stick to the rule of 5 ingredients or less and KNOW WHAT THE INGREDIENTS ARE. See how you feel after even just a week of this!!

  • Another challenge: Food is pricey right now. I challenge you to make meals out of whatever is in your pantry and you can only buy a handful of ingredients at the store to make this happen. Use up what you have. You'd be surprised what a random fridge/pantry trash meal can be!!

Hope you have a kick-ass first week of 2023! Don't forget to place your order this week!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


I had a fabulous day in the kitchen yesterday working with my dear framily member Karen and we both truly enjoyed whippin' up all the good stuff for you this week. I love the idea that in this life of fast-paced, going, going, faster, too much stuff, not enough time (you get the picture, I know you know it well), that you have chosen to take one HUGELY IMPORTANT item off your to-do list and pass that honor on to us! I hope that you feel some ease and joy when it comes to nourishing yourself this week!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I had a client ask me "how long should the food last?". This is a tough question to answer. It goes without saying that if your food looks or smells spoiled - don't eat it, but myself (and many clients) have eaten even the meat meals at least a week later and it was just as delicious and not spoiled in the least! However, this is unofficial advice. If you want to ask a "professional", Google says 3-4 days when it comes to eating a meal such as a turkey burger. So if you are unsure, I would go with that ;-)

  • This all said, most of my meals are plant-based in which case they can last quite a while! However, I would always start with salads or meat-based meals as they would be best eaten as fresh as possible!

  • Try making a delicious grilled cheese or just yummy toasted sourdough and sharing your tomato soup with a friend on one of these chilly, December days. Warm your heart and soul right up!

  • The lentil bolognese is best heated up on the stovetop. I always like to add a dash of water to my leftovers to keep moisture in! I ended up using quinoa and lentil spaghetti (not corn), plus all the veg in the sauce - this meal is one plant-based meal that will leave you feeling full for hours. Depending on your appetite, you could probably split this one in two. Maybe make a side salad and share with a coworker?

  • You know I love to put whatever I can in between two buns, but you certainly don't need buns to enjoy this turkey burger! I would heat this up covered in the oven/toaster oven (or fry on the stove) and then either add all the fixins to your buns or make a burger salad out of it! My favorite add-ons: avocado, pickles, kraut, kimchi, grated carrots, greens, or any other pickled veg. The spicy mayo is the perfect match for this meat! 

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that microwaving your meal literally kills a good portion of the nutritional content in your food? So listen, if you are in an office and that is your only way of heating your meal - of course, go for it! But if you have the option, and the patience, go ahead and use that oven, stove, or toaster oven to reheat your meals to keep the best flavor and nutrition!

  • If you've been following me for a hot minute, you already know I am a huge fan of "eating the rainbow". And yes, we eat with our eyes first so a colorful salad like this week's "it takes two to mango" is surely attractive, but the truth is that there is importance behind each color of the rainbow.

  • Yellow and orange foods are huge hits of Vitamin A and vitamin C, amongst many others. Both of these are imperative for a working immune system and the benefits of Vitamin A are hugely understated in my opinion. But that doesn't mean I want you to go out and start choking down Vitamin A capsules. Just go ahead and add in some yellow or orange plants.

  • Red fruits and veg also offer Vitamin C hits, not to mention tons of antioxidants.

  • Green - you know that eating your greens is important, but did you know that eating Kale with a little bit of lemon juice is a great source of iron? Or that eating green banana before it turns yellow offers different support than when it ripens? Green bananas have less resistant starch and sugar content, but are harder on digestion. 

  • Blue - eat a handful of blueberries every. single. day. End speech.

  • Purple - purple plants contain anthocyanidins which protect cells from damage, improve memory function, and promote healthy aging! 

Try this:

  • Try eating a rainbow with each meal (or at least throughout the day!). Have littles in your life? This is such a fun way to educate and motivate them to add some variety to their diets too. Go to the store together and everyone gets to choose a fruit or veg of a certain color and then go home and explore that plant together! 

  • Try these recipes for some colorful inspiration! Take a pic and tag me so I can share the joy!

As always, huge thanks for ordering food from me each week. I know when it comes to food we have tons of choices, so I truly appreciate you choosing TWSF this week! Happy Holidays!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Can't believe this was my last Monday in November! Where has the time gone? I hope you all had a lovely Thanksgiving and were able to find some moments of peace and gratitude with loved ones.



This week's "food for thought":

  • I don' t know about you, but a few days of indulging and I am ready to get back into the swing of my regularly scheduled food!

  • I would go ahead and eat your Caesar salad first this week if you ordered, probably the best freshness-wise. The vegan dressing is made from cashews (a great versatile food, that also makes a great artichoke dip - stick around for the recipe later this week!)

  • Soup for breakfast! Try it, I dare you. This week's soup is my favorite meal for the week! It's a little thicker ;-), you could even make some rice or pasta and put it over that to stretch it out for another person.

  • I recommend eating my balls as soon as you can manage to get them in your mouth...jk. You could eat them cold of course, but I think they would be best reheated. Either fried in half on a pan or covered in the oven until heated through. I wouldn't recommend heating the slaw.

  • Nacho lentils are back and they are always a fan fave! This is a great one to share with the whole family and super easy to bulk up. You could make it into a taco salad with tortilla croutons, add rice, cheese, meat, another grain, more veg or whatever you want and make more nachos to share with the whole fam. Simple toss this one on the stovetop or put it right on a baking sheet in the oven, you can even eat it cold!

  • The muffins this week are another fan fave and I've got a little trick to share about how I frost my muffins... Mix a little kite hill almond milk cream cheese, some maple syrup and you've got the most delicious, vegan frosting. Spread it anywhere and lick it up, this will not disappoint.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • You know I love a good, heaping serving of meat but if I can get what I need from plants, I do it where I can and lentils are one of my favorite go-to plant based proteins!

  • Not only are lentils inexpensive, and store well (not the only reason I use them often) but they are cholesterol and sodium-free and loaded with potassium, folate, iron, and fiber. They have more than half as much protein as a serving of pork and twice as much as a quinoa serving.

  • They are considered a vegetable AND a protein! Woohoo!

  • There are so many different types of lentils, each of them carrying their own benefits. For example red lentils have very high levels of folate and French lentils are excellent for regulating blood sugar.

  • Most people think lentils are for soups, but boy-oh-boy are you wrong! From flour to meatless meatballs these babies are the most versatile food I think there is.

  • Did you know that all US grown lentils are grown NON-GMO? GTK.

  • I know there are so many foods labelled "superfood" but I gotta say, lentils really live up to the title. Besides their nutritional benefits, lentil crops require little water and no chemical fertilizers or burning between seasons. Little carbon footprint and reliance on fossil fuels make these a food to get behind!

Try this:

  • Ever make a soup and have mostly just broth left? It's the soup butt. Butt it can be great when eaten as random fridge trash soup! Take whatever roasted veg or prepared grains you have in the fridge and toss them in the soup butt! Nothing butt goodness right there!

  • Need some ideas on how to play with my balls? These would be great with a little white rice OR make a buffalo ball quinoa salad - try making some quinoa, adding chopped up spicy balls, some jalepeno, bell pepper, chopped celery, avocado, tomatoes, and red onion! Toss it with a little crack ranch and you've got a meal for more than one for sure!

  • You don't need my balls to make the above, try it with some grilled chicken leftover in the fridge and just add a little Frank's Red Hot.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Another wonderful day in the kitchen yesterday, I hope you are all enjoying your food so far. I've been thinking - every time I mention that I am hosting Thanksgiving, I get the look. You know, the one that says "oh man, that sucks!". And of course for me, this is my job so perhaps it's not as stressful for me as it is for someone who doesn't love to spend time in the kitchen but hear me out - what if we somehow changed our mindset about the stress involved in the holiday planning and shifted to gratitude - which is exactly what this holiday is about! What if every time you felt that stress creep in, be it shopping or eating or all the chaos that ensue with the holiday season, you stopped and replaced that thought with a thought of gratitude? Just some good for thought ;-)

I know I say it every week, but THANK YOU. Without you, my life would look and feel a lot different today. Today, I am grateful to each of you for many reasons and I hope you can taste the love in the food I sent your way. Wishing you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving!

This week's "food for thought":

  • Did you order the taco bowl and are wondering what that unlabelled box with butternut squash is for? I forgot to put it in the taco bowl, so now you get to add it yourself! Or...

  • That taco bowl is pretty hefty even without the squash. Maybe save it and add it to another meal - a salad? sandwich? on top of a burger? No idea should be squashed here, the sky is the limit!

  • Taco bowl can be eaten cold or hot!

  • Soup for breakfast. Try it. It's a thing.

  • This week's salad is probably my favorite meal. Bursting with so much flavor plus all of the protein, carbs, and good fat you need for a healthy, balanced meal.

  • You can definitely eat your frittata right out of the fridge but if you throw it in the toaster oven (covered) for a few to heat it up, I think you'll see the best results. Try adding some avo and everything seasoning to this one. One of my favorite ways to spice it up at home.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that eating a few small servings throughout the day of fermented foods is actually the most effective way of consuming your probiotics?

  • I keep a wide variety of fermented foods in the house and try adding them to all sorts of meals.

  • Favorites: kombucha, kraut (different types of veggies can be made into kraut), fermented onions, kefir, Cocojune yogurt, kimchi, sourdough!, tempeh.

  • Fermented foods are important because they contain probiotics which are the "good germs" that are beneficial not only for good digestion, but have major effects on everything from your mood (And mental illness!), how you sleep, ability to fight colds, to preventing cancer!

  • When we refer to your gut, you might often hear the term "microbiome" which is basically this beautiful lush rainforest we create by eating all the different plants!

  • Did you know that cancerous tumors have their own microbiome and the greater the diversity in that tumor the more responsive that tumor is to treatment?

Try this:

  • Some ways to add fermented foods to your diet: kombucha or yogurt (I use plain, unsweetened, coconut milk yogurt with live cultures) to your smoothie, but kefir is another great option. Add kraut to your soup or your burger. Kimchi in your eggs (in this week's frittata!). Crackers and kraut as a dip. Honestly, I could go on for days but you've got better things to do like go eat some fermented foods.

  • Don't like it? Keep trying it in different ways!

Happy Thanksgiving!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday! I had a blast in the kitchen yesterday cookin' up a storm for all of you and another full day of gratitude for you all providing me with the honor of cooking each week.

This week's "food for thought":

  • It's been cloudy and rainy for a few days on and off and if you're feeling like you want to see that rainbow, maybe eat the rainbow instead! Kick off your week this week with your Give It To Me Raw-men salad - all the colors, all the nutrients and a nice plant-based meal to start you off.

  • The noods might be my favorite dish this week! Cashew ricotta has become one of my favorite ingredients to include in a dish that needs a little cream, but without the dairy. I suggest heating this up in a closed container in the oven or stovetop. You can add a little water to the bottom of the pan to keep some moisture in and don't forget to stir it a couple of times!

  • Feeling sinusy? This week's soup will be perfect for clearing you right up. I have heard about a lot of respiratory illnesses popping up, and this recipe is super immune supportive and the perfect way to soothe yourself to health.

  • Make Me Screamy bowl can be eaten cold or hot and honestly you may not even need the tahini dressing - save that for something else if you wish. You've got legumes and grains, making for a complete protein, plus yummy healthy fats and the right fats to keep you full for hours. Want to share this meal? Add a lean protein and some more greens and you can surely share with a friend.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that a clove of raw garlic can knock a cold out in minutes? Garlic is a very powerful antiviral and antibacterial food and can be used medicinally to achieve crazy results!

  • Garlic lemonade - steep 1-2 minced garlic cloves in hot water in a 32 oz mason jar (covered) for about 20 minutes. Strain and add lemon and raw honey to taste. This amazing elixir is great when you feel something coming on or if you have any lingering symptoms of a cold or cough.

  • In a rush? Mince a clove of garlic in a spoonful of honey and toss it back with a few oz of lemon water for a faster, but just as powerful medicine.

  • Have an infant or a vampire child who can't get behind that garlic lemonade? Mince up garlic and let it soak in a few tablespoons of EVOO for a few hours. then rub the oil into the arches of your babe's feet a few times per day. I did this once to my son when he was six months old and he was burping garlic after (and his cough went away!).

  • Ginger root is another must have in the kitchen this time of year. Not a fan of garlic? Make a ginger tea just like the garlic lemonade but with ginger instead! Ginger is also amazing for belly troubles so if you're down and out and your belly and head not feelin' so great, go for some fresh ginger root!

  • Adding lemon to your water is a great dose of vitamin C and an expectorant!!

  • Raw honey can soothe a sore throat.

  • There you go: 4 foods to keep in your medicine cabinet!

Try this:

  • Try incorporating more garlic and ginger in your cooking for ongoing immune support and delicious flavor!

  • Things to add ginger to: soups, teas, salad dressings, smoothies, stir fries - just to name a few.

  • Pesto is one of my favorite ways to use up excess greens in the fridge before they spoil (and you can easily freeze it after). Such an easy recipe (I actually don't even use a recipe!). Throw the greens in the blender with a little olive oil, lemon juice, and a GARLIC clove. Once blended (and much smaller!) add nuts of your choice (walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, cashews, brazil nuts - you don't even have to soak them!) and some salt and pepper (and nutritional yeast for that cheese flavor we all love so much.). You get so much bang for your buck eating all those leafy greens in a small amount. Go ahead and freeze any remaining pesto in ice cube trays to later throw into a recipe. You can use pesto for dips, pasta sauce, spreads, potato sauce, salad dressing - whatever you want.

Thank you again!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Another Monday has come and gone, and another wonderful day in the kitchen cooking for all of you amazing humans! Thank you as always for another opportunity to cook thanks to your orders and your commitment to your health.

Yesterday while cooking, I listened to a new book "This Is Your Brain On Food", by Dr. Uma Naidoo. I felt (And still today too) super inspired and really spent a lot of time thinking about how crazy important it is to eat well. But I know all of the information can be super overwhelming to some of you, so guess what? You can just sit back and eat, knowing that you are eating good, clean, whole, and nourishing foods! No secret ingredients, not cutting corners, this is not a diet, this is you choosing to live your best life as your best self!

This week's "food for thought":

  • If you're wondering what to eat first I'd say start with the campfire cookies!! If you have managed to drive home without diving into that box first, I highly suggest baking them for a couple of minutes so they get a little melty. OMG - so. effing. good.

  • Once you've checked that box, I would say go ahead and make "that chicks a big dill" salad the first meal you eat. While myself and many clients have eaten man of my meals a week later, chopped lettuce doesn't fair as well as some of the other meals, so go ahead and make that your lunch on this beautiful sunny day! I was feeling a little creative and decided to make the olives into a dip/dressing instead of chopped. You could just use that and some olive oil, and lemon juice for dressing and save that delicious dill tahini for a veggie dip with carrot sticks later this afternoon for a snack or use it as the condiment for the delicious sweet potato burgers you are gonna make this week (recipe in Thursday's email!)

  • If you can avoid the microwave, I would throw both the sausage and lentil pot pie right in the oven, toaster oven, or stovetop to re-heat.

  • The serving size of the pot pie may not look big but let me tell you, that pie is FILLING! Usually a meat lover? Curious what your experience is with this recipe as I feel it holds a very meaty flavor and fill, but the recipe is entirely vegan!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Where do I even start? I have learned so much from this book! Let's start with cinnamon. I love cinnamon, and use it very often in almost all of my recipes!

  • Did you know Cinnamon is high in polyphenols which support healthy brain tissue for improved cognition? This spice is high in manganese and can reduce inflammation and stabilize blood sugar which decreases likelihood of energy crashes.

  • How about apples? You've heard of the saying "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." - well, apples have high levels of quercetin which is both anti-inflammatory and antioxidant and has so much healthy, nutritious, good gut promoting fiber!

Try this:

  • The word "healthy" is so overused and confusing that we don't even know what it means anymore! The actual definition is "not diseased". When you break down "disease" we get dis-ease. So instead of asking "is this healthy?", ask yourself "does this provide ease?" If you walk away from a meal and feel a lack of ease, well then in my book it probably wasn't healthy.

  • Craving apple cinnamon pie now? Make an healthy, easy dessert! Chop up an apple and toss with a little lemon juice, a few drips of maple syrup & vanilla, and cinnamon. Place in an oven proof dish and sprinkle some crunched up nuts, almond flour, coconut, hemp seeds (honestly whatever you want!), cover and toss in the oven until apples are fork-able.

  • If you were smart enough to order the Sweet potato side this week, then I think you will be pleasantly surprised as this was my favorite dish for the week! Why don't you try throwing a little pork, chopped apples, and onions, in the crock pot with a bit of seasoning or bbq sauce then toss that on top of this tate to make a meal for two! And guess what? Apples and cinnamon, baby!

  • Don't want that meat in your mouth? Do it with lentils! Same recipe, just no meat!

Thank you again!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning! Another Monday has come and gone, and I wouldn't have had much reason to be cookin' up that deliciousness if it wasn't for all of you so THANK YOU for ordering!


Things to remember:

  • I love you!

  • If you want to share the love, refer your friends to me! Shoot me an email at with any friends (and their email). When they order I will slide into your box with a $10 off code! No limits!

  • Share pictures and feedback! Not just for instagram (although I love to share on there if you're cool with it, but also because your feedback guides how I cook!)

This week's "food for thought":

  • Take a moment this week and notice how you feel during and after each meal. Take your time, mindfully eat, and notice. Just a little something I am always trying to work on! It's not always what we eat, but how we eat can also determine how we feel after. Some experts say to chew your food to liquid! Remember, our teeth are there as the first step in digestion so let them do what they are meant to!

  • Trick or treat! - I know some people who have said they don't like beans. This week's soup has pureed beans. Just might be a good way to "trick" someone into eating something and beans are quite the "treat"! Packed with fiber, protein, and tons of vitamins and minerals, legumes should always be included as part of our diets, and there are just about a million ways to eat them!

  • You Bake Me Feel All Hot is this week's comfort food, for sure. The menu called for a bed of spinach underneath, but to my dismay when I opened my spinach it was pretty nasty, not in the good way. So feel free to throw this meal over some greens for an added bang.

  • You can definitely use your soup in other ways this week too. Grab a loaf of sourdough and use it as a yummy dip (another way to get the little's on board) or pour it over pasta and make a meal for the whole fam!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Speaking of legumes - chickpeas or garbanzo beans are another amazing plant that is nutrient-dense and protein-packed!

  • Chickpeas are loaded with Choline which is converted into a neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) that is imperative for cognitive functioning!

  • Other Choline-rich sources: Eggs, Liver, Fish, Caviar, Shitakes, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Brussels and Almonds!

  • Chickpeas are also loaded with Folate. Taking a multi-vitamin? You may have noticed Folic Acid listed in the ingredients. Folic Acid is the synthetic version of Folate and as far as I am concerned Synthetic just means fake. When choosing a vitamin you want to look for whole food vitamin and mineral sources.

  • Did you know that there was a law passed in 1998 that required all processed grain products to be fortified with synthetic folic acid? We want our vitamins to come from food, not be packed into it synthetically. Just another reason to read your ingredients lists.

Try this:

  • heat a little grass-fed ghee or butter, or coconut oil up in a cast iron pan and fry that cornbread up to perfection.

  • Make a little more rice and add some chicken to spread your teriyaki bowl across a few more people.

  • Try adding one more legume to a meal this week. Maybe replace a meat meal with lentils!

Thank you again!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday! Hope your week has started off well and you are energized and feelin' ready to conquer whatever comes your way! You've already checked a bunch off your to-do list just by ordering - less cooking, shopping, menu planning, cleaning, more self care, more energy to do what you want because you are fueling yourself properly! I love that I have the opportunity and honor to be a part of your week in this way!

This week's "food for thought":

  • Maybe try and eat your salad first each week. Just a suggestion from some of the feedback I have received about which meals are best eaten in what order. After that I honestly don't think you can go wrong, unless you forget to eat the dessert this week. Eat that first, actually ;-)

  • Both the burrito bowl and the spaghetti can be eaten cold or hot, but I would suggest re-heating if possible. Spaghetti is my favorite when I reheat it stovetop with a couple drops of water or oil in the pan on a low eat, stirring frequently. Add a little more sauce and maybe some chopped up veg and I think this one could be a meal for two even without more pasta!

  • For you meat lovers out there, curious how you feel after eating a meatless meatball? Did you enjoy? Feel full after? I've noticed we have these "concepts" of certain meals and how they should be and when we change it up, our taste buds have to catch up with your mindset sometimes! Funny how so much of our food experience is just perception!

  • I'm thinking you could throw the side of veggies over some rice and add a protein (fish? chicken? steak?) over some quinoa or farro (if not GF) and this could be a great meal for 2-4 family members!!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Local is best! There are countless reasons local foods are better and I have been trying to incorporate more local veg in the menu as much as possible. This week your cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, and jalapeno were all local!

  • Did you know that in 1900 40% of Americans still lived on farms. Compared to 1% a century later in 2000. Good news is the "Farmer's Market" craze has really been peaking and it seems eating local is making a comeback.

  • Farmers receive less than 10 cents of every retail food dollar - selling directly to the consumer helps keep our famers in business and our healthiest produce more affordable!

Try this:

  • Try your lentil meatballs as a sandwich instead with some sauce and greens!

  • Use your chili as nachos for the whole fam.

  • Don't want to order next week? Use my menu as inspiration! Create a meal on your own and share it with me!

Thank you again!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Morning and happy Tuesday! I don't know about you, but this week seems to be off to a fabulous start in my neck of the woods (well, aside from this nasty weather of course). I had a wonderful, productive day in the kitchen and cooked so many delicious foods for all of you. I hope you enjoy eating as much as I did cooking!

I really poured love into it! Can you taste it?

I LOVE to see how you are enjoying my food, and guess what? So does everyone else! Don't forget to send me pics or tag me on Instagram!!

**!! EAT ME FIRST !!**:

  • "Pecan Do It Together" Salad - you guys are the best and your feedback was so helpful. Remember to eat your salads first as they don't hold as well a few days into the week! You can always throw a small piece of paper towel or napkin in there to absorb any moisture and keep it crispy!

  • "You are the Hummus to my Falafel" - I think this one should hold up okay, but I would dig in sooner rather than later!

  • "Pumpkin to Talk About" - the great thing about all of my baked goods is that they are low in sugar and ingredients. The bad (but also great!) thing is that there are no preservatives. So eat this one first OR keep it in the fridge until you do.

This week's "food for thought":

  • I love making soups and I love making soups that can double as another meal!! Try using your butternut soup as a pasta sauce this week! Meal for the whole fam!! Also, this is a great soup to start your day with.

  • If you ordered this week's soup special, "Bean Stewing Me Just Right". This is another one you can get creative with. Add some chicken to it to bulk it up and put it over rice to share with the fam. Or once again, make it into a nacho dish!!! You could even make a taco pasta dish with it! Have another idea? Don't forget to share it with me!

  • I would throw those adorable baby falafels right into a cast iron pan with a little olive oil (or my favorite untoasted organic sesame oil!) and crisp them up a bit, or into the toaster oven. I really think the microwave might ruin these guys, so avoid that if you can. But honestly, tossing it all together and eating it cold would still be delish!

  • Save your cauliflower hummus and use it as a veggie dip for an afternoon snack.

  • Save your tzatziki and use it as a salad dressing or veggie dip later in the week

  • The "Casserole-s Right off your Tongue" might be the most indulgent (but still so healthy!) meal this week. I ate it last night and it really gave you that yummy Chicken Bacon Ranch flave! The spinach I bought was not-so-great so I didn't include it, but feel free to serve this over a bed of spinach or kale (or heat it up and toss in the greens too!) or put over quinoa. This is super filling and could definitely be shared with a friend if you add anything to it for a base. Also, add avo...YUM!

  • I would take this week's Muhadara and add some other veggies to it for a meal to share with a friend. Heat it up in a cast iron to crisp up the rice a bit and throw in some greens and other veggies.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know you can make a hummus out of almost anything? Actually it's a great way to get picky eaters to enjoy vegetables they don't usually tolerate!

  • Hummus contains tahini. Tahini is just sesame seeds, toasted and all ground up into a delicious buttery spread.

  • Tahini contains plant-based protein, good fats, and tons of other nutritious benefits including Manganese and Phosphorus which is vital for healthy bones! From improving liver and kidney function to fighting off Cancer, sesame seeds are a bonus to your diet no matter how you spread it!

  • Muhadara (this week's savory side) was perfect for this weather. Full of delicious Middle Eastern spices and lots of garlic and onions, this simple meal is packed with complete protein (rice + beans), super beneficial for your gut, and extremely immune-boosting! Who knew rice and beans could be so good for you?

Try this:

  • Buy some organic Tahini at the grocery store this week and start using it in your diet a bit. Maybe make a Tahini and jelly sandwich or spread it on a banana. Toss it in your smoothie for a nice dose of fat and protein! Add it to a salad .dressing. The possibilities are endless.

  • This is a great alternative for those allergic to peanuts too as it provides a very rich, nutty flavor without being a nut!

You guys are the BEST! If you haven't filled out the survey yet, there is still time to help me out with your thoughts and get $5 off your next order!

Also, I love to return the favor. Share your love of my food with a friend and tell that friend to let me know who refereed them when they order. I will always try and throw a little something extra delish in your bag as a thank you!



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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning! I hope your week is off to a fabulous start and you are feeling energized, nourished, and ready to take on whatever this week has in store for you! You've got this! Just think - best part is, you don't have to think about food!

This week's "food for thought":

  • I don't use a ton of red meat in my meals, generally because most of my client's are mostly plant eaters, but when I do I make sure to use local, high-quality sources! My favorite local source is NoFo Grass Fed, located right on Alvah's Lane in Cutchogue. Their meat is grass-fed and grass-finished, very reasonably priced and it is delicious!! I have tried many other local sources and their meat is by far my favorite.

  • I added some butternut to the "Leek My Tate" soup this week for some added color and flavor. I don't know about you but I think it really made it pop!

  • I had advertised Dinosaur Kale for this week's salad but my dealer, I mean supplier, said the quality wasn't great so instead I went with a local curly Kale and spinach blend. You can eat this one cold as a grab-n-go lunch or maybe heat it all up for a sauteed hot salad.

  • I know most of us are creatures of habit, but I like to try to throw in some new plants and flavors every now and again. Mung beans are a favorite of mine. Try pan frying or baking this burger and I recommend eating it with ALL the fixings - use the beet mayo and pickled onions, but why stop there? Maybe some bread and butter pickles (my favorite brand is Bubbies) and avo too? If you picked up some of The Ferm's Kimchi or kraut I would add that too. It has become one of my favorite burger toppings.

  • Try pan frying the fried rice for best results. Use sesame oil for even better results and really get that pan hot so you can make it real rice and hard (and crispy).

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that mung beans are a legume and packed with plenty of amino acids that our bodies are unable to produce on our own? I think of them like lentils, my favorite nutritional powerhouse!

  • From an Ayurvedic perspective, Mung Beans are cooling, sweet, and dry making them very balancing for the mind, body and soul.

  • Did you know that the majority of research giving red meat a bad name does not take into account using well-sourced meats? Everything in balance, right? We know that plants are where it's at for our health, but adding small amounts of well-sourced animal proteins can also be very beneficial. Think of your meat consumption like a condi-meat. Mostly plants and a little bit of meat on the side!

Try this:

  • Heat up the chili and eat it on this cool, cloudy day or perhaps make it into a nacho meal for the whole fam! Add whatever toppings you want - maybe some goat's cheddar (Fit Foods has it!), jalapenos, local tomatoes, corn, and avo). Enough to feed a fam of four at least! Or use it as a taco filling!

  • Take a meat-ful meal and make it more plant-i-ful. For example, in the mood for a burger? Try a burger salad! Want chicken? Make a chicken salad packed with nuts, seeds, and veg (or try one of mine!) and top a bowl full of greens with it. This is a great way to start increasing plants in your diet while still getting that meat-fix you might crave!

Thank you again for being such amazing customers and friends. I so appreciate your business, but more importantly I admire your commitment to a healthier lifestyle.

Remember, this was the last week for monthly subscriptions. Menu goes out today for October!! Get it while it's hot!


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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Good morning! I hope you're off to a great start this week. Actually, I know you are! You've ordered good, clean, healthy meals to keep you fueled up and ready for whatever comes your way. Now let's kick this week's butt together, shall we?

In case you're interested, here's what I've got on my mind after gettin' after it yesterday...This week's "food for thought":

  • Legumes have gotten a bad name (what food hasn't these days?!), but they are such an incredible part of our diets and if you can tolerate them, eat lots of them!! They are jam-packed with fiber making them superb for gut health and pair them with whole grains? You've got the two bestest of friends! 

  • This makes "You're gonna wanna lick this bowl clean?" an ideal meal to keep you full and fueled all day! While you can eat this any time of day, why not try eating it as one of your first meals?! 

  • I challenge you to try non-traditional breakfast meals this week! A.k.a., soup for breakfast or this power bowl!!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that the average American eats 6.3 lbs of beans per year? To get a little perspective - the average American also eats approximately 222 lbs of red meat per year!! No wonder, we've got gut issues! Bring on that fiber!!

  • Why do I go on and on about dietary fiber? Not just because it makes you poop, although that's a damn good reason! No, fiber contains PREbiotics which is the food that feeds our healthy gut bacteria (when we take PRObiotics we are adding healthy gut bacteria) and helps to improve our health from preventing Depression to fighting Cancer!

  • Did you also know that in most cases when someone believes legumes to be the cause of their digestive upset, in fact this is usually not the case. Usually, there is some underlying condition (let's say constipation) that is causing a "fire" in our gut. Adding fiber is just adding fuel to the fire. The good news is that this means foods that you thought you could never eat, you may be able to eat again after treating the underlying condition!

Try this:

  • Yum, this week's salad is so delicious! Trying to keep those summer feels as long as I can. You know what's cool about this one? If you're feeling that chill, you could heat this salad up for a little switch-a-roo on things!!

  • Use this week's soup as a pasta sauce. Add some fresh local tomatoes and heat up over some of your favorite noods!

  • Take your Hawwaiian chicken meal and stretch it out. Add some more rice, and whatever random fridge trash veggies you've got. Sautee the trash veg on high heat in a pan with some sesame oil, then toss in this meal...add some soy sauce and ginger and you've got fried rice for more than one! Save the crack ranch for something more creative...

Thanks again for ordering this week! Look out for the menu later today, and don't forget to share with your friends!


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Julianne Wenczel Julianne Wenczel


Good morning! I am sad to say that we have officially said goodbye to summer, but on the flip side I love this time of year. For me personally, this is my time to reevaluate my habits and really dive into a state of organization, both emotionally and physically. And food is often a great place to start. So good for you for starting off with the best way to fuel and energize - through healthy, whole foods!

This week's "food for thought":

  • This week's soup turned out to be a favorite of mine. I took my favorite beef stew recipe and just replaced the meat with lentils and woah!! It is delicious and really gives you that full, meaty feel you are craving.

  • Try this week's balls on a pita with some hummus, romaine, and one of those delicious, juicy, local tomatoes you snagged on your way home from work.

  • Save the chickpea salad for another meal. Throw it over a big bowl of greens (crunchy romaine is my current craving), toss it in some hummus (yes! use hummus as a salad dressing!) or with a little of that tzatziki I made, and now you have a filling salad for yourself!

  • Always wanting to get the best bang for your buck? This pesto pasta is where it's at. Over ten plant varieties, plus all the protein, fat, and carbs you need to keep you powered up all day. And I didn't even get to mention the loads of gut-fueling fiber and omg, the vitamins and minerals? I could just keep going, and going and going...

  • You can eat this pasta cold or hot, but sometimes with lentil pasta it can get kinda hard if you don't reheat and while I usually like my noodles hard, there's a time and a place.

  • Try. heating your balls in a covered container in the oven. You could add a drop of water or oil into the dish to keep/add some moisture as you re-heat. Don't have as much time. Cut those balls in half and fry right on the stovetop in a pan.

  • Same for the roasted root veggies - reheat these covered with a drop of water or in a pan with a little oil or water. Keep it moist and all lubed up for best flavor!

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • Did you know that leeks are great for healing your gut? Sure, just like all the other amazing plants out there, they fight cancer, support a healthy heart and provide high levels of vitamins like K, C, A, and D, but leeks are an incredible source of PREbiotics. Prebiotics are the food that our good gut bacteria (probiotics) feed on.

  • Leeks are members of the allium family making them close siblings to scallions, onions, garlic, chives, and shallots. All are powerful and potent medicinal foods. Keep packing these babies into your diet!

  • Did you know that allium cepa, or onions, in their homeopathic form are an amazing and incredible allergy medicine?? Crazy to think that if you have gross exposure to an onion it creates symptoms like burning, red, teary eyes and a runny nose, but if you dilute it down into a homeopathic remedy it cures the very same symptoms it causes! What?!!

Try this:

  • Want to try and swap out some meaty meals for veg? Try using more legumes, specifically lentils. The recipe possibilities are endless and I promise you won't be disappointed!

  • Try this recipe out: and remember you can totally experiment and make it fun! Omit the sugar if you aren't doing that sugar thang right now. Don't love to put nuts in your mouth? Omit the nuts! This is your canvas to paint! Have fun with it.

  • Try using leeks instead of onions next time you grab some veg at the grocery store. Remember plant variety is where it's at!

Thank you so much for ordering this week. Store is open for next week at noon today. If you signed up for the month, unless you want something specific changed or added you don't need to remember anything except to pick up you food next Monday (unless you paid for delivery.). Have a great week and I hope you feel loved, nourished, and full in the best and every way!

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Mitchell Lippitt Mitchell Lippitt


Happy Tuesday, my loves! Thank you so much for ordering this week. I spent my day in the kitchen yesterday all alone, but it was so meditative. I really enjoy what I do and am so grateful to each of you for giving me a reason to do it. I hope you can taste the love this week!

This week's "food for thought":

  • My favorite meal this week is probably the soup. I let it simmer for a looong time and used tomatoes from a variety of local vendors including Sang Lee and the Lil' Farm Stand. The difference in local, seasonally-fresh veggies is wildly different. I encourage you to do a little comparison.

  • Eat a rainbow and make it crunchy. You eat with your eyes first and this week's salad had you literally tasting the rainbow before you can even sink your teeth into it. I hope you enjoy the experience! Plus that carrot ginger dressing was sooooo delish!

  • As I try to eat more plants and less meat, legumes are my go-to source of protein plus they are PACKED with nutrients. Little powerhouses of health, if I may. The chili over the sweet potato is not only delicious, but super filling! All the boxes will be checked with this weal.

Weekly Fun Food Fact

  • MILF - Man, I really love Fennel! I have been digging into a lot of fennel recipes this summer and I encourage you to try it out too! It's great in a variety of recipes from chopping it raw and tossing it on a salad to roasting it to throwing it in a soup or even a salad dressing!

  • Fennel is a vegetable and an herb with foliage (that I threw into the mix this week!) resembling Dill, but with a mild licorice-like flavor.

  • Fennel is highly nutritious and is packed with fiber, Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, and Potassium - just to name a few!

  • The essential oils from Fennel are highly medicinal!

  • Fennel is beneficial for women who are breastfeeding! Not only is it supportive for a healthy, thriving mama but it helps to increase milk supply!

Try this:

  • Throw your "Quinoa Get a what-what" over some spinach or kale to up your leafy greens intake for this meal. Also that's another way to stretch it out and share with a friend!

  • Pick up some fennel this week and try making a carrot, fennel, apple slaw! So delicious and so easy!

Thanks again for ordering! See you next week!


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